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Modern Torture
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... of these people are found among the 600,000 refugees who have reached California. Disabled by the aftermath of their experience, they struggle to integrate into American society. Without assistance, many torture survivors may be unable to adapt and fully function as contributing members of the community. Torture is a slow process that is designed to render its victim helpless, dependent and devoid of all human qualities. Torture destroys the sense of self; it confuses right and wrong; any belief in the stability of the world is taken away; "truth" becomes a word without meaning. Methods of torture are limited only by the fiendish fantasies of those whose busine ...

Comparison Between Greek And Islamic Mythology
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... even includes killing their own preacias love. The Islamic mythology covers totally different myth, then Greek mythology. In Islamic mythology there is only one god and one god only. The one and only god is “Allah”. Muslims only pray to Allah, they only worship Allah and no one else. When there is a bad timing or when peoples are in trouble they pray to Allah to make everything better for them. Islamic mythology doesn't include how Allah came about. It says that Allah is the only creator of all planets, which include earth. So eventually there is no other god besides Allah. In which the prophet Mohammed is the only hero in Islamic mythology because he was the one w ...

Otto Van Bismarck And State So
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... was able to put off his masterful plans in the government, without being caught. He was walking a very thin line, and it is this trait that led him to his downfall. Many times, Bismarck used foreign policy to insure German security. It is especially clear, when we read that history on the three emperors and the dual alliance. Because Germany was in the center of Europe, it had powerful neighbors along its borders. Germany did not want to fight against Russia and France at the same time, and fights two battlefronts could lead to the destruction of Germany. France alone had no immediate threat, but if, by chance, it formed an alliance, Germany would be in grave d ...

Put Me In, Coach...!
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... game. Planning the line-up takes a lot of thought and careful consideration. Every player on the roster must play at least one inning of the game, or loss by forfeiture will result. As in both sports, the umpire's judgements are official. Parents think they have the last say with coaches. Wrong! A coach cannot please everyone. Few of the parents will complain of their child having certain disadvantages. Among all types of criticism a coach faces, the one heard the most is that their child has not been getting enough playing time. In baseball, there are nine positions on the playing field. Softball has an additional player, the rover. The parents seldom ...

Women, Men And Competition
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... because wanting creates competition. You want to live, so you offer goods or services to others in exchange for the goods and services you need to survive. The better the goods and services you offer, the more you can get in exchange, and the better you will be able to live. To live well, you make your "stuff" as good as possible relative to what your "competition" offers. That is the essence of competition in a free market. It respects the rights of others, and everybody wins because it works through validation rather than domination. Competition as validation is the process by which the efficacy of ideas, knowledge, and products is validated by consumers. T ...

Female Genital Mutilation
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... be sexually active before marriage or engage in extra-marital affairs. Although this procedure can be seen as a means to control a woman’s sexuality, the act of female circumcision determines the gender identity of women. A circumcised woman is a virgin, ready for marriage and to bear children for her husband, “Girls who are infibulated will probably not find husbands. In most cases they will become outcasts.” is not a new practice. In fact circumcised females have been discovered among the mummies of ancient Egyptians. A Greek papyrus dated 163 BC refers to operations performed on girls at the age they received their dowries. A Greek geographer reported t ...

Two Philosophies And Their Bel
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... Descartes’ Meditations, the author’s main goal is to make the reader look at the world through analytical eyes. Descartes goes as far as refuting his trust of the senses, the body, and the sciences that have been proven to be reliable time and time again. Through these examples, the reader gains a sense that Descartes isn’t afraid to question even the simplest, most proven foundations of society. He says, "It is a mark of prudence never to place our complete trust in those who have deceived us even once." Descartes makes sure in his Meditations that he leaves no stones unturned. He believes this adds completeness to his studies, which is ...

Art Censorship
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... be left? As well as a place of learning an educational institution's purpose is to generate and promote discussion. When the New Age racist, David Icke, wanted to speak at the University of Toronto the Canadian Jewish Congress was upset that an anti-Semite would be permitted to address the student population. However, the University's president, Dr. Prichard, argued that the University was a place that all learning avenues should be ex-plored. Within the framework of the University students would learn to discern right from wrong under the guidance of the University faculty. I agree with President Prichard be-cause freedom of speech is one of our basic rights in ...

The Fbi
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... that does is to check and control other police agencies if they fail to function as they supposed to be functioned. makes it almost impossible for some police members to be corrupted. An example of that, March 12, 1999, where caught some border patrol points corrupted. The corruption among US forces along the Southwest border as a serious and growing problem, according to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. The number of such cases investigated by went from 79 in 1997 to 157 in 1998; therefore, is trying to stop every corruption possible in other police agencies.ƒxƒx In the other hand, as a strong agency makes it dangerous to the society. Some times, we s ...

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... of access. To place this ad on the Internet is a relatively expensive method compares to advertising this in the newspaper or even on the radio. However, web advertisement's advantages include a wider customer base, more extensive information can be placed, more detailed graphic, not to mention the display of the product can be more interactive with the potential customer. For instance, ˇ§Frame Itˇ¨ has the capability to be able to show these ceramic plates or mugs they sell in a three dimensional presentation of the product. These mugs or plates when advertised on the web could be rotated as if one is looking at it in the store. This allows the customer to g ...

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