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Essays on People

Plato And Confucius
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... the laws set down by the regime.(Bloom,338e-339a) Plato to believed that education and rearing of the ruler of the city or regime would create a perfect and just man. And he felt that the ruler must be older, while the ruled younger. Age is something that gives his perfect regime more control than one based on wisdom. He thought that the philosopher should be seen as the father, over the younger people of the city. He also feels that old men are afraid of death, and therefore less likely to risk torment in the afterlife by having selfish desires, such as for money. He believed that men would obey the laws in hopes of rewards and fear of punishment in this life ...

Frank McCourt
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... because relatives were cruel and selfish. This novel tells the tell of young Frank having to endure extreme poverty, starvation, and a broken family with strength and courage. He eventually raises enough money to go to America and break free from his depressing childhood. In my opinion, the theme of this book is that no matter how bad things seem to be, anyone can survive and become successful through perseverance and determination. For example, Frank grew up in just about the worst environment possible but was determined enough to get himself to America and eventually become the author of a Pulitzer Prize winning novel! Frank achieved his goals by taking any extra ...

Kierkegaard And Christianity
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... the first selection, "That Individual". Right away he starts his discussion on the "crowd", which he states early on is (in its very concept) the untruth. In a crowd, the vociferation and frenzy of that crowd often drowns out the truth, even if each member of that crowd has individually obtained the truth . Kierkegaard makes the statement that "only one attains the goal", in that we all are capable of obtaining said goal (in this case the eternal truth) if we each seek after the goal as individuals. In crowds, he says, it is sure that no one is working, living, striving for the highest aim, but only for one or another earthly aim. Only as individuals (with God as ...

Hannibal 2
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... in Spain. He continued to conquer land without crossing the Ebro River, except for the city of Saguntum, an ally of Rome. When Saguntum began trouble between Carthage and Rome in 219 B.C., Hannibal raided the city. This began the Second Punic War. Hannibal began a long and dangerous journey, with battle elephants marching at the front of his army (Green 21). Hannibal left a lasting reminder of his deeds in the names of Spanish places such as Potus Hannibalis, Insula Hannabalis, and Scalae Hannibalis (Lancel 12). In the spring of 218 B.C., Hannibal handed over command of the Spanish armies to his brother Hasdrubal. He then led his troops north toward the Pyrenee ...

Arthur Kornberg
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... a man who had already done his service. His father used their meager earnings to bring and settle his family in New York City and was thrust into the sweatshops as a sewing machine operator. He, along with his brother Martin, 13 years older and sister Ella, nine years older, was encouraged by loving parents to obtain a good education. The public school reinforced this ideal. Education was the road of opportunity for social and economic mobility out of the sweatshops. His early education in grade school and Abraham Lincoln High School in Brooklyn was distinguished only by his "skipping " several grades. There was nothing inspirational about his courses ...

Dante Alighieri
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... divina commedia” (“The Divine Comedy”). Although his great literary works prove that he had a great education, little is known about where he studied. It is known that he was in Bolonga in about 1285 and it is possible that he studied at the university there. He supported the Guelphs against the Ghibellines; two political parties of the time, and fought with them victoriously in 1289. Around this same time he married a member of a prominent Guelph family, Gemma Donati. During the following few years, Dante was active in Florence’s disorderly politics.Records show that in 1295, he served several offices. In 1300, he was sent on a mission ...

Emily Dickinsons Private World
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... (Farr, pg. 9). It appears that Dickinson took these words to heart. Her poems convey both a sense of intellectual superiority and a sense of isolation that she seems to both cherish and yearn to liberate herself from. Both the structure of her poems and her syntax reveal the contradictions within a poet whose imagination was fed by her solitude but who also desired tangible sensual experiences. It is unlikely that her poems would be so insightful and perceptive had she been engaged in the daily business of dealing with people, for it is only by removing herself from the world that she could analyze it. Dickinson's poems reflect the cloistered and enclose ...

St. John The Evangelist
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... outlived the others. It is hard to list in details, all the challenges that St. John faced. His challenges were truly followed by God’s will and helped many people. St. John was one of the first ones who understood and studied how a person should live, how should he behave, and how moral his life should be. He was one of the first to follow those holy principles, and show them to others. One of his greatest challenges was writing a gospel. is mostly known for writing a fourth Gospel. If you would ask any person to list his challenges almost everybody would tell you that he wrote a gospel. It is believed that he wrote a Gospel at the year of 96, after the death ...

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... about AD 48 and was prefect of Rome for many years under Nero. Although Vespasian is said to have hesitated before following his brother into the Senate, his career was in no sense retarded; for, after military service in Thrace and a quaestorship in Crete, he reached the praetorship in the earliest year allowed him by law, namely AD 39, the year in which his elder son, Titus, was born. Vespasian ingratiated himself with the ruling emperor, Caligula (Gaius Caesar); and in the next reign, that of Claudius, he won the favour of the powerful freedman Narcissus. He became commander of the Legio II Augusta, which took part in the invasion of Britain in 43. After dist ...

Janet Jackson
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... a kid. But there was no rape or crap like that. You can begin to see how you feel less-than, not worthy, fraudulent. And that’s how I grew up feeling."(2) Despite problems with other family members Janet was always close with her mother. She said in the same interview with Steve Pond, "Mother always could feel when I wasn’t doing well, and she was incredible supportive." In Janet’s life, as well as in the lives of the other Jackson’s, there seemed to be so much pressure for success, but they all seemed to lack self-esteem. By the time she was twenty-one, Janet was breaking away from the shyness she once possessed, and stopped living in the shad ...

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