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Bonnie And Clyde
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... of the Ellis County Courthouse at Waxahachie. Three additional children followed Clyde’s birth, and the families financial difficulties worsened as the price for cotton bounced up and down. After some years the Barrow’s found it impossible to provide for their children and sent them to live with relatives in east Texas. At one relatives home Clyde developed two interests that remained with him to the end of hid life: a passion for music, and an obsession with guns. Even as Clyde drove along the lane in Louisiana to his death, he carried a saxophone and reams of sheet music, as well as an arsenal of firearms. Clyde loved and named his guns, and regarded ...

Andy Warhol 3
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... artist. Andy got his first break in August 1949, when Glamour Magazine wanted him to illustrate a feature entitled "Success in a Job in New York." But by accident the credit read "Drawings by Andy Warhol" and that is how he dropped the "a" in his last name. A particular favorite advertisement form that Warhol likes to use was product labels. You will see quite a few examples of this in some of his work. (Grolier 1996) Warhol did most of his well-know works in a four year span from 1960 to 1964. He started out by reproducing images such as comic strips on much larger canvases. Some examples of these would be Nancy, Dick Tracy, Superman, and Popeye. He ...

Argentine Marxist Revolutionary And Guerrilla Leader Che Guevara
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... and influences inculcated in the young Guevara a contempt for the pantomime of parliamentary democracy, and a hatred of military politicians and the army, the capitalist oligarchy, and above all the US dollar/imperialism. Yet although his parents, notably his mother, were anti-Peronist activists, he took no part in revolutionary student movements and showed little interest in politics at Buenos Aires University (1947) where he studied medicine, first with a view to understanding his own disease, later becoming more interested in leprosy. In 1949 he made the first of his long journeys, exploring northern Argentina on a bicycle, and for the first time coming into c ...

Abraham Lincoln
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... His father remarried, a year later, a women who had three children leaving Abraham with four new members in his family. Although, Abraham was a smart man and a political genius he had very little formal education. When Abraham was seven, the family moved to southern Indiana, Abraham had gone to school briefly in Kentucky and did so again in Indiana (3). In total Lincoln had a little less than one total year of education. Abraham did not have that much education because there were no teachers to teach him and his peers (Stefoff 15). Abraham also read as much as possible and he always found ways to find moments for reading. When he was plowing a field, ...

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... said were not true so they got frustrated with his theory. The Roman Catholic Church, led by Maffeo Barberinic, the Pope at the time had him state in a speech that his theory was wrong and that he was sorry that he had mislead the people, but shortly after his speech it was said that he was over heard muttering "nevertheless it moves." Galileo was a very intelligent man and with this great wisdom he did many great things for science. He was right about most of his theories that he proclaimed to the public, but they seemed to think otherwise. On January 8, 1642, Galileo the great scientist died. Even though Galileo was right, the Roman Catholic Church cl ...

Francis Scott Fitzgerald
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... related to Francis Scott Key, for whom he is named, and to Maryland aristocracy. His parents, Edward Fitzgerald of the Glen Mary Farm near Rockville, Maryland and Mary McQuillan of St. Paul wed February 13, 1890 in Washington, D.C. Fitzgerald' s maternal grandfather was a very successful wholesale merchant. His grandfather's early death and his father's inability to keep a job, forced the family to be extremely dependent on the wealth of his grandfather's estate. Fitzgerald attended the St. Paul Academy as a child. In 1911 he entered the Newman School in Hackensack, NJ. Growing up with a father who was out of work and who relied on his wife's inheritance g ...

Henry Ford
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... N that the key to the companies success lay in inexpensive cars for a mass market. The answer that Ford and the American consumer were looking for was the Model T. The Model T, a small, sturdy four-cylinder car with an attractive design and a top speed of 45 mph, hit the market in 1908. It’s success came from it’s attractive price, at $850, and more than 10,000 were sold in the first year alone. It was easy to operate, maintain, handle on rough roads, and immediately became a success. Along with success came expansion, and in 1910 he established another assembly plant in Highland Park, Michigan. Through interchangeable parts, standard manufacturing, ...

Obituary On George Washington
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... George was 11 years old, his father died and George became very close to his older half brother, Lawrence. George liked to visit Lawrence, who was living in a small house their father built on the Potomac River. Lawrence named the house and its farm, Mount Vernon, after his commanding officer, Admiral Edward Vernon of the British Navy. George enjoyed listening to Lawrence talk about the time he served in the military with the British. He also liked to hear Lawrence and his friends talk about the Virginia frontier. George learned that Lawrence's friend, George William Fairfax, was going to the frontier to survey land. George wanted to go. He had learned a little ...

Adolf Hitlers Life And Times
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... older his marks started to slip and the teachers began to get a bad impression of him, he was still very bright (one cannot become stupider). He eventually went on to join the army and become a semi-successful soldier (on the account that he was merely wounded and not killed). CHILDHOOD The Hitler family consisted of the mother, Klara, the father, Alois, and two children, Alois and Angela. Klara gave birth to a baby boy named Adolf on April 20, 1889 at the Pommer Inn. The Hitlers soon moved to Braunau. His godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Prinz and Maria Matzelbeger. As a child little Adolf was babied and his mother protected him from his father, Alois Hitler. Al ...

Werner Heisenberg
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... During his career he taught at many prestigious universities, including the Universities of Leipzig, Goettingen, and Berlin. He also wrote many important books including, Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory, Cosmic Radiation, Physics and Philosophy, and Introduction to the Unified Theory of Elementary Particles. In 1932 he won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work in Quantum Mechanics. With the Nazi's in power, and World War two on the horizon it was inevitable that his German heritage would play a crucial role in his career. Before Germany's blitzkrieg on Poland Heisenberg decided to make one final visit of his friends in the West. Many tried to convinc ...

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