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Essays on People

Albert Einstein
Download This PaperWords: 1936 - Pages: 8

... what characterizes the aspirations of a person who gives me the impression of being religious: a person who is religiously enlightened appears to me to be one who has, to the best of his ability, liberated himself from the fetters of his selfish desires and is preoccupied with thoughts, feelings, and aspirations to which he clings because of their superpersonalvalue. It seems to me that what is important is the force of this superpersonal content and the depth of the conviction concerning its overpowering meaningfulness, regardless of whether any attempt is made to unite this content with a divine Being, for otherwise it would not be possible to count Buddha and Sp ...

Newton And Prisms
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... of Cambridge. In 1665 Newton returned to Woolsthorpe and continued his study of light. Newton was intrigued by light and was curious about its composition. When trying to explain how colors occur, he came to the theory that light is a heterogeneous mixture of different colored light rays. He theorized that each ray was a different color, and that reflections and refractions cause colors to appear through the separation of the "white" light. To demonstrate and prove his theory, Newton used a prism. A prism is a type of lens with sharp angled edges that are able to separate light. Prisms can be very simple boxes or triangles or prisms can be in complex sh ...

Durga Puja
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... shape of a woman - she is goddess Durga. This vigorous goddess got married to Lord Shiva and prepared herself for the battle with Mahishashura. All the gods rendered their support by arming her with different weapons. After a great battle Durga killed Mahishashura, bringing back the heavenly peace. As Durga is the image of power and vigour, since ages worshipping her, has become tradition. Purana reveals king Suratha was one of the eminent worshippers of goddess Durga; he used to worship her image during spring and the act is known as Basanti puja. But Shree Rama, before rescuing Seeta from Ravana, in haste worshipped her in the Autumn and act is called Akal Bodh ...

Frank Lloyd Wright 2
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... and independently build private houses for some of Sullivan’s clients. This was known as “moonlighting”. These houses soon revealed an independent talent that was distinct from that of Sullivan. Wright’s houses had low, sweeping rooflines hanging over uninterrupted walls of windows. His plans were centered on massive brick or stone fireplaces at the heart of the house. His rooms became wide open to one another and the overall configuration of his plans became more and more alike, reaching out toward some real or imagined expansive horizon. In contrast to the openness of those houses and as if in conflict with their immediate city env ...

Two Great Men: Franklin And Jefferson
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... a Child I was fond of Reading, and all the little Money that came into my Hands was ever laid out in Books" (530). He learned French, Spanish, Italian, and Latin. His idea about education was to read to gain knowledge, and work hard in order to educate yourself. He was a jack of all trades and master of many. He felt that a man should learn what he called his "business" throughly and work hard in order to succeed. In the "The Way to Wealth," one of his most popular articles which help shape American culture, he wrote, "Sloth makes all things difficult, but industry all easy, As Poor Richard says; and he that rises late must trot all day, and shall scarce ove ...

Walt Disney
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... field on day he found a puppy and had it shipped back to her so she could take care of it. When he got back she was married 3 months before his return and his dog died. He then move back to Kansas City, lived with his brother Roy, and tried to get a job as an artist. Walt had many jobs but couldn’t keep one for very long. There was very few artistic jobs available then and the ones that where available, the employers found something wrong with Walt. Then Walt started his own business. His brother Roy went in on it to, so they called the business Disney Brothers. Later it changed to Productions. His first animated character was Oswald the Bunny. He pride ...

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... emphasized passion rather than reason, imagination and intuition rather than logic and full expression of the emotions. Which is exatly what wrote about in many of her poems. Poem 214 is a prime example of this. "I taste a liquor never brewed- From Tankards scooped in Pearl- Not all the Frankfort Berries Yield such and Alcohol!" "Inebriate of Air-am I- And Debauchee of Dew- Reeling-thro endless summer days- From inns of Molten Blue-" "When "Landlords" turn the drunken Bee Out of the Foxglove's door- When Butterflies-renounce their "drams"- I shall but drink the more!" -214 This Poem by Dickinson demonstrates her universal spirit and be ...

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... grow and build; you get away with an inch and then end up taking a mile. Each canto in the book represents sinners that have gone farther and farther into their sins. As progresses through Hell, he realizes the extent of wrong that a person can ultimately commit. This shows that we must recognize our sins and wrong doings before we end up in Hell, or, existentially speaking, lost in pure, dark evil. It is almost like a small lie that can grow and grow to ultimately consume your life. In its content, the Inferno also shows the reader what a sin is really like by creating a symbolic punishment which mirrors the actual sin. Hell is a place "where penalties are p ...

Guy Fawkes
Download This PaperWords: 978 - Pages: 4

... Anne Fawkes on 3rd October 1568, but the infant lived a mere seven weeks, being buried on 14th November of the same year. Two other sisters were born followed by Anne, another Anne, who later married Henry Kilburns in Scotton on 12th October1572, and Elizabeth, who later married William Dickenson also in Scotton on 27th May 1594. Edward Fawkes who was advocate of the consistory court of the Archbishop of York. On his mother’s side, he was descended from the Harrington family who were eminent merchants and Alderman of York. In 1605, (also known as Guido), and a group of conspirators attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament to kill the King, James I and t ...

Alexander The Great
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... by the Greeks throughout the world. Alexander had a dream of the brotherhood of mankind where every person shared a common language, currency and loyalty, but he was unable to see his dream through due to an illness that claimed his life at the young age of 33. Alexander was born in 356 B.C. He was born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia. He was the son of Philip II, king of Macedonia, and of Olympias, a princess of Epirus. At the age of 13, Aristotle was hired to be Alexander’s private tutor. Aristotle inspired interests of politics, other races of people and countries, plants and animals, and a great love for literature in Alexander (&# ...

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