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Essays on People

John Dalton
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... Manchester as tutor at New College founded by the Presbyterians. It was here that he did his greatest work. He immediately joined the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. In 1793, he published his first book, Meteorological Observations and Essays. In it he said that each gas exists and acts independently and purely physically, rather than chemically. Meaning, that gases act according to mechanical repulsion rather than chemical attraction. As a chemistry tutor, John taught from Lavoisier's Elements of Chemistry. After six years John resigned to conduct private research supported by tutoring. In 1802, in his essay entitled "Experimental Essays on the Co ...

Johannes Brahms
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... became good friends with Robert Schumann and his wife, Clara. In a famous article, “Neue Bahnen”(New Paths), Schumann saluted the twenty year old Brahms as “The coming genius of German music.” Schumann also arranged for the publication of Brahms’ three piano sonatas and three sets of songs. In 1862, Brahms traveled to Vienna, where he conducted the concerts of Singakademie. The next five years he spent travelling to various towns, such as Hamburg, Baden Baden, and Zurich. In 1868 he was back in Vienna and he spent three years conducting orchestral concerts of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde. . After more travel in Germany, Brahms again made his home in Vi ...

Maya Angelou
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... to San Francisco to be with their mother, who had remarried. She gave birth to her son Clyde Johnson, just a few month after graduating a high school in 1945.At 22, she married Tosho Angelos, a former sailor of Greek descent, but she left her marriage two and half years later and set out to become a professional dancer. Maya Angelou spent her formative years shuttling between St. Louis, Arkansas and San Francisco. She worked as an editor for The Arab observer, an English-language weekly published Cairo. Maya Angelou lived in Accra, Ghana, where Sergejs Golubevs under the black nationalist regime of Karane Nkrumah she taught music, dance, and studied cinema ...

Frederick Banting
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... awarded the Canadian military cross for bravery. After the war, he practiced medicine in London, Ontario, until 1921, when he and Charles Best began their research into the hormone insulin. Banting, along with John J.R. Macleod, head of the physiology department at the University of Toronto, experiment with dogs in the discovery of insulin, finally in 1922 they succeed in discovering insulin. (The extract was then purified further and tested in a human on January 11, 1922.) They were awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine/physiology in 1923. They were the first Canadians to ever receive that honor. Banting initially threatened to refuse the award because he felt Charle ...

Is It Really Bad To Disobey?
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... a safe place to come home to. Malcolm X came from an underprivileged family. He was born on May 19, 1925 and was raised in a completely different situation than Martin Luther King. He taught himself most things and received little schooling but became well known because of his determination. His dad's death was the result of the Ku Klux Klan burning his house down. Then his mother suffered a nervous breakdown and his family was split up. He was haunted by this early nightmare for most of his life. The early backgrounds of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were largely responsible for the distinct different responses to American racism. Both became the im ...

Galileo Galilei
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... he began spending his time with the mathematics professors instead of the medical ones. When his father learned of this, he was furious and traveled 60 miles from Florence to Pisa just to confront his son with the knowledge that he had been “neglecting his studies.” The grand duke’s mathematician intervened and persuaded Vincenzio to allow Galileo to study mathematics on the condition that after one year, all of Galileo’s support would be cut off and he was on his own. In the spring of 1585, Galileo skipped his final exams and left the university without a degree. He began finding work as a math tutor. In November of 1589, Galileo found ...

The Life Of Alexander Hamilton
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... the bottom rung of white society on the mercilessly stratified island. Having to fend for herself and her two children after James left, Rachel opened a store, and employed her youngest son as clerk and bookkeeper. It was in his mother's store that Hamilton got his first taste of finance; it was also in that high-visibility capacity that he probably became the target of malicious whispers, or perhaps even outward disdain from the townspeople he encountered. Rachel's husband, who had had her imprisoned in Christiansted some years before for adultery, had posted a public summons for her to appear before a divorce court, declaring her a whore who had given ...

Rutherford B. Hayes
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... protest that blacks were not given the equal chance to go to the polls and vote. Congress created and electoral commission, which carefully decided that Hayes would receive all twenty votes. Facing the possibility that the country would be left without a president, both parties were considering taking the office by force. In spite of all the conflict, a deal was finally struck. Republicans made a secret deal with Democrats in congress, who agreed not to dispute the Hayes victory in exchange for a promise to withdraw federal troops from the south and end reconstruction . Hayes made good on the deal. He swiftly ended Reconstruction and pulled federal troops out ...

John Wayne
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... Wayne did not let the stardom go to his head. He spent the rest of the decade making his way through a series of low budget films whose failing budgets and quick shooting schedules did little to advance his career. In 1939 John Ford gave Wayne another break by casting him as the Ringo Kid in Stagecoach. The roll threw Wayne into the top ranks of the movie stars and finally, in the 1940’s, his legend began to take shape. Relieved from military duty due to physical problems, Wayne became the film industry’s hard-core soilder, but had that compassionate side. Movies released during the war, such as Flying Tigers (1942), The Fighting Seabees (1944) ...

Lyndon B. Johnson
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... Rebekah Baines Johnson. Johnson had a background in government and also in the Baptist church. Lyndon Baines Johnson was born on Aug. 27, 1908, on a farm near Stonewall Texas. He was the oldest of five children. He had three sisters and a brother. When Lyndon was five, the family moved to Johnson City. To help earn money he shined shoes in the town’s only barber shop, and herded goats for the local ranchers. He finished high school in 1924 and with a group of friends he worked his way to California. He earned money doing odd jobs, but he barely made enough to feed himself. After awhile he became severely homesick and hungry so he hitchhiked back to Johnso ...

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