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Essays on People

Booker T. Washington 2
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... he decided that he needed to go to college. Booker T. Washington enrolled at the all-black Hampton University in the early 1870’s. He studied various subjects and earned his diploma. After graduation he taught at various schools and the founder of Hampton University was so impressed with his ability to educate that he made him the organizer and principal of a black trade school. He named it Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute. While at Tuskegee, Booker T. Washington incorporated the idea of integrating blacks into society by teaching them skills needed to work. While at Tuskegee, blacks could learn such skills as carpentry, welding, fabrication, ...

Biography Of Carolyn Chute
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... managed to support a household of two with $2,000 a year. Times got better for Carolyn, though. She married Michael Chute in 1978, and soon completed high school. She even took some writing courses at the University of Maine. Carolyn’s courses seemed to help her writing because soon after she published her first fictional works for magazines. After her success with magazines she decided to write for herself. To date she has three published novels; Merry Men, Letourneau’s Used Auto Parts, and her critically acclaimed The Beans of Egypt, Maine. She was quoted as saying, “This book was involuntarily researched,” when interviewed by a reporter. Carolyn’s pain ...

Pope John XXIII
Download This PaperWords: 406 - Pages: 2

... he would do very little as pope, actually accomplished a lot during his papacy. ’s greatest accomplishment was calling the Second Vatican Council, unfortunately he died before it had been completed. The Council’s purpose was to bring about the renewal of Roman Catholic religious life through the updating of church teaching, discipline, and organization and to encourage the unification of Christians and of all humanity. Another of ’s accomplishments was writing seven encyclical letters. Many of these letters stressed the importance of human rights. Another important thing that did as pope, was be open to other faiths. This was shown by his establishment in 1960 o ...

Ferdinand Graf Von Zeppelin
Download This PaperWords: 1979 - Pages: 8

... did not run. He, along with others, at that time preferred modern opinions over combat tactics, which brought his career into conflicts with the military authorities. In the age of 52, he was prematurely retired in 1890 for his criticism of the Prussian war office, giving him free time to work on his airship ideas. Zeppelin now finally found the time to concern himself with his visions to the topic of "Lenkbare Luftschiffe" or "guidable airships". This idea had always pursued him in the last 20 years. It was particularly the success of the airship LA FRANCE, which had very much impressed Zeppelin. In a letter to his king, Zeppelin refe ...

Herbert Hoover
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... upbringing were to shape his subsequent careers. Hoover began working in California mines as an ordinary laborer, but he soon obtained a position in Australia directing a new gold-mining venture. During the next two decades he traveled through much of Asia, Africa, and Europe as a mining entrepreneur, earning a considerable fortune. At the outbreak of World War I in August 1914 he was in London. Hoover, who as a Quaker passionately believed in peace, was appalled by the human costs of the war, and he determined to devote his life to public service. He volunteered to direct the exodus of American tourists from war- torn Europe and then to head (1915-19 ...

Brian Piccolo: A Short Season
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... in agony and collapsed. The cause for this was due to a large tumor in his body that turned out to be mallignent. Once the doctors tried to go on and remove the tumor, they were shocked to see that it was the size of a grapefruit. His wife, Joy Piccolo, stood at his side the entire operation and everynight there after. Brian and Joy were what most people would call the "ideal" couple. Brian was the All-American hardworking athlete, while Joy was the loving supportive wife that stood by his side no matter what his successes or failures might bring. Brian lived through the operation, but then the Piccolo's got another piece of disheartening piece of news. W ...

Download This PaperWords: 1948 - Pages: 8

... paintings and drawings show but he never showed any originality or creative imagination. To fullfil his dream he had moved to Vienna the capital of Austria where the Academy of arts was located. He failed the first time he tried to get admission and in the next year, 1907 he tried again and was very sure of success. To his surprise he failed again. In fact the Dean of the academy was not very impressed with his performance, and gave him a really hard time and said to him "You will never be painter." The rejection really crushed him as he now reached a dead end. He could not apply to the school of architecture as he had no high-school diploma. During ...

Edgar Allan Poe 6
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... on January 19, 1809. Shortly thereafter, his family moved to New York where his father, David Poe, resumed his acting career. David soon quit acting and abandoned his family. He died a short time later (Harrison 22). Soon afterward, Edgar’s mother, Elizabeth, became ill and died (Nilsson). A young woman named Frances (also known as Fanny) and her husband, John Allan, took in Edgar. Soon thereafter, John, a tobacco trader, moved the family to England. There, Edgar began his first formal education. In 1820, when the tobacco market in London collapsed, the Allan’s returned to New York (Benfey; Nilsson). Edgar continued his education, excellin ...

Ralph Waldo Emerson 2
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... as a leading figure in American thought and literature, or at least ranks up there with the very best. There is so much more to Ralph Waldo Emerson when we consider the personal hardships that he had to endure during the course of his life and when we see the type of man that he becomes. He certainly was a man of inspiration who knew how to express himself by writing the best of poems and philosophical ideas with inspiration. To get an idea of how Ralph Waldo Emerson might have become such an inspiration to the people, some background on his life is essential. Can you imagine living a life with all your loved ones passing away one by one? A persons life could col ...

Robert Capa
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... bellows extended Graflex with four by-five inch plates. This camera, being fairly large made making candid shots and maneuvering in dangerous situations impossible. Later the 35 mm Leica allowed Capa to do these things. The camera allowed him to be inconspicuous and have a large capability of movement. With this camera he was able to jump into battles to take pictures that no one else was ever able to take. One of the main things that tried to capture were the emotions of his subjects. He always tried to portray things such as their sorrow or their shock, mainly focusing on the expressions of the subjects’ faces to show what emotions they might be feeling. ...

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