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Essays on People

Karl Marx: Communism
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... through time periods where barter was the only trade. They all eventually took up currency. Karl's idea of concentration of wealth is faulty. People who are rich, are rich because they get ideas on how to make something better than the next guy. Poor people many times come up with million dollar ideas. Money keeps being transferred from rich to poor, poor to rich. These ideas of Karl's are wrong about economics and don't work. Karl Marx's ideas on communism are incorrect based on his ideas of society. Karl believed that all people will react the same. It has been proven that everyone reacts just a little different from the next person. People all have different ...

Max Planck
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... Rudolf Clausius' writings of thermodynamics which inspired him and in July 1879 he received his doctoral degree at the age of twenty-one. He became a lecturer at the University of Munich. His father helped him be promoted to associate professor at Kiel by means of professional connections. At the age of thirty he was promoted to full professor at the University of Berlin. After he decided to become a theoretical physicist he started a quest for absolute laws. His favorite absolute law was the law of the conservation of energy which was the first law of thermodynamics that stated that you could take any equal amount of energy and transform it into the same ...

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... Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born in Hyde Park, New York to Sara Delano and James Roosevelt ( In 1886, at the age of four, Franklin and his family permanently settled into a house in Campobello, New Brunswick, Canada, which was previously a summer getaway (Conkin 34). Two years later, Roosevelt began his formal education under a governess of Archibald and Edmund Rogers. It was here that Roosevelt learned to speak German and received the opportunity to study abroad the next year. While abroad, however, he contracted a mild case of typhoid fever, the first of a multitude of illnesses that he would battle during his life. He returned to Hyde Park ...

Biography Of Genghis Khan
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... others didnąt. When Genghis Khan was little, his chieftain father poisoned. With no leader left, the tribe abandoned Genghis and his mother. They were left alone for many years to care for themselves. Throughout these years, his family met many hardships such as shortage of food and shortage of money. Though unable to read, Genghis was a very wise man. His mother told him at a very early age the importance of trust and independence. "Remember, you have no companions but your shadow" Grolier Encyclopedia. (1995) CD ROM This quote was to mean to Genghis, donąt put to much trust in anyone, trust no one but yourself and if you must go your own way then do so. I ...

Babe Ruth
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... was introduced; this new ball was tightly wound which made it much easier for more home runs and created more of an active game; this also was the year which Ruth's home runs increased from twenty-nine to fifty-nine, hitting a career total of 714. With an increase in the action of the game, the media coverage increased drastically as well, including both paper coverage and radio coverage. The idea of the home run was more of a new concept and with Ruth's improvement it became a symbol of The Babe. The idea of the home run also symbolized the creation of a strong willed nation and self-confident young men, enforcing the idea that innovations and expansion w ...

Mohandas Gandhi
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... and in the simple Russian way of living he found: the New Testament, and the Bhagavadgita, the bible of the Hare Krishna movement. It was here that he developed a sense of the presence of God in his life and the lives of men. Gandhi then returned to India and studied law in Bombay, but he quickly denounced it, feeling that it was immoral and could not satisfy one's conscience. Despite this, he used his schooling to help plead for Indian settlers in South Africa that were being oppressed by the white population. His personal experiences, including being ejected from a train in Maritzburg, of not being allowed the same rights as others lead him to begin a ...

The Life Of Aristotle
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... developed in Athens, and Aristotle retired to a family estate in Euboea. He died there the following year. Works Aristotle, like Plato, made regular use of the dialogue in his earliest years at the Academy, but lacking Plato's imaginative gifts, he probably never found the form congenial. Apart from a few fragments in the works of later writers, his dialogues have been wholly lost. Aristotle also wrote some short technical notes, such as a dictionary of philosophic terms and a summary of the doctrines of Pythagoras. Of these, only a few brief excerpts have survived. Still extant, however, are Aristotle's lecture notes for carefully outlined courses treating ...

Dante Alighieri 2
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... the White Guelphs, who split from the Black Guelphs. When the Blacks took over, Dante was banished from political office and exiled from Florence (Parish Internet). His life changed drastically during his exile, enabling him to concentrate on his writing. Dante was one of the most influential individuals in early European literature, language, and politics. He influenced Italian society and culture through his poetry and his prose (Dante Internet). His writings helped to unify the Italian language. His opinions on politics were new and many of his ideas are seen in today’s politics (Holmes 23). These are the three key areas in which Dante was so in ...

The Bill Clinton Story
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... obviously be warranted. The House of Representatives has "the sole power of impeachment," that is, the bringing charges. The Senate has "the power to try all impeachment’s." A two-thirds vote is required in the Senate for conviction. When the president is to be tried, the chief justice of the United States presides. A conviction in an impeachment proceeding results only in removal from office and disqualification to hold "any office or honor, trust, or profit under the United States." (Corwin, 3) A person convicted in an impeachment, however, is subject to further "indictment, trial, judgement, and punishment according to Law." Impeachment originated in England, ...

Thomas Hobbes
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... to a king or queen. He also thought that people should obey their king, even if he is a tyrant. He said that because people were only interested in promoting their own self-interests, democracy would never work. In fact, he thought democracy was very dangerous. But even though he distrusted democracy, he believed that a diverse group of representatives presenting the problems of the common person would prevent a king from being unfair and cruel. Hobbes coined the phrase, "Voice of the people," meaning one person could be chosen to represent a group with similar views. In 1651, wrote his famous work, "Leviathan" which put into writing his views on democracy and ...

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