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Essays on People

Bruce Lee
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... spirits or demons who take the lives of male babies to destroy the family’s name. So they dressed Bruce in little girls clothing and called him Sai Fon. When they returned to Hong Kong, the Lee household consisted of Mr. Lee, his wife Grace Lee, Bruce’s two sisters, Agnes and Phoebe, his older brother Peter, and later to be joined his little brother Robert. Bruce grew up in a very crowded house. He lived in a two bedroom flat. Upon the death of Mr. Lee’s brother, he, as in Chinese custom, had to taken in his whole brother’s Family and had to be the provider. This meant nearly 20 people lived in the flat. It was through his father’s connection that Bruce ultimate ...

Charles Dickens
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... he and his family moved to London where Charles went to school. When he was twelve, he was taken out of school and sent to work in a London factory pasting labels on bottles of shoe polish for a mere six shillings per week, paying for part of the debt of the family. This job lasted only a few months, but for Dickens, it felt like an eternity. Until he was fifteen, he attended school off and on, and then dropped out. In 1934, after studying shorthand for 18 months, Dickens got a job as a newspaper reporter for the Evening Chronicle. Two years later, Dickens had his first work published named Sketches by Boz, which consisted of his works from the Evening Chronic ...

Nicholas Ferrar
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... but the damp air of the fens was bad for his health and he traveled to Europe, spending time in the warmer climate of Italy. On his return to England he found his family had fared badly. His brother John had become over extended financially and the Virginia Company was in danger of loosing its charter. Nicholas dedicated himself to saving the family fortune and was successful. He served for a short time as Member of Parliament, where he tried to promote the cause for the Virginia Company. His efforts were in vain for the company lost their charter anyway. Nicholas is given credit for founding a Christian community called the English Protestant Nunnery at Li ...

John Lennon: Biography
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... and personal reasons (World Book 190). I, like the other former Beatles members, continued to perform as a solo artist. Yoko Ono, whom I married in 1969, became my partner (World Book 197). Yoko and I, being extremely opposed to the war, performed together making peace our theme (Rolling Stone 229). As our taste for war bittered, Yoko and I became involved in many anti-war protests. We recorded "Give Peace a Chance" in our hotel room in Montreal, and I had it rush released (Rolling Stone 229). In January of 1970 I wrote and recorded "Instant Karma" in one day and had it released (Rolling Stone 229). Three months later, Yoko and I flew to Los Angeles for f ...

Helen Keller
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... a creative and unique spirit by many people of the world, especially those who can relate to her physical impairments. was born a healthy child. When Helen was 19 months old, she became ill with what was known as acute congestion of the brain and stomach; this is now known as scarlet fever. As a result, she was left blind, deaf, and mute. For many of her earlier years Helen lived in darkness with very few ways to communicate with others around her. Obviously her attempts were not always successful. When she failed to communicate she would throw fits and have outburst that would upset not only her, but her family as well. Because of these violent fits, she a ...

A Biography Of George Orwell
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... in order to become a writer, he had to read literature. However, in Eaton, English literature was not a major subject and he spent his five years reading works by the masters of English prose including Jonathon Swift, Laurence Sterne and Jack London on his own. He failed to win a university scholarship after the final examinations at Eaton and, in 1922, he joined the Indian Imperial Police. This decision was not the usual path that most Eaton students would have taken. Blair preferred a life of travel and action and he served in the force in Burma (now known as Myanmar) for five years. He resigned from the police force for two main reasons: firstly, being a police ...

Samuel Clemens
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... the countryside. It was also a river town, swamped with travelers moving up stream and down stream. Some of the travelers were steamboat men, circus performers, minstrel companies, and showboat actors. Since all this action was going on all the time, that opened a big door to the beginning of Samuel’s stories. It provided a huge source of literary material. Shortly after the death of his father in 1847, he ended the brief period of his schooling to become a printer’s apprentice. Like many nineteenth century authors, he was preparing for his writing career later in life. Working as a Printer’s apprentice he got practice as a typesetter and miscellaneous reading. T ...

Isabella I
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... a degree seldom equalled-in the agreement she made with Ferdinand as to the government of their dominions: they were to hold equal authority, a principle expressed in the motto, "Tanto monta, monta tanto-Isabel como Fernando (As much as the one is worth so much is the other-Isabella as Fernando)". While they were carrying on a war against neighboring Granada, Christopher Columbus presented himself to the Catholic sovereigns, and to Queen Isabella fell the honor of appreciating the genius who had not been understood at Genoa, at Venice, or in Portugal. He was presented to the queen by her confessor, Padre Hernando Talavera, and Cardinal Mendoza (el Cardenal de E ...

Adolf Hitler
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... German community didn't agree with Hitler and also didn't take him seriously. But some how Hitler was able to 'hypnotise' those who listen to him. With his fiery voice he could capture an audience and show them his ways. Those who agreed with him believed he was a powerful protector. Hitler speeches led to an uproar of "Heil, Hitler!" Hitler knew what he wanted, and he wouldn't let anything come between himself and his goal. Unfortunately his aims had no limit in terms of what he would do, and he overestimated the resources and abilities of Germany. Even though there were many experts in many different fields, Hitler wouldn't listen to any of them. He followed i ...

Biography On Mario Lemieux
Download This PaperWords: 393 - Pages: 2

... to back Stanley Cups. I talk in detail of each of his seasons; the goals, the awards, and the playoffs. I talk about how, strong willed, Mario continued to play hockey dispite having serious back problems and being diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease. My third chapter is called "The Legacy". I talk about Mario's amazing talent and I describe some of his amazing moves. I talk about how Mario wanted to spend more time with family and watch his kids grow. I talk about what Mario did off the ice including meeting with celebrities and even the president. Also I mention Mario's last game and some of his feelings. My fourth, longest and last chapter is "The Memories". In th ...

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