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Essays on People

Martin Luther King
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... non-violence, achievement and peace were what motivated him. King is not great because he is well known, he is great because he served as the cause of peace and justice for all humans. King is remembered for his humanity, leadership and his love of his fellow man regardless of skin color. This presence of strong moral values developed King’s character which enabled him to become one of the most influential leaders of our time. Integrity is a central value in a leader’s character and it is through integrity that King had vision of the truth. The truth that one day this nation would live up to the creed, “all men are created equal”. ...

Bob Marley
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... had an incredible passion for the sport of soccer. On a 1977 European tour, Marley played an informal soccer game. During the game Marley injured his foot and the injury showed cancerous cells. An anonymous internet article titled ³¹s Quotes² has him saying, ³Just can¹t live that negative way ... make way for that positive day.² Unfortunately Marley was a very smart guy and he knew of his fate. Being a visionary, Marley foresaw his death. He realized reality and what was going to happen to him. An internet source titled ³thirdfield² writes these lyrics by Marley: ³ŒOne bright morning when my work is over I will fly home¹² Marley was a great ambassado ...

Life Of John F Kennedy
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... he was suffering from jaundice and could not continue his studies. He then enrolled at Harvard where he was an average student during his first two years. A trip to Europe with his father in the summer of 1937 and again in 1939 introduced him to the world of international politics. His interest soared and upon returning to Harvard for his senior year, he wrote an honors thesis and graduated in 1940. “As discussed in the Encyclopedia Americana. Vol. 16, page362.” He had no idea how much of an important and influential life he was going to lead. Kennedy’s political career began in 1946 when he was elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives and then ...

Accomplishments Of John D. Rockefeller
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... the oil industry and became one of the first big trusts in the United States. Rockefeller’s stake in the oil industry increased as the industry itself expanded, spurred by the rapidly spreading use of kerosene for lighting. In 1870 he organized The Standard Oil Company along with his brother William, Andrews,and others. By 1872 Standard Oil had purchased and thus controlled nearly all the refining firms in Cleveland, plus two refineries in the New York City area. Before long the company was refining 29,000 barrels of crude oil a day and had its own cooper shop manufacturing wooden barrels. Standard prospered and, in 1882, all its properties were merged i ...

Glorious Sceptre
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... gave it to the courier Argeiphontes, and lord Hermes gave it to Pelops, driver of horses, and Pelops again gave it to Atreus, the shepherd of the people. Atreus dying left it Thyestes of the rich flocks, and Thyestes left it in turn to Agamemnon to carry and to be lord of many islands over all Argos. (II, 102-109)" In naming Hephaistus, Zeus, Hermes, and the kings of Mycenae, Homer describes a legacy that enhances the sceptre’s image as a token of influence and power. Moreover, it is important to note that the sceptre was not conceived by a mortal, but rather by Hephaistus. Using the wood from a living tree in the mountains, he constructed an immortal devi ...

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... were with the brush, and the hammer and chisel. After painting on fresh plaster, painted from life. He also sculpted from life. A great man in Italy named Lorenzo lived in a palace and was wealthy. liked him, so he sculpted a wonderful mystical fawn head for him. Lorenzo was speechless. He asked to live with him in his palace. After two years in the palace, Lorenzo died and was left alone. His father wanted some of his money. loved his father with all of his heart. was not doing well with money at the time, but gave his father some. Then, Julius Pope asked to paint the vault of the Sistine Chapel. took the job and started. He started in 1508 and ...

Marco Polo
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... when the height of Venice's influence as a city-state coincided with the greatest extent of Mongol conquest of Asia(Li Man Kin 9). Ruled by Kublai Khan, the Mongol Empire stretched all the way from China to Russia and the Levant. The Mongol hordes also threatened other parts of Europe, particularly Poland and Hungary, inspiring fear everywhere by their bloodthirsty advances. Yet the ruthless methods brought a measure of stability to the lands they controlled, opening up trade routes such as the famous Silk Road. Eventually ,the Mongols discovered that it was more profitable to collect tribute from people than to kill them outright, and this policy too stimulated t ...

Sojourner Truth
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... a “Negro state.” Sojourner continued to preach to the country until 1875. She was well known for her speeches and although she couldn’t read or write her whole life she was one of the most determined speakers this country has ever known. was born into slavery in Hurley, Ulster County, New York and given the name was Isabella. In 1828 she was freed, when New York emancipated slaves. She heard voices she believed were god. She preached to people in the streets of New York in 1829 and then, as the voices told her to she took the name . In 1829 and then, as the voices told her to she took the name . She then preached on the eastern seaboard. Later that year she became ...

Franz Kafka
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... status, and even his family. Even though, this man was one accompanied by great wisdom, which was shown in the writing of Metamorphosis. Kafka was a political genius who showed all his political beliefs through his one great work, Metamorphosis. All of the experiences in Kafka’s life are portrayed through Gregor, a person who wished he was dead at the end of Kafka’s words. Distant from the poor, meager, and mostly un-vivacious reality of life and it’s hardships stands one man, Gregor, a provider of financial resources for his family. Such a young man is making his way in society, and the world in general. Through Gregor’s successes, ...

Ralph Waldo Emerson
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... the death of his wife after only 17 months of marriage. In 1835 he married Lydia Jackson and started to lecture. Then in 1836, he helped to start the Transcendental Club. The Transcendental Club was formed for authors that were part of this historical movement. Emerson was a big part of this and practically initiated the entire club. As we know he was already a major part of the movement and know got himself involved more. Many people and ways of life throughout his career including Neoplatonism, the Hindu religion, Plato and even his wife influenced Emerson. He also inspired many Transcendentalists like Thoreau. Emerson didn’t win any major awards, but he did win ...

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