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Essays on People

Oral Roberts
Download This PaperWords: 1990 - Pages: 8

... alcohol and dancing. Tobacco, jewelry, tea, coffee, transparent female garments, polygamy and theological liberalism were also amongst the vices of his father. Oral believes that his upbringing prepared him for the moment of his healing. There were several events surrounding the birth of Oral that became part of his ministry’s hagiography. Oral’s mother, Claudius, went to a sick child while she was pregnant with Oral to try and heal the child. She promised God that she would give her child to him if he would heal the sick child. The child was healed and she knew God had promised her a "little preacher". As a child Oral was mischievous and lively. But a ...

Jackie Robinson
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... to UCLA where he became an All-American in football and basketball. Robinson is still the only UCLA Bruin to letter in four sports: football, basketball, baseball, and track. Baseball was his weakest sport, but he played it professionally because the NBA and NFL still had their doors closed to African Americans. As a baseball player, Robinson revolutionized the way the game was played. He combined power and speed in a way that had never been done before, and is acknowledged as the greatest baserunner of all time. In 1947, when Robinson finally put on a Brooklyn Dodger uniform, he started the integration of professional athletics in America. He strongly challenged ...

Billy Sunday
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... to be indifferent toward him. The religious leader was so extraordinarily popular, opinionated, and vocal that indifference was the last thing that he would get from people. His most loyal admirers were confident that this rural-breed preacher was God’s mouthpiece, calling Americans to repentance. Sunday’s critics said that at best he was a well-meaning buffoon whose sermons vulgarized and trivialized the Christian message and at worst he was a disgrace to the name of Christ (Dorsett 2). There are elements of truth in both of these views. He was often guilty of oversimplifying biblical truths, and at times he spoke more out of ignorance than a heav ...

Constantine The Great
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... replaced Rome with Constantinople as the center of imperial power, he made it clear that the city of Rome was no longer the center of power and he also set the stage for the Middle Ages. His view of monarchy became the foundation for the concept of the divine right of kings. Constantine, the son of Constantius Chlorus and Helena, seems to have been born in Naissus in Serbia on 27 February ca. 272 or 273 C.E. When his father had become Caesar in 293 A.D., Constantius had sent his son to the Emperor Galerius as hostage for his own good behavior; Constantine, however, returned to his father in Britain on July 25th, 306. Soon after his father's death, Constantine was r ...

A Portrait Of Duke Ellington By Tracy Frech
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... by. He would arrange dance bands for weddings and parties for extra money. His mother taught him how to play the piano. Sometimes he put this knowledge to use and played at a few of the dance parties and weddings. After Duke's first job, he became more interested in painting and the arts. For a few years he painted public posters. Duke then decided to put together his own band. At this point in his life things started to change for the better for Duke, but not for long. In those days, this new music was just beginning to develop and would later be given the name of jazz. In that time it was considered to be low and vulgar because it was music that grew ...

Christopher Columbus
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... had been known to the persons living there for centuries before arrival. But Columbus, and those who followed him, recognized the significance of the New World; in this sense they certainly deserve credit for having "discovered" America. Over five hundred years ago he landed in the Americas and now we are starting to question weather or not he should be given credit for discovering America. This doesn’t seem fare. After so many years without controversy it’s just been recently that we have started to question the lagitamitity of his discovery. What brought on this sudden change? Perhaps is was the coming of the five hund ...

Malcolm X
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... of New York City. He lived as a gambler, cheating to make money. He sold drugs and became addicted himself. Then in 1946 he was sent to prison for burglary. While serving in prison Malcolm adopted the Islamic religion. After he was released from prison in 1952, Malcolm joined his younger brother in Detroit, Michigan where he replaced his slave last name with an X to symbolize his lost true African name. soon became an active participant in the nation of Islam. He assisted Elijah Muhammad by starting many new Muslim groups in the United States. In 1952 he returned to New York to become a minister of the important Harlem temple and in 1957 he organized the Muslim n ...

Davy Crockett
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... Davy worked on people's farms. He was a plowboy on a farm, he learned how to make hats, he helped with the cattle, and did many odd jobs. When he wasn't working he went hunting and roamed the woods. Davy was the best at telling stories. He got to know a lot of people liked him. They elected him to the legislature. He was successful. He had 2 terms. Davy wanted to go fight with the Creeks. But his wife, Finley begged him not to go. The Creeks fought only for there homes. Davy could under stand that. He fought in Alabama and Georgia. Davy and other men went into Florida to fight the Creeks. Davy Crockett took his rifle "Old Betsy" and fought for ...

ROBBERY OF FREEDOM:The Ultimate Injustice
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... toward me is described in my horror story below. Thank you. Sincerely, Beverly Brabham My story is told to you as honestly and as accurately as can be. Over the years, I have felt like I've had to 'defend' something, but I have realized that, as bizarre as it is, just tell the truth and let that be it! I was released in April 10,2001, and my quest for justice has only gained momentum. I am the victim of small town politics where the locals have met very little resistance in doing things their own way, regardless of the law. In fact, I am the first one who has ever been known to challenge that state court of Bullock County, Alabama (City of Union Spring ...

John F. Kennedy
Download This PaperWords: 397 - Pages: 2

... the bills that went to help the working class people. And he sided with Truman's foreign policies except for America's weak stand against communist's. later Kennedy ran for a seat in the Senate and won. During a stint with sickness Kennedy wrote a Politzer price winning book about military heroes. In 1960 Kennedy ran for president against Nixon, and because Kennedy looked good on TV he won the vote. But by less then 115,000 popular votes. For Kennedy the most important part of his presidency came on October 16, 1960 when he found out about the Russian missiles being moved into Cuba. Some of the missiles that they were moving in were, MRBMs, which are medium ra ...

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