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Essays on People

Life And Work Of Shirley Jackson
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... day on her writing. In doing so she established work habits, which she maintained for the rest of her life. After a year of becoming conscientious and disciplined writer, Jackson thought she better return to college for more schooling. In 1937, she entered Syracuse University. At first she was in the School of Journalism, but then she decided to transfer to the English department. For the next two years, while at Syracuse, Shirley published, fifteen pieces in campus magazines and became fiction editor of "The Syracusan", a campus humor magazine. When her position as fiction editor was eliminated, she and fellow classmate Stanley Edgar Hyman began to plan a magazi ...

Cyrano De Bergerac And Mother Teresa: Heros?
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... realized that the assignment wasn’t going to be so easy as I thought it would. I was puzzled. Now what was I going to do? I needed to figure out why these people were still known today. Again, how hard could that be? Cyrano de Bergerac, a wonderful masterpiece play including a captivating character. Mother Teresa, someone who helped the poor and dying across the globe. Sounds like two heroes to me, right? But still I was perplexed. There had to be more. So, Cyrano de Bergerac...hmmm...from my first readings he just sounded like this eccentric fellow with a large schnozzle. Why was he even put on the list of heroes? I decided maybe the techniques learne ...

Marilyn Monroe: Suicide Or Murder
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... very important references. These references have facts leading up to the very moment she died. Phone records, visitors, etc. It's very hard for me to believe that someone so high on life and talking about her new marriage to Joe Dimaggio on August 1, just three days before her death, would commit suicide. The coroner said “Marilyn was laughing and chatting on the telephone with Joe's Dimaggio's son and not thirty minutes later after this happy conversation, Marilyn Monroe was dying…” This was one of the strangest facts about the case. (Brown, and Barham) Marilyn Monroe did have somewhat of a drug problem, as told by everyone who knew her includi ...

Trudeau: The Politics Of My Way
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... hand or divine intervention. Ouijaboard politics was the occult domain of Mackenzie King, a man virtually devoid of policy, a political palm reader forever checking the whims and moods of his powerful baronial-Ralston Howe, St. Laurent-and sometimes Byronian colleagues to see how best he could placate them, or calm them, or Heap his beatitudes upon them. Trudeau, from day one , was always more samurai than shaman. Even in his pre-leadership days, Trudeau's love of trial by combat was predominant. Mackenzie King would have never touched the unholy trinity of divorce, abortion and homosexuality: each one of these issues is a sleeping dog best left to lie; ...

Karl Gauss: Biography
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... then until the Duke's death in 1806. Karl began to study at the Collegium Carolinum in 1792. He went on to the University of Gottingen, and by 1799 was awarded his doctorate from the University. However, by that time most of his significant mathematical discoveries had been made, and he took up his interest in astronomy in 1801. By about 1807, Gauss began to gain recognition from countries all over the world. He was invited to work in Leningrad, was made a member of the Royal Society in London, and was invited membership to the Russian and French Academies of Sciences. However, he remained in his hometown in Germany until his death in 1855. Acomplishments ...

Biography On Guy De Maupassant
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... into the French literary circles. Even though Maupassant was often a member of gatherings which included such famous writers such as Flaubert, Turgenev, Zola, and Daudet, he had little interest at the time for a career of writing for himself. As an adolescent he was much more interested in sports than writing, especially rowing. Maupassants education was interrupted by the Franco-Prussian War, in which he served as a member of the French army. After the war was finished, he entered the French civil service. He first served with the Ministry of Navy and later with the Ministry of Public Institution. During the between 1873 and 1880 he also served as a litera ...

Frank Sinatra
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... Sinatra’s popularity began to rise through airtime as a radio singer during World War II. He soon left Dorsey’s band for a solo career that lead him to several hits and great success in the ‘50s and ‘60s. Young At Heart, All the Way, Witchcraft, Strangers in the Night, and that’s Life were some of his hit songs. In the 1940s Sinatra embarked on a solo career and became the idol of the “bobby-soxers”. They were teenage girls who swooned over his crooning, soft-voiced singing. During this time period he also appeared in many film musicals such as, Anchors Aweigh (1945), Till the Clouds Roll By (1947), and O ...

Robert Boyle
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... affliction. Without this defect, he may have never concentrated enough to accomplish what he did. It was bad at first, however it turned out for the best.(Sootin p.9) went through school like other normal boys at that time. Then it came time to go to college in which he attended Eton College. Eton college was located in England. After graduating college, Boyle decided to start his work at Oxford. At the age of twenty-seven, he finally became what he wanted to be for so long, an experimental scientist.(Sootin pp.37-38) He continued at Oxford and received an Honored M.D., and later was accepted to be a member of the Royal Society, a big scientific group. It was ...

Irwin Allen Ginsberg
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... in poetry he followed his father's advice and planned on a career as a lawyer. This was what he had in mind when he began his freshman year at Columbia University, but what he ended up doing was running around with a bunch of poets and the like, including fellow students Lucien Carr and Jack Kerouac and friends William S. Burroughs and Neal Cassady. These delinquent young philosophers, you might say were equally obsessed with drugs, crime, sex and literature. Eventually, Allen got suspended from Columbia for various small offenses. He began hanging around with Times Square junkies and thieves (mostly friends of Burroughs), experimenting with Benzedrine and m ...

The Romanovs
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... a boy, and the one after that wasn't a boy either. Grand-Duchess Tatiana was born on May 29, 1897, and then Maria on June 26, 1899. Nicholas was upset and with his wife searched for a solution. A son was necessary to take over Nicholas's throne when the time came. I do not know why but for some reason Russians during that time preferred male as a ruler of the country, even though there were successful female-emperors before. Katherine the Great is one of them. Russians are very religious people. However, they also have faith in magicians. As a Russian citizen I have to admit that many Russians do believe in these people who supposedly have healing powers and ca ...

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