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Essays on People

Hank Williams Jr.
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... music history. Hank appeared on stage for the first time at the young age of eight. Hank appeared on the Grand Ole Opry at the age of eleven, singing his father's songs in his father's style. At the age of fourteen Hank recorded his first album, a hit rendition of his father's "Lone Gone Lonesome Blues." At an age when most young boys are playing Little League baseball or football, Hank was learning the piano from Jerry Lee Lewis, appearing on the Ed Sullivan Show, and performing before crowds of up to twenty thousand. In 1969, Hank teamed up with Johnny Cash to perform in the largest country concert to date. In 1970, Hank signed the biggest recording contract ...

Thomas Aquinas
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... of Ireland, who trained him in logic and the natural sciences. Thomas could repeat his lessons with more depth and lucidity than his masters displayed. While at the University Thomas came under the influence of the Dominicans, an order of mendicant preaching friars. Thomas decided to join the order, even though his family opposed the idea. His brothers captured him and imprisoned him at Roccasecca. There he was imprisoned for nearly two years. His parents, brothers, and sisters attempted to force him to change his mind, they threatened him and forced temptations on him, but he eventually escaped and joined the Dominicans. The Dominicans then sent Thom ...

Ferdinand Graf Von Zeppelin
Download This PaperWords: 1950 - Pages: 8

... not run. He, along with others, at that time preferred modern opinions over combat tactics, which brought his career into conflicts with the military authorities. In the age of 52, he was prematurely retired in 1890 for his criticism of the Prussian war office, giving him free time to work on his airship ideas. Zeppelin now finally found the time to concern himself with his visions to the topic of “Lenkbare Luftschiffe” or “guidable airships”. This idea had always pursued him in the last 20 years. It was particularly the success of the airship LA FRANCE, which had very much impressed Zeppelin. In a letter to his king, Zeppelin refer ...

Steven Speilberg
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... mode of expression however, through an old eight-millimeter camera that he had found in his garage. Spielberg focused all of his time and effort into this new form of expression he had found, even at the expense of other things in his life. In an article in Time magazine Spielberg said "From age twelve or thirteen I knew I wanted to be a movie director, and I didn't think that science or math or foreign languages were going to help me turn out the little 8-mm sagas I was making to avoid homework."(Contemporary Authors 3) Movies were also helping Stephen to escape his family life, where at home things were bad with his parents, and when Stephen was twelve year ...

Howard Hughes-A Flying Life
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... out all right. He was orphaned and inherited $2,000,000 and Hughes Tool Company. His uncle was Hollywood writer Rupert Hughes. Howard took his first airplane ride when he was fourteen years old. Howard Hughes attended private elementary and high school in California and Massachusetts. He attended the Rice Institute in Houston, Texas. He also attended the California Institute of Technology. Howard had a fine education because he attended highly educational schools. His father’s great fortune left Howard very wealthy. After his father’s death he was left an estate worth $871,000, and a patent for a drill. The drill was for oil drilling which made much m ...

The Life Of King David
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... and the Hebrews won the war. During David's life he makes many friends. One of the people who was David's friend was king Saul. David played his harp for Saul and made him feel better when life was getting him down. David also becomes good friends with, Jonathan, Saul's son. Saul gets envious of David because the people of Saul's kingdom really like David. Saul tried to have David killed but, Jonathan finds out about the plot and saves David's life. Later on in life David became king of all Israel. One day David was up on the roof of his palace and he saw Bathsheba bathing on her roof. Instead of turning away from his sinful thoughts, he had her called to his chamb ...

Andrew Jackson
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... to accept both criticism and ideas from other people. The final requirement that is important is how the president uses his power. He must not abuse his power and must use power to only benefit his causes. His power must be used to benefit the people of the nation. In my opinion was a good president. For his cabinet, Jackson appointed the most competent and honest men. He wanted to have loyal and trustworthy men that he could depend on to help him while in office. Such men as Martin Van Buren, Senator Eaton, John Branch, John M. Berrien and Samuel D. Ingham were all men appointed cleverly by Jackson that did their job superbly under him. In foreign affairs, ...

Czar Nicholas II
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... relatives seemed to tower above him. Though he worked out in his private gym daily, he would always be seen as slight and wiry. Because his legs were so short, most people agreed that he looked most regal when mounted on horseback. He always wore his brown hair parted on the left. His beard, also brown, was streaked with golden highlights as if the sun had reached out and stroked it with a kindly finger. The Czar had a nervous habit of brushing his mustache up with the back of his hand. In time, this gesture would become his distinct signature. Because of his sheltered life under the fear of terrorists, Nicholas grew up secluded from the world. Unfortunately, th ...

Ernest Miller Hemingway
Download This PaperWords: 489 - Pages: 2

... She hated dirty diapers, upset stomachs, and cleaning house; they were not fit for a lady. She taught her children to always act with decorum. She adored the singing of the birds and the smell of flowers. Her children were expected to behave properly and to please her, always. Mrs. Hemingway treated Ernest, when he was a small boy, as if he were a female baby doll and she dressed him accordingly. This arrangement was alright until Ernest got to the age when he wanted to be a "gun-toting Pawnee Bill". He began, at that time, to pull away from his mother, and never forgave her for his humiliation. The town of Oak Park, where Ernest grew up, was v ...

Charles Darwin
Download This PaperWords: 1989 - Pages: 8

... for this pedicular concept. But to most of us, "evolution" simply means that human beings are descended from apes, a slight misunderstanding, since both humans and modern apes are descendants of a mutual ancestor that is now extinct. It's not evolution but the theory of natural selection and the evidence he collected to prove to fellow scientists, peers, students, and most importantly the masses of public and the church that were at the heart of Darwin's contribution to biological science. Charles Darwin did not invent the concept of evolution. A number of prominent scientists and other thinkers during the eighteenth century and the first half of the nine ...

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