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Essays on People

On J.J. Thompson
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... that this ether was needed to carry light waves through apparently empty space. Maybe cathode rays were similar to light waves? Another possibility was that cathode rays were some kind of material particle. Yet many physicists, including J.J. Thomson, thought that all material particles themselves might be some kind of structure built out of ether, so these views were not so far apart. Experiments were needed to resolve the uncertainties. When physicists moved a magnet near the glass, they found they could push the rays about. Nevertheless, when the German physicist Heinrich Hertz passed the rays through an electric field created by metal plates inside a ...

Galileo 2
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... harmonic modulation. Just as Vincenzo saw that rigid theory stifled new forms in music, so his eldest son came to see Aristotelian physical theology as limiting scientific inquiry. Galileo was taught by monks at Vallombrosa and then entered the University of Pisa in 1581 to study medicine. He soon turned to philosophy and mathematics, leaving the university without a degree in 1585. For a time he tutored privately and wrote on hydrostatics and natural motions, but he did not publish. In 1589 he became the professor of mathematics at Pisa, where he is reported to have shown his students the error of Aristotle's belief that speed of fall is proportional to weight, by ...

Jonathan Edwards
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... his grandfather's co-pastor. When Stoddard died three years later, his grandson took his position. At the age of twenty-four, he married Sarah Pierrepont who was seventeen. He found her when she was thirteen and decided that he liked her calmness and strong religious beliefs. They had a daughter, Esther, who died in 1755 when she was only twenty-three. Her son, Aaron Burr, became the Vice President of the United States. Edward was a strong willed pastor. His presence and brilliant sermons helped to bring about the religious revival known as the "Great Awakening". He drew such graphic pictures of the hell awaiting them that the people began to franticall ...

George Washington Carver
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... He decided to enroll in Simpson College in Indianola. One of his teachers recognized his many talents and encouraged him to transfer to Iowa State College at Ames, which he did in May 1891. At Iowa State, Carver found that he was especially gifted in plant hybridization and the study of fungi. In 1894, Carver earned a bachelor of science degree and, in 1896, a Master of Science degree in agriculture and bacterial botany. That same year, Booker T. Washington offered Carver a job teaching at Tuskegee Institute. During his first few years at Tuskegee, he made many improvements in the agricultural program. With the help of other colleagues, he created the Farme ...

Euclid And His Works
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... and only one line can be drawn through a point parallel to a given line. Euclid's decision to make this an axiom led to Euclidean geometry. It was not until the 19th century that this axiom was dropped and non-Euclidean geometry's were studied. The Elements is divided into 13 books. Books 1-6, plane geometry: books 7- 9, number theory: book 10, Exodus's theory of irrational numbers: books 11-13, solid geometry. The book ends with a discussion of the properties of the five regular polyhedral and a proof that there are precisely five. More than one thousand editions of The Elements have been published since it was first printed in 1482. The Elements Helpfulne ...

Woodrow Wilson And His Ability To Be An Effective President
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... sick. This did not keep him from building an interest in education. His father and him would read out loud to each other and discuss the books. If they were not reading often the two would sit and talk about recent events. He later moved onto college and studied American and British political history, public speaking, and law. After college he set up a law practice with Edward Renick. Because he had not learned the field of law thorough while in school, he showed a poor ability to be a lawyer. During this time he was in and out of sickness. Wilson did not really want to be a lawyer. His main area of interest was in politics. His first taste of p ...

Come Home
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... as well as special one-time events that feature elements of the Garden at their peak. Each spring the Brooklyn Botanic Garden celebrates the flowering of the Japanese Cherry Trees with our annual Sakura Matsuri (Cherry Blossom Festival), and each fall is spiced up with our multicultural Chili Pepper FiestaA few of the "Many Gardens within a Garden" include the Children's Garden, tended each year by about 450 kids, ages 3 through 18; The Cranford Rose Garden, exhibiting more than 5,000 bushes of nearly 1,200 varieties; The Herb Garden, with more than 300 varieties -- "herbing" is apparently taking the country by storm as people rediscover medicinal, culinary, and o ...

Jeffrey Dalhmer
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... shut out. While fortunately, most parents do not have a Jeffrey Dahmer to raise, too many have seen their children succumb to drugs, alcohol, crime despite their very best and, often frantic, efforts to intervene. "It is a portrayal of parental dread... the terrible sense that your child has slipped beyond your grasp, that your little boy is spinning in the void, swirling in the maelstrom, lost, lost, lost." Lionel seems to be fairly straightforward in recognising the negative influences in Jeff's life. No family is perfect. Jeff's mother had various physical ailments and appeared to be high strung, coming from a background in which her father's alco ...

Pierre Trudeau
Download This PaperWords: 368 - Pages: 2

... with excessive state intervention in the economy. For this reason he has consistently opposed the imposition of price and income controls. But this did not stop him from deciding, in 1975, that a lack of responsibility on the part of business and labour necessitated the introduction of a controls system. Trudeau has spoken of the need for a shift of emphasis in Canadian society from consumption to conservation. And yet, he allowed energy-conservation measures in Canada to fall far behind those of the United States. More than a few times, Trudeau has insisted that it is our moral obligation as Canadians to share our wealth with poorer nations. Nevertheless, he sti ...

Poore Brothers
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... chips, Mayfair, across from the Wigwam. They didn't have a marketing budget, so they relied on sampling and word of mouth advertisement. It wasn’t long before the large grocery stores in the valley began to authorize sale of their products. It was also right around this time they had a couple of bold flavors that were real winners, Salt & Vinegar and Jalapeņo. Soon, all of Arizona could buy their products. In order to serve all their Arizona customers they started a distribution company. Today Distributing is the premier snack food distributor in the State of Arizona. It was only a matter of time until the products found their way across the Arizon ...

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