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Essays on Miscellaneous

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... that has blossomed since the late 80s. The reason for this is because dirtbikes are a lot better than they used to be. Now a days dirtbikes look better and go faster. Dirtbiking is for everybody 4 years old and up. The divisions are in increasements in engine size (cc's, cubic centimeters).For example, if you are between the ages of 4 and 7 you would race the 50cc dirtbikes. If you are between the ages of 8 and 11 you have a choice of racing a 65cc or an 80cc dirtbike. If you are between the ages of 12 and 15 you could race in the 80 cc or 125 cc class. If you are 16 years old or older you can race 125cc dirtbikes or larger. Secondly, there are also a wide varie ...

The Shield Of Achilles
Download This PaperWords: 767 - Pages: 3

... the metals upon his anvil to create a massive shield for Achilles to wield. The shield itself is made of five layers of metal with a triple ply shield strap edging on the rim. On the shield are scenes showing the heavens and earth and sea, two noble cities, a king's estate, fallow fields, a thriving vineyard, a herd of longhorn cattle, and a dancing circle. Once Hephaestus completes the shield he makes a breastplate and helmet for Achilles. The armor he forges is indestructible and worthy of a god. Through Homer's description of the shield and how it is forged, the reader can begin to understand the importance and value of this device in a literary context. The tw ...

The Reform Of Schools
Download This PaperWords: 538 - Pages: 2

... guideline governs the student body. Since the rules will be explained, and since the students will understand the consequences of their actions, then the students will follow these rules. Due to the thoroughness and strictness of the outcomes, there will be fewer problems in the school system. Moreover, to separate schools means to separate students. Since the new code of conduct produces equality, and since it sets forth equal status among individuals, then the students will have a standard that the entire province takes part in. Now, the schools are going from each one entailing their code of conduct. To treating all schools as equals. For example, if a stud ...

Online Business
Download This PaperWords: 1077 - Pages: 4

... of connecting all these computers together is by the use of ordinary telephone wires. Users are then usually directly joined to other computer users at there own will for a small connection fee per month. The connection conveniently includes unlimited access to millions of web sites twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Since the Internet can be accessed by millions of people all time, it would be a great incentive for businesses. The Internet can help businesses in number of extraordinary ways. First, the Internet is an excellent way to make business information available to possible consumers. Say a person hears about a product that your business produces ...

Ship's Main Engine Lube Oil System
Download This PaperWords: 372 - Pages: 2

... that a gap has not formed at the end of the plate. If there is a gap, rags and other particles may pass right by. If in doubt of the condition of the plate, it should be renewed. The cost of a single plate is much cheaper than the cost of cleaning out an entire clogged system. All gasket surfaces must be checked closely to ensure a proper seal. Our ship has a high pressure lube oil system. Because of this, basket type strainers are used. Lube oil systems are equipped with a wide variety of strainers. It is important to operate these strainers at all times to prevent clogging. Aboard our ship, we have Hayward Plug-type Duplex Basket Strainers. All of ...

An Internet Perspective
Download This PaperWords: 1169 - Pages: 5

... around the world have also become more wide spread. The Internet has become a hotbed of business activity, a virtual shopping mall, a social paradise, and a culture all wrapped up in a neat little package. Despite these advantages, this synthetic global connection with its massive networking of computers has drawbacks, such as an avoidance of direct social contact and alienation. The power to access both the business and social world from the average user's home hinders the desire to connect with the outside physical world. The Internet serves many purposes, but has specifically altered the standard economic practices of businesses previously dependant on direct so ...

Web Page Critiques
Download This PaperWords: 331 - Pages: 2

... on the same page. On the "where to buy it" page you can search for a retailer in your area (it has information about Cal Skate!), or you can connect to "e-tailers." You can also download the catalog and view it in acrobat reader. CCM's site starts out with a loading page that includes a status monitor to let you know how much of the page you have opened. It quickly plays a short movie including sound to keep you interested before loading the rest of the page. The site includes fun stuff like a game, a movie clip (Most Valuable Primate), and CCM commercials. There is a seperate frame at the top of the page for a very nice flash powered ...

The Errancy Of Fundamentalism
Download This PaperWords: 3981 - Pages: 15

... god (as defined in footnote [2]) exists, there is a being who is omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good. [propositonal function] 2. If there is a being who is omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good, his revelation is error-free, unambiguously clear, and objectively verifiable as true. [propositional function] 3. The Bible is neither error-free, unambiguously clear, nor objectively verifiable. [proposition based on observation] C. The Christian god does not exist. We shall begin by examining the nature of this god and what implications it has for our analysis of the Bible. 2. The Logic of Fundamentalism Let us, f ...

Guide Dogs
Download This PaperWords: 370 - Pages: 2

... these dogs as , but there is another way to call a dog that leads, a service dog. They are very alike in ways that they both have to watch out closely to everything that’s going on around them. A service dog are hearing dogs, they are used for the deaf. Another type of service dog is a seizure alert dog, but these dogs are very uncommon to see. And these are the types of service dogs. There are many breeds of dogs to choose from some of the most common are golden retriever, German shepherd, and Labrador retriever. Many people can pick almost any breed they are looking for though. The common breeds I pointed out are used because of their intelligence, willingn ...

Stoicism And Epicureanism
Download This PaperWords: 1989 - Pages: 8

... free humanity from the fear of death and of the gods, which he considered the main cause of unhappiness. Lucretius, a famous Epicurean poet, took a stand against the superstitions and fears that the Romans had toward the state religion. He claimed that religion and the fear of gods was what caused unhappiness. Lucretius wrote a story where the Greek princess Iphigeneia was killed by her father Agamemnon, with the hope that he could win the favor of the gods by sacrificing his own daughter. In this case “religion stood with all that power for wickedness . . .too many times /religion mothers crime and wickedness” (Lucretius 452). The Romans at that ti ...

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