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Essays on People

George Washington
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... did have false teeth. His false teeth were made of whale bone and deer antlers. He never chopped down a cherry tree, and unless his pitching arm was better than that of any professional baseball player, he could have never thrown anything across the river. The most startling fact is that he wasn't even the first president. Our first president was John Hanson. He was elected president of the thirteen states in the Confederation. After Hanson, there were more before Washington. There was Elias Boudinot, Thomas Mifflin, Richard Henery and Cyrus Griffin. At the age of 17, Washington began traveling across rivers, mountains and Indian trails to remote parts of V ...

Adoph Hitler
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... 1914, Hitler volunteered for the army. Later in his army career he received two of the most honorable awards, the first class iron cross. A man told Hitler of a rumor stating the Bavarian government is going to break away from Germany and join Austria. Outraged, Hitler gave many persuasive speeches on why the government shouldn’t break away. Later Hitler took over a group and renaming it NSADAP, which is infamously known as the Nazi party. Hitler tried taking over the Bavarian government by force. This invasion caused his imprisonment of five years, but he happened to be released after about six months. While in prison, he began writing his book Mein Kamph (My ...

Biography: William Gibson (1914- )
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... made into a film and a musical called simply Seesaw (1973). Early works include I Lay in Zion (1943) and A Cry of Players (1968), a play about Shakespeare which he rewrote in 1968. Gibson collaborated on the book of the musical Golden Boy (1964) He also wrote a book of Shakespeare criticism called Shakespeare's Game (1978). He returned to the Helen Keller story with his play Monday After the Miracle (1982). Plays and musicals Two For the Seesaw (1958). Dinny and the Witches (1959). The Miracle Worker (1959). Golden Boy (1964): musical, with book by Gibson, based on Clifford Odets' drama. A Cry of Players ...

Nicholas Romanov
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... under one empire. In economic terms it was backward, as it was late industrialising and late to emerge from feudalism. In political terms it was also backward, there was no legal political parties nor was there any centrally elected government . Russia at this time was under tsarist rule by Nicholas II of the Romanov empire. Nicholas II was brought up by his father Alexander III who didn’t believe that his son could take an intelligent interest in anything and therefore did not educate him in the business of state . The fact that his father who died at age 49 thought that he had many more years ahead of him may also be another factor behind Nicholas’ poor leadershi ...

Tim Leary
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... discovered the next day, and the Cadet Honor Committee punished Tim by inflicting a kind of solitary confinement: everyone was forbidden to speak a word to him. A date was set for a court-martial. Timothy was aquitted in less than two minutes, which caused the disgruntled and unsatisfied Committee to maintain the silence punishment. Leary had to endure nine months of being ignored. When he became a sophomore, some of the cadet officers whom where not on the Honor Committee approached Tim to talk about the situation. They informed him that the whole business was causing morale problems. They wanted to make a deal for Tim's departure. He said that he ...

Sir Anton Dolin
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... to give lessons in Brighton. After the boy danced and acted at the Brighton Hippodrome Theatre, the manager of the theater suggested that he be sent to London for training in dramatics. In the metropolis Pat studied under Italia Conti, and at the same time he attended the Pitman School for instruction in stenography and French. In 1917, a month after attending a performance of Princess Seraphina Astafieva’s Swinburne Ballet, the thirteen-year-old boy registered for lessons with the Russian ballerina. A former pupil of the Imperial School and at one time principal dancer in the Diaghilev Ballet Russe, Astafieva was then conducting the only school of Russian ballet i ...

Criticism Of Alexander Pope
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... 1700 the Pope family moved to Whithill house at Binfield in Winsor Forest, up till then Pope was a healthy child until 5 years after their move he was diagnosed with tubercular bone disease. Throughout his life he would refer to it as "long Disease, my life."(http://landlow The disease left him frail, likely to obtain various other illnesses, humpbacked, and fully-grown at a height of only four and a half feet. In his early twenties he frequently visited London and became acquainted with the literary publishers there, including Wychereley and Walsh (Collier's Encyclopedia, 397) In 1709 the "Pastorals," Popes first published work, ...

St. Gregory Of Tours
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... seriously ill and wasn’t supposed to recover. He did recover though and this made him more mindful of God and the scriptures. Gregory then became a friend with the Bishop of Tours whose name was Euphronius. Euphronius died in 573 and Gregory succeeded him as Bishop of Tours. During this time in Tours, there was great political and social chaos. The relationships with the Bishops and the Kings and Masters was not good. The Kings abused their powers and this caused civil wars. Gregory wrote that these conflicts were more hurtful to the church than the persecution from Diocletian. Eventually the unrest and Tours stopped and peace was at hand. The Masters of Tou ...

Geroffrey Chaucer
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... name, from chaussier (French term for shoes), indicates ancestors who were shoemakers.2 In 1357, when he was approximately 14 years old, he was old enough to enroll as a page in a noble household- the household of King Edward's son Prince Lionel and his wife Elizabeth. This is known from “…an entry in Countess Elizabeth's household account book, which records the purchase of a suit of clothes for Geoffrey Chaucer, including a pair of red and black hose and a pair of shoes.”1 This being his first connection with royalty, he was trained to be a civil servant and a diplomat; at the same time he leant the ways of the court and the use of arms.2 Th ...

Albert Einstein
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... had an intense passion for music and literature, and it was she that first introduced her son to the violin in which he found much joy and relaxation. Also, he was very close with his younger sister, Maja, and they could often be found in the lakes that were scattered about the countryside near Munich. As a child, Einstein's sense of curiosity had already begun to stir. A favorite toy of his was his father's compass, and he often marveled at his uncle's explanations of algebra. Although young Albert was intrigued by certain mysteries of science, he was considered a slow learner. His failure to become fluent in German until the age of nine even led some ...

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