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Essays on People

Political Policies Between The
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... to communism. In the United States, many saw accumulative series of Soviet interventions which involved military means; Angola, Ethiopia, Kampuchea, Afghanistan, as a pattern of Soviet expansion, which was not consistent with détente. Many actually believed that these expansionist moves were encouraged by détente. Ultimately, the expectations that détente would achieve more were held by both powers. It was the failure to satisfy these expectations which led to its demise. Kissinger suggested that "détente, with all its weaknesses, should be judged not against some ideal but against what would have happened in its absence. Détente did not cause the Soviet a ...

Andrew Carnegie On The Gospel
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... in young Andrew the values of political and economic equality. His family's poverty, however, taught Carnegie a different lesson. When the Carnegies emigrated to America in 1848, Carnegie determined to bring prosperity to his family. He worked many small jobs which included working for the Pennsylvania Railroad where he first recognized the importance of steel. With this recognition, he resigned and started the Keystone Bridge Company in 1865. He built a steel-rail mill, and bought out a small steel company. By 1888, he had a large plant. Later on he sold his Carnegie Steel Company to J. P. Morgan's U.S. Steel Company after a serious, bloody union strike. He saw h ...

Peter Tchaikovsky
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... docility, "I covered France with my hand." The child is father of the man; here we have already Tchaikovsky's strange two-sidedness: on one hand his intense emotionality in all personal matters, his headstrong impetuosity, leaping first and looking afterwards; on the other his candor and modesty, his intelligent acceptance of criticism, even his carefulness and good workmanship-he had covered France with his hand"! If he had only been able to reconcile that lifelong feud between his over-personal heart and his magnanimous mind, he would have been saved endless suffering. But he was not: in his music his self-criticism, as on of his best biographers, Edwin Evans ...

Abraham Of Chaldea
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... he moved was because "The God of glory appeared to our father Abram when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran, and said to him, "Depart from your country and your relatives, and come into the land that I will show you." 2 While in Haran, Abram's father died and God spoke to him again saying, "Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father's house, to the land which I will show you." 3 He obeyed and left Haran with his brother Nahor's family and his Nephew Lot without really knowing where he was going. At this time, God did not reveal to him he was going to Canaan. God only told him "the land which I will show you." 4 Whe ...

Miyamoto Musashi
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... Musashi was raised by a number of family members and started to train in the ways of Kendo (fencing) under his uncle’s guidance. Musashi proved to have tremendous talent with a blade. He was also very big and strong for a boy of his age. But with this strength and size came aggression. Musashi was not known a calm and mannerly youth. Rather he was considered a troublemaker and a uncontrollable child by the town elders. Musashi used his strength and demeanor in his first real duel with a known samurai when he was thirteen years of age. He fought against Arima Kigei from the Shinto Ryu school of Military Arts. Unarmed, Musashi threw the samurai to the gr ...

Langston Hughes
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... plays, essays, and short stories appeared in the NAACP publication Crisis Magazine and in Opportunity Magazine and other publications(Jackson,1).” “One of Hughes’ finest essays appeared in the Nation in 1926, entitled “The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain”. It spoke of Black writers and poets, “who would surrender racial pride in the name of a false integration”, where a talented Black writer would prefer to be considered a poet. Hughes argued, “no great poet has ever been afraid of being himself’. He wrote in this essay, “We younger Negro artists now intend to express our individual dark-skinned selves without fear or shame. If white people are pleased ...

Adam Smith
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... in 1764-5 when he began his great work, The Wealth of Nations. The book was being written all during the years of strife between Britain and her colonies, but it was not published until 1776. In the passages which follow, Smith points to the impossibility of monopolizing the benefits of colonies, and pessimistically calculates the cost of empire, but the book appeared too late to have any effect upon British policy. Because the Declaration of Independence and The Wealth of Nations, the political and economic reliations of empire and mercantilism, appeared in the same year, historians have often designated 1776 as one of the turning points in modern history. The te ...

Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856)
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... reputation for accurate experimental work. Another reason why his hypothesis was not recognized was because of the fact that his work was published in obscure journals and maybe because he was very isolated from the mainstream of chemistry done in his time. Avogadro's work was recognized nearly fifty years after he had made his hypothesis. Two years after his death, his colleague, Cannizzaro, showed how the use of Avogadro's number could solve many of the problems in chemistry. This time Avogadro's paper was looked at more carefully over a wider and more distinguished group of scientists, thus his work was finally recognized. Avogadro's work helped other sc ...

Galileo Galilei
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... Pisa led him to the discovery of the isochronism of the pendulum, which theory he utilized fifty years later in the construction of an astronomical clock. In 1588, an essay on the center of gravity in solids obtained for him the title of the Archimedes of his time, and secured him a teaching spot in the University of Pisa. During the years immediately following, taking advantage of the celebrated leaning tower, he laid the foundation experimentally of the theory of falling bodies and demonstrated the falsity of the peripatetic maxim, which is that an objects rate of descent is proportional to its weight. When he challenged this it made all of the followers of Aristo ...

Rosa Parks
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... on the bus. When she was asked to give up her seat, she refused. Immediately, the driver stopped the bus and called two policemen. Mrs. Parks was arrested and taken to jail. Edgar Daniel Nixon, head of the NAACP in Montgomery, posted a $100 bond to get her released. Although Mrs. Parks was not the first black person to get arrested for refusing to give up her seat on the bus, Mr. Nixon decided that she wouldn't be the last. He called a meeting of black leaders to see what action they should take. By the end of the meeting, the leaders agreed to call a one-day boycott of all the city buses for Monday Dec.5. On Monday, the buses began their run through the blac ...

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