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Aristotles The Poetics
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... child that did nothing to deserve death. Aeschylus makes the audience feel pity for Agamemnon who lost his daughter (although he was the person that made the choice to sacrifice her) by making it know that he was thinking of his people's welfare. By making that choice, Agamemnon becomes a tragic hero. Aeschylus makes the audience feel for the tragic hero because Agamemnon had to endure the pain and suffering of sacrificing his daughter and then watch, his people die at a war fought over a woman. The tragedy of the war is briefly described in the beginning of the play. The audience feels a great deal of pity for the young men that died and the families that ...

Drug Dogs
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... because of the damage to the area. Aggressive are not all the same. Their personalities come into play as well. I’ve been around these types of dogs when they have ripped a kitchen cabinet apart to get the drug they are looking for. A good example of an aggressive dog would be one that runs to fetch a thrown ball, and after retrieving the ball, begins to tear it to pieces. These types of dogs are known for performing their job the best. The second type of drug dog would be the compulsive dog. This dog compares closely to the aggressive dog. The compulsive dog will tend to be a dog that is ready to go at all times. This dog will have to be held back even w ...

The Significance Of The Plot O
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... on his way back to his island Ithaca contains numerous details about hospitality and what it is to be a good or a bad host. His voyage is based on the kindness and the warmth of the people. There are gods and humans, and giants that do not appreciate the hero but he deals with them and we meet with the actual plot of the story, his homecoming. Warmth and kindness are presented within every visit described in the book. Homer draws a very good picture of how guests are welcomed, what entertainment they are given and the way they are send on their way. The picture is filled with kindness and warmth. We could say that the kind of hospitality presented in the book i ...

Satire Essay Mayor Rudolph Giu
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... to house any future criminals. Second, Giuliani has smartly segregated and arrested all homeless people in New York. Due to one disgustingly crude homeless person threw a brick at a random civilian. Third and last, Giuliani has (and may I say with due cause and legitimate reason) restricted a new and provocative art exhibit from coming to certain museums. The exhibit is lewd and way too risqué. Now in order too fully apprecitate Giuliani's Nazi like tactics in running New York City like a police state, one must look in more detail at the three examples described above. In the first example - Giuliani's decides to put paramilitary SWAT cars, and criminal housing ...

Speech The Effects Of Smokeles
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... is smokeless tobacco? A. Chewing tobacco is made from twisted or shredded leaves of the tobacco plant. 1. Chewing tobacco is usually treated with molasses and other flavors or additives. 2. Users place a wad of tobacco in the mouth and chew or suck the chemicals (nicotine) out. B. Snuff or Dip is finally grounded tobacco into a coarse, moist mixture. 1. Snuff is used in little pinches 2. Snuff is placed between the cheek and gum. C. Both chewing tobacco and dip contain nicotine and other carcinogenic chemicals. II. What does smokeless tobacco do? A. First of all, it increases saliva production (bad incidence story). B. The nicotine causes the user to becom ...

When Filing For Bankruptcy In
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... A receivership is not the same as a bankruptcy. By the same token, a receiver is not the same as a trustee in a bankruptcy. However, the two systems have a lot in common and a receivership of an individual or a corporation usually occurs at the same time as a bankruptcy. Corporations that have become insolvent can try to avoid bankruptcy and receivership by reorganizing their finances. The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act deals with reorganizations and another federal statute, the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, may offer relief to some corporations. Some of Canada’s biggest news stories of the past few years have concerned the attempt ...

The Cookie Conspiracy
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... you will know that many bad things have been happening recently in Cookieland. Keebler Elves have been on strike, Oreo's aren't just fun to twist, and Little Debbie has been on the rise and is taking away a majority of business from these wonderful people. So, like immigrants back in the 1800's, the cookies want to get out of their homeland and onto a better place. So, this is where the Cookieland Government comes into play. They have proposed a "plan" which reads as follows... "All cookies wanting to move away from Cookieland at this time of hardship are to apply at the Central Government agencies. Upon approval, your cookie family (3 generation ...

Ontological And Cosmological A
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... who hears this statement describing God understands what is meant. His argument is that if God did not exist, then a being greater than God would be possible. This being then would be greater than the greatest possible being, which is impossible. Therefore he proves that there is no being greater than God and hence God exists. His argument is also based on the premise that "the idea of an eternal being who either does not yet exist or no longer exists is self-contradictory, so that the very idea we have of such a being requires existence." (Pg. 307). In his Meditations, Decartes offers the following version of the ontological argument. He considers the idea ...

African American Bell Curve
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... to ferry slaves to their freedom. However, “Included in the compromise were funds budgeted specifically for catching fugitive slaves and prosecuting anyone lending assistance in the effort” (Kevin Holloway, The Fugitive Slave Act and the Compromise of 1850). With specific funds that were directed in catching fugitive slaves, white bounty hunters could freely raid the North and search for fugitive slaves. These brutal hunters could now abduct any Black person left alone. Many Blacks that were never in bondage were kidnapped and taken to the South to be slaves. This legislation limited the rights of African Americans and enabled the white populous t ...

The Simpsons 2
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... Marge (age 34), who is a loving wife and mother holds the Simpson family together. Bart (age 10) is a clever, school-hating boy who can instantly change from good to evil. Lisa (age 8) is an extremely intelligent girl who is the moral voice of the family. The final family member, Maggie (age 1) conveys a wide range of emotions through the simple, but effective method of sucking on a pacifier. The episode that I am reviewing is called "Homer Goes To College". The sequence begins at the Springfield nuclear power plant where the Nuclear Regulatory Commission makes a surprise inspection of the plant. When Homer accidentally causes a real meltdown during a mere test in ...

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