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Andrew Jackson: Indian Fighter
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... peace treaty he imposed deprived them of more than 8 million hectares (20 million acres) of land—an area larger than that of most of the states in the Union. Old Hickory, as Jackson was now known because of his toughness, had given the nation a taste of military glory(Sellers 101). In the years immediately following, Jackson maintained his prominence but not without creating a furor—as his actions often did. Early in 1818, without clear authorization, he violated Spanish-owned territory by chasing the hostile Seminole into Florida, where he then created another international incident by putting two British subjects to death(Sellers 105). Then to further his ag ...

Karl Marx
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... of 1842, became editor-in-chief, and decided to move from Bonn to Cologne. As the paper became more and more revolutionary and widely read, the government decided to censor, and eventually suppress it. The paper was banned in March of 1843. At this time, it had more than 3,400 subscribers from all over Germany. was married to his childhood friend Jenny von Westphalen, in 1843. Later in the fall of that year Marx along with another Left Hegelian, Arnold Ruge, moved to Paris and began publication of a radical journal entitled Deutsch-Franzosische Jahrbucher. However due to the problems in publishing such a radical paper, only one issue appeared. Karl met his closest ...

Albert Camus
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... as a European writer, one who referred to himself as coming form a Mediterranean background. Many studies about Camus mention the “Alegiers summer,” on reference to the early portion of his life spent in Africa. On one occasion, when asked what were some of his favorite words, he mentioned the word “summer,” referring to the intense heat and sun of the Mediterranean an Algiers. His background was working class, with an illiterate mother of Spanish origin and a father of Alsatian descent who was a day laborer. His mother, left a widow with two small sons when her husband died during the Battle of the Marne, did cleaning in order to her-self and the children. Camu ...

Van Gogh
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... grab the attention of the public. was a natural. He did not go to any art school to learn about painting. Many artists start out by taking art lessons of some kind and proceeded to college and universities. The first time had anything to do with learning about art was when he apprenticed to the international art firm of Goupil, and the reason he did was because his Uncle was a partner. On March 30, 1852 a child was born from Anna and Theodorus , it was a little boy,they named the boy Vincent. "The baby Vincent died a few weeks after his birth."(Elizabeth, Lawrence Hanson 5) On March 30,1853, exactly a year after the first baby was born, Anna and T ...

Sir Thomas More - A Unique Her
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... it is agility, strength, or skill in combat. Thomas More on the other hand, was none of the above. His strength was not in his arms, but in his mind, his wit was his agility, and his words were his sword. Thus More’s knowledge and moral self are the only things that distinguish him as a hero. More’s own opinion in fact, was valued so much, it was the reason of his death; he died because he stood by it. King Henry VIII who, unless with More’s blessing, could not divorce, and at the same time wed a new wife. The King knew and respected More’s honesty on all matters. Though, because More disagreed with the issue, the King could not in his own mind justify his acti ...

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... His music brought inspiration and illumination to those who listened and Beethoven wanted it so. It is said that Beethoven “wrote for the public.”(Marek, 413) Those that knew him spoke of his “lion’s voice,” “broad shoulders,” “jaws that could crack nuts,” “square nose like a lions,” “strong frame,” and “carriage proudly erect.”(Cooper, 383) Beethoven lived an interesting and exciting life filled with drama, revolution and innovation. His composition ability was partially influenced by his upbringing; his father’s push to become a musician and his above ave ...

Death Of A Salesmen
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... trying to shoot for too high hopes. Because of this, Charley later in life, had a steady enough income to live comfortably and put his son through college. He even had money to spare so that he could loan it to the needing Willy Loman. Charley placed good ethics on Bernard, like working hard to become successful. By the later part of Charley's life, he was living comfortably because of all his hard work, and he set his son Bernard in the right path. Bernard had obviously succeeded in life through his hard work in his younger days while Biff just played around. Bernard is successful in that he is making a good living and is doing what he wants with his life. ...

William Faulkner 2
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... stories from the past and present. David Minter says, “His works take us into regions and spaces we can never directly know, and also back in the time to worlds lost before we were born” (Preface X). Of course, Faulkner’s personal life has added a certain amount of excitement to his audiences. Faulkner’s stories are known to reflect experiences from his own familiar life. William Faulkner should be mentioned along with any collection of classic authors because of his remarkable use of the past and present, as well as for his meticulous detail and comprehensive knowledge of the South in his writings. William Faulkner’s backgr ...

Jane Erye
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... into confession. When they got into the house of the doctor Kino hesitated a moment because this doctor was not of his people. The gate was closed a little and the servant refused to speak in the old language. They never got to speak to the doctor with Kino’s anger. He struck the gate a crushing blow with his fist. Kino own a canoe which was owned by his Grandpa and give it to his father and passed to Kino it was the one thing of value he owned in the world. Kino found a pearl a silvery pearl he seemed to saw the great oyster for the first time. His wife was so very excited when he saw the pearl and she could not want to hold it. Before he found the pearl he he ...

Anne Frank
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... friends. However her father was still worried, for in Germany the Nazis gained almost complete power. In 1940, the Germans invaded and conquered Holland. Anne's life had changed by the Germans taking control. She could not go to her school, and was to attend the Jewish Lyceum. No Jews were allowed out on the streets at night. Her life changed again. It was not a happy one for herself or her family. In 1941, the Germans had there first round up of Jews in Amsterdam. 5 months later, the Germans summoned 16-year-old Margot Frank to report for deportation. Otto Frank had contacts with some Dutch friends, and they were able to hide out in the attic of a house. The morn ...

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