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Essays on People

Jimi Hendrix
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... line of work, so in 1959, he enlisted into the 101st Airborne (Murray 36). Jimi’s parents were of mixed descent, with Jimi’s family tree had whites, blacks, and Cherokee Indians. Jimi never denied his ethnic diversity, but rather accepted his diversity and publicly allowed it to show through in his music. Jimi said it best in "If 6 was 9" on Axis: Bold As Love when he said "I’m gonna wave my freak flag high." Hendrix’ first forays into professional music came after he received his honorable discharge from service in the summer of 1962 (Murray 36). His background in R&B, a type of music dominated by black artists at that time, led him to play ...

James Buchanan
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... and he would turn over a new leaf. He was allowed to return and graduated on high honors. After college he left and went to study law in Lancaster PA. James worked hard and later became a successful lawyer. He made more than 11,000 a year. James became a canidate for the Pennsylavania legislature in 1814. But the war of 1812 was growing fast. The British Had just burned down Washingto D.C. James volunteered to serve his country so he joined a calvary company. Buchanan returned for the election and won a seat in legislature in 1814. He served another term and returnd to Lancaster. James Buchanan became a popular person in Lancaster and was invited to m ...

Satie, Erik
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... Debussy in the composition of his opera Pelleas et Melisande and that Satie was the main influence in helping Debussy to free himself from the musical domination of Richard Wagner. Satie became interested in plainsong through his association with a so-called Rosicrucian group, while he earned his living as a cafe pianist in Montmartre. Satie was a conscious eccentric and a determined enemy of all establishments, including the musical. The comical titles that he attached to his small piano pieces are characteristic of the Bohemian wit in the Paris of his day. Irony and a deceptively childlike attitude, a dislike for pomposity of all kinds, and an inst ...

Calvin Coolidge
Download This PaperWords: 1929 - Pages: 8

... he did not do. Therein lies his political genius as Walter Lippmann, a White House advisor for Coolidge in 1926, pointed out: "... his talent for effectively doing nothing. This active inactivity suits the mood and certain needs of the country admirably. It suits all the business interests which wants to be let alone... And it suits all those who have become convinced that government in this country has become dangerously complicated and top heavy.." (Touchman 90). It is no wonder, that Coolidge was known as the "do-nothing" president. The road to the presidency was not a hard road for Coolidge to come by. He was born on the 4th of July in the summer of 1872 at ...

Abraham Lincoln
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... any state, or designated part of a state…then…in rebellion, …shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.” This proclamation was the main cause of creating the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This was important because now there was a bigger sense of peace between the slaves, and the people that once owned them. This proclamation plays a big part of the peace that we have among the different people of the world today. Lincoln also designed a plan known as the reconstruction. This construction plan would bring peace to the seceded states and Union, and would bring them back together in unity. This plan of reconstruction brough ...

Emersons Self-reliance
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... is submission; that overpowering reality which confutes our tricks and talents, and constrains every one to pass for what he is, and to speak from his character, and not from his tongue, and which evermore tends to pass into our thought and hand, and become wisdom, and virtue, and power, and beauty(52). In this quotation Emerson says that the common instinct instilled in man lets him see the truth for himself. This reality found from the shared over-soul, is the purest form of truth. All men have this ability to perceive the truth, and a common knowledge of goodness unites and unifies us all. Man’s instinctive actions in making moral choices are all part ...

Nathaniel Hawthorne
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... four. Shortly after his father’s death, his mother was forced to move her three children into her parent’s home and then into her brother’s home in Maine. Hawthorne’s childhood was not particularly abnormal, as many famous authors have claimed to have. Hawthorne attended Bowdoin College and graduated after four years. After graduation, he returned to Salem. Contrary to his family’s expectations, Hawthorne did not begin to read law or enter business, rather he moved into his mother’s house to turn himself into a writer. Hawthorne wrote his mother, "I do not want to be a doctor and live by men’s diseases, nor a minister to live by their sins, nor a lawyer and ...

Adam Sandler
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... at clubs. Adam also got a spot on The Cosby Show as one of Theo’s friends. He was also featured on MTV’s Remote Control, and on Saturday Night Live during the 1990-91 season (“dAvYgRaVy”). His performances caused an article to be posted in the L.A. Times, which said that he was “the most talentless, juvenile, and offensive of the current cast…” Obviously, not everyone felt this way because he continued to get jobs in the entertainment field. Adam’s early career stretched to different areas, but he was really discovered during his first season on Saturday Night Live (“Celeb-Site’). Adam also worked o ...

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... against the republic. Replacing wounded artillery general, he seized ground where his guns could drive the British fleet from the harbor, and the port fell. As a result Napoleon was promoted to brigadier general at the age of 24. In 1795 he saved the revolutionary government by dispersing an insurgent mob in Paris. Also in 1796, Napoleon was made commander of the French army in Italy. He defeated four Austrian generals, each with superior numbers, and forced Austria and its allies to make peace. In northern Italy he founded the Cisalpine Republic (later known as Italy) and strengthened his position in France by sending millions of francs worth of treasure to t ...

Martin Luther King- I Have A D
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... 1956, after the United States Supreme Court declared Alabama's segregation laws unconstitutional. King's leadership took place during the most tumultuous period in America's recent past. Under his guidance, the unfathomable goal of abolishing federal and state-sanctioned segregation and discrimination was accomplished in only a few short years. King was asked by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to aid in the struggle for civil rights in Birmingham, Alabama. Thus, he was there because injustice was present (154). He was not content with a system that saw his people or people of any color, as second class citizens. He set out to bring equality for people e ...

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