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Privacy Essay
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... were repeat criminals because in our constition even recisidivists have a right to privacy. Those days are over now that New Jersey passed Megan's law and many other states passed similar laws. Since Megan's law was put into effect child molestation in New Jersey has declined over forty percent ("Megan's" 46). Laws similar to Megan's Law that apply to murders and drug dealers need to be passed. Drug use unlike child molestation is going rapidly up. People are starting to take their drug addiction to dangerous such as their jobs. With some jobs such as a train engineer, auto mechanic, airplane pilot, bus driver and military personnel drug use on the job ...

Model Train Building And Compu
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... programs allow the person to move loads between depots and keep track of your revenues. They allow simulations of operational switches between tracks, multiple train operation, coupling/uncoupling of railcars. But the greatest benefit that they bring is allowing the person to design a layout using an electronic template and ensuring that all measurements in the layout will work before a single piece of track is laid. Many of these software programs even play off on the hype of using a computer for design in their name, with names of CyberTrack, The Right Track Software, and Design Your Own Railroad, who could not want to become involved in there use. This softwar ...

Has The De Beer Diamond Lost I
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... losing the monopoly it has had on the diamond industry for almost seventy years. A monopoly is an industry in which there is only one organisation that supplies a particular good, service or resource which has no other similar alternatives. Monopolies are created by barriers which restrict the entry of new organisations (McTaggart et al, 1999). In a perfect monopoly, the seller has total control over the quantity of goods or services available for sale and the price at which the items are sold (Butterworths Business .. Dictionary, 1997). De Beers Consolidated Mines Central Selling Organisation has had a monopoly on the selling of rough diamonds since the 1930’s. ...

Philosophy Statement
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... to think deeply about the latent philosophy that intrinsically determines design. No amount of technical or even aesthetic education can teach what is ennobling or sacrilegious, right or corrupt. A discussion of how deeper significances are a veiled governor of design, invites introspection on the ideology inherent in today's structures and places. Unique to our times are trends such as 'xeroxed' landscapes and chains where you can eat in an identical chair on opposites sides of the country. Uncommitted 'democratically functional' interior spaces seem to make the occupant feel not quite fully present yet not absent either. James Joyce's aesthetic crite ...

Social Stratification
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... bifurcation, relative age, and sex of linking relative. Generation refers to the kin terms that distinguish relatives according to the generation to which the relatives belong. Sex is used to differentiate kin such as in Spanish, primo refers to a male cousin and prima is a female cousin. Affinity is the distinction mad on the basis of connection through marriage. Collaterality is the distinction made between kin who are believed to be in a direct line and those who are ‘off to one side,’ linked to the Ego through a lineal relative (mother and aunt or father and uncle). Bifurcation is a distinction used to refer to the kin on the mother’s side an ...

Otto Van Bismarck And State So
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... his masterful plans in the government, without being caught. He was walking a very thin line, and it is this trait that led him to his downfall. Many times, Bismarck used foreign policy to insure German security. It is especially clear, when we read that history on the three emperors and the dual alliance. Because Germany was in the center of Europe, it had powerful neighbors along its borders. Germany did not want to fight against Russia and France at the same time, and fights two battlefronts could lead to the destruction of Germany. France alone had no immediate threat, but if, by chance, it formed an alliance, Germany would be in grave danger. To prevent ...

The Importance Of Literacy
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... Society has proven time and time again, it will reward those individuals who are competent and impede those who are not, whether expressed in terms of employment opportunities (job success) or just on a social level. One need look no further than their everyday activities in order to realize how important literary skills are. Without adequate literary skills one may not be able to identify on a label the correct amount of medicine to give a child, or read and interpret a sign giving instructions on what to do in case of a fire. These two examples bring perspective to literacy's importance. Nevertheless, recent surveys have indicated that, "4.5 million Cana ...

The Ontoligical Argument
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... are true, then the conclusion must be true. Thus, Anselm tends to base his argument on the definitions and the terms that he used. Anselm’s first form of the argument is that God is "that than which none greater can be conceived" (45) . Firstly, it must be emphasised that Anselm’s definition does not limit God to being the "greatest" but Anselem makes it known that nothing greater can be thought than God himself. Therefore, God should not in any way be linked to terms such as ‘omnipotent’ as terminology such as this limit him to what he really is. With this definition, Anselem tries to prove that not only does God exist in the mind but als ...

Organ Donation
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... the patient waiting for them. No cost will be charged for the removal of the organ, nor will any money be paid to the family of the organ donor. Any one, at any age, can become a donor. Tell your family that you wish to donate your organs if something tragic happens to you. Or, when you go into renew your driver's license they will ask you if you would like to be an organ donor. Say yes, and they will mark a small box on your license saying that you are an organ donor. Families of donors must give their permission before donation can happen. They can stop a donation no matter what you have said or signed. A new name is added to the National Dono ...

Business Planning
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... be based on the amount of knowledge and skill that they have in the field that they are considering. The better that they know the industry, the stronger there likelihood they will have a successful business, and the better base they will have for the rest of the decisions that will have to be made in the time to come. The next important decision in the process is the legal structure of the company. The three legal structures are Sole-proprietorship, Partnership and a Corporation. Each one of these legal structures has its advantages and disadvantages. The different aspects that each legal structure differs are: management control, capital, liability, in ...

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