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Essays on People

Howard Hughes
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... publishing hoaxes in history. Sr., commonly known as Big Howard, was a graduate of the Harvard School of Law, yet never once appeared before a court of law. Big Howard spent the first 36 years of his life chasing money across the Texas plains, as a wildcatter and a speculator in oil leases, working hard enough and earning just enough to move on to another, hopefully more fortunate gamble. In the year of his marriage, Big Howard sold leases on land that proved to have $50,000 in oil beneath it. He promptly took his new wife to Europe for a honeymoon, and returned exactly $50,000 poorer. In 1908, Big Howard turned his ingenuity and his hobby to tinker into good fo ...

Ulysses S. Grant 2
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... the North, he was sent to the Far West. In 1854, while stationed at Fort Humboldt, California, “Grant resigned his commission because of loneliness and drinking problems, and in the following years he engaged in generally unsuccessful farming and business ventures in Missouri.”(Grant Moves South, 18) He moved to Galena, Illinois, in 1860, where he became a clerk in his father's leather store. At the outbreak of the American Civil War, Grant was appointed colonel, and soon afterward brigadier general, of the Illinois Volunteers, and in September 1861 he seized Paducah, Kentucky. After an indecisive raid on Belmont, Missouri, he gained fame when in Febru ...

Charles Goodyear
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... New Haven, Connecticut. In 1826 decided to move to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There he opened a hardware store where he sold the products that his father made. Four years after opening this store both Amasa and were bankrupt because they would extend credit to customers and the customers would never pay back the money that they owed. Charles’s health started to decline and both father and son owed tens of thousands of dollars. For the next thirty years was thrown in prison over ten times because he didn’t pay his debts. In 1834 when he was in New York, on a business trip, the Roxbury India Rubber Company caught his eye. He decided to go inside the store and ta ...

Joseph Stalin
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... was their best student and as a result he was awarded a full academic scholarship to Tbilsi Theological Seminary. He attended this to prepare him for the entrance to priest hood.(Red Tsar) At the Seminary School Stalin converted to Marxism and was a devoted follower by 1897.() Before he graduated from the Seminary, he left and joined the Social Democratic Party in 1899. He started as the distributor of propaganda.(Red Tsar) This is the start of Stalin’s political career. Stalin had many political jobs that helped him to assume the position of dictator. In 1902 Stalin was arrested and spent one year in prison and then was exiled to Siberia. He escaped the pris ...

Malcolm X
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... a 'racist', a 'hatemonger' and a 'terrorist' by America's Establishment, he spent the last years of his life struggling to free the American negro from the misery and oppression that White America had forced them to suffer for over four hundred years. The X represented the African tribal name his ancestors had lost when they were brought in their millions as slaves from Africa to America. From his initial, radical stance as a "Black Nationalist" seeing evil in all whites, he came to think that blacks and whites could work together for international revolution, a belief that ultimately led to his murder in 1965 by rival Black Muslims. Though he came from the Americ ...

The Life Of Edgar Allan Poe
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... is unclear. Her name was Jane Stith Stanard. Poe's affection for her may have stemmed from her kindness toward him at a time when he felt more "tolerated than desired, suffered rather than sought." (James A. Harrison, p.xiii vol.7) He was at a school in Richmond, Va. where, compared to the other boys, he was genetically lower class. It did not matter that he had more mental or physical prowess than them, he simply did not have the genealogy and they reminded him of it often. The first poetry he had released came shortly after this time. It was in no way concerned with his alma mater, it was more concerned with happiness lost and how the his life was miser ...

Alexander The Great
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... by the Greeks throughout the world. Alexander had a dream of the brotherhood of mankind where every person shared a common language, currency and loyalty, but he was unable to see his dream through due to an illness that claimed his life at the young age of 33. Alexander was born in 356 B.C. He was born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia. He was the son of Philip II, king of Macedonia, and of Olympias, a princess of Epirus. At the age of 13, Aristotle was hired to be Alexander’s private tutor. Aristotle inspired interests of politics, other races of people and countries, plants and animals, and a great love for literature in Alexander (" ...

Warren G. Harding
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... assuring voters that a vote for Harding was a vote for the League. But Harding interpreted his election as a mandate to stay out of the League of Nations. Harding, born near Marion, Ohio, in 1865, became the publisher of a newspaper. He married a divorce, Mrs. Florence Kling De Wolfe. He was a trustee of the Trinity Baptist Church, a director of almost every important business, and a leader in fraternal organizations and charitable enterprises. He organized the Citizen's Cornet Band, available for both Republican and Democratic rallies; "I played every instrument but the slide trombone and the E-flat cornet," he once remarked. Harding's undeviating Rep ...

Muhammad Ali: The Greatest
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... Medal at the Rome Olympics and 10 years to become Heavyweight Champion of the world. During Cassius’s early boxing career, he declared himself a Black Muslim and changed his name to Muhammad Ali. Because of his religious beliefs, Ali took a controversial stand against the Vietnam War. Consequently, the New York State Athletic Committee suspended Muhammad Ali’s boxing license. Muhammad’s recognition as a champion was withdrawn and he was also suspended from the Nation of Islam because he planned to return to boxing. After being barred from the ring, Muhammad displayed his tenacity by touring colleges and giving lectures to earn money while filing suit against ...

David Hume
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... Hume's skepticism is also evident in his writings on religion, in which he rejected any rational or natural theology. Besides his chief work, A Treatise of Human Nature (1739-40), he wrote Political Discourses (1752), The Natural History of Religion (1755), and a History of England (1754-62) that was, despite errors of fact, the standard work for many years. "Nothing seems more unbounded than a man's thought," quoted Hume. Hume took genuinely hypothetical elements from Locke and Berkeley but, rejected some lingering metaphysics form their thought, and gave empiricism its clearest and most rigorous formulation. (Stumpf) Hume wanted to build a science of a man, t ...

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