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Law Enforcement Today
Download This PaperWords: 671 - Pages: 3

... officers should try and teach you what is against the law before you are punished, like warnings should be issued when no one is in harms way. Some officers think they are immortal when they put on a badge, sometimes officers forget what they're there for and go too far. There are many cases when people have been falsely abused by officers for no reason. All people have rights, even when you have committed a crime. You are read your rights when you get arrested and no one can take those rights away from you. If an officer violates those rights, you will probably win you case because of it. I think the laws and rules citizens have to follow are re ...

Childhood Enemies
Download This PaperWords: 1866 - Pages: 7

... to shaping adult personality. Research Section By the end of the high school years, young people have developed a unique mixture of characteristics that appear to have a profound influence on their adult personality (Doherty, 1997). How these life shaping individual characteristics come about, however, remains a central focus of developmental interest. Certainly, an individualfs genetic endowment plays a significant role in personality development, but these genetic influences are not 100% determinant of adult personality traits (Doherty, 1997). A combination of rapid physical changes and early exposure to sexual and violent images is shrinking the time bet ...

Teen Suicide 2
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... lives. Most recently, teen suicide has got the respect that it deserves. Over 5,000 teenagers will die this year because of the thought that there is no way out of their problems. In 1960, only 1,500 adolescents took there life. Because of this dramatic increase scientists have spent many years thinking of ways to prevent this horrible, gruesome death. Despite this increased suicide rate, depression in this age group is greatly under-diagnosed. Anyone can be a victim of teen suicide, whether it be the star quarterback or the class brain. Young males are five times more likely to take than life than females. The leading ways for female teenager to commit sui ...

How Toxic Waste Affects Our Natural Environment
Download This PaperWords: 737 - Pages: 3

... Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that we produce one ton of toxic wastes for every single person living in Canada every year. That means that the 15% represents about 4.2 million tons of toxic waste. Toxic wastes which are dumped in improper sites can seep into underground water supplies and contaminate huge areas. If the land that is intoxicated supports plant life, most of the plants and trees will die off. If the area is lived on by humans, it could cause serious illness or death. For example, an area by Niagara Falls (US side) was used during the 1930s by a chemical company to dump it's wastes. Most of them were hazardous, and the contain ...

Building Of Dwelling Houses In Estonia
Download This PaperWords: 1099 - Pages: 4

... architects could do. Unfortunately it has to be confessed that I don't remember such a research work or sentiments in Estonian science, but no doubt, they could be necessary. The typology of the houses used by most of the architects goes back to the living model of the middle class at the end of the 19th century. That model was idealized and carried on through a hundred of years up to the end of this century. No doubt that our living style is changing repeating banalities: paradigm changes as well as the composition and make-up of the family. There was a news in a newspaper about Estonia which declared that 50 % of the children are illegitimate (it is possi ...

Cold Mountain Essay
Download This PaperWords: 1300 - Pages: 5

... at; the economic effects of the Civil War for the South, how the Civil War brakes down families, and how the traditional social system changes. In a true deferential society (such as antebellum America) there only can be two social and economic classes, the rich, and the poor. But once we enter the Civil War this system of wealth and authority brakes down. The ease by which the rich make profits collapses, whether by trade embargoes inhibiting the exportation of goods or investments falling through. With the deterioration of the elite's wealth, confusion and anarchy rules, usually ending in inflation and devaluation. This is evident in Cold Mountain, Ada's fa ...

The Atraction Of Gangs
Download This PaperWords: 606 - Pages: 3

... parents and working mothers. The lack of a nurturing family environment and parental guidance are some of the key factors in being able to recruit a gang member. If your children dont find the love and support that they so desperately need at home, they may have the tendency to seek it elsewhere. The attraction of belonging to a gang is becoming more popular among our youths. For some people, especially those that have lived in a gang-infested neighborhood for many years, it is unavoidable. For many they see it as their only future. Yet for others the attraction of belonging to a gang stems from loneliness or a need of belonging. These gangs can provide that s ...

Violence In Sports / Hockey
Download This PaperWords: 1410 - Pages: 6

... theory and player aggression, and psychological stress and player violence"(Lapchick 230). The theories of sport mirroring society, violence as a result of economic incentive, and the influence of the crowd behavior are the theories that I feel are responsible for the increasing violence in sports. Most people when involved in a highly stressful situation where violence is around would probably resort to a fight to resolve their differences. In sport, why should we expect any difference.In events such as hockey games, where people are expected to hit and make body contact, sooner or later afight will break out and the fans will yell and scream for their favorite ...

Id, Ego, And The Superego
Download This PaperWords: 377 - Pages: 2

... are living without thought as a consequence of direct experience. The second preoperational stage spans from age 2 to 7 where symbolic communication comes into play, but children see the world in their own point of view and are unable to preserve other's perspectives. In the concrete operational stage between ages of 7 and 11, children understand "cause and effect" and are able to see other's point of view. The fourth is the formal operational stage; children are able to abstract thought, to image, to fantasize beyond reality. According to George H. Mead, self is shaped not at birth but developed during the growth of social experience. Using the communication of sym ...

Aristotle And Virtue
Download This PaperWords: 1229 - Pages: 5

... lived in Greece in the fourth century before the Common Era. He was a student of Plato and wrote numerous volumes on drama, poetry, mathematics, logic, physics, reality and ethics. He personified the definition of philosophy in his love and pursuit of wisdom and knowledge. In this paper I would like to explore Aristotle's explanation of happiness and how happiness relates to his explanation of virtue. Happiness, in its current definition, is a somewhat abstract concept. Its pursuit is one of our constitutional tenets, yet to most of us happiness seems to remain slightly out of our grasp. (If only I had more money, more love, more purpose...) We have a ...

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