The Noble Gases
... with
hydrogen. Most Helium comes from natural gas taps in North America. It is used
in balloons and divers use it with oxygen to breath easier and to not get sick
or dizzy.
Neon is an element that is lighter than air. The element is
found most common in the atmosphere of the earth. It is also found in the earth¹
s crust. It was discovered in 1898 by Sir Walter Ramsey and Morris W. Travers.
Its uses include electric signs,lamps,and lasers.
Argon is the most abundant and most used noble on earth. It was
discovered by Lord Rayleigh and by Sir Walter Ramsey in 1894. Argon makes up
about 1.2 % of the earths atmosphere. It is found naturally in rock and in the ...
Nuclear Fusion
... and collides with another proton and then the two
protons fuse, forming a deuterium nucleus which has a proton, neutrino and lots
of energy. I have no idea what a deuterium nucleus is, but is must be 10 times
cooler than just a regular nucleus. Such a reaction is not self sustaining
because the released energy is not readily imparted to other nuclei.
thermonuclear fusion of deuterium and tritium will produce a helium nucleus and
an energetic neutron that can help sustain further fusion. This is the basic
principal of the hydrogen bomb which employs a brief, controlled thermonuclear
fusion reaction. This was also how the car in the Back to the Future movie ...
... iodine etc. Then the trace elements such as copper,
manganese fluorine and zinc.
Once of the most important is calcium. Calcium is used to build up your
bones. It also helps to keep your teeth strong. About 90% of all calcium is
stored in your bone's. It also helps with mussel contraction. Milk products such
as milk, cheese and other stuff it the primary source for calcium. You should
have about 1000mg's a day.
Magnesium is also another important mineral. This mineral is in most
foods. It is very important in containing healthy mussel cells. It also helps in
forming bones.
Sodium is another kind of mineral. Sodium is usually found in small but
ok quantities in n ...
Do Cleaning Chemicals Clean As Well After They Have Been Frozen
... down the food. The researcher feels that
the same end result may happen with the cleaning materials.
Test Concept:
In order to determine weather the glaciation process affected the
cleaning chemicals, it is first important to establish its potency prior to
freezing. Accordingly, two test sets were created by the researcher. The purpose
of the test was to determine how well the chemicals could break down household
grease before and after the substances were frozen. The first test set would
focus on unfrozen chemicals, while the second was set up for previously frozen
The Test:
To start the experiment the researcher fried four pieces o ...
Advantages Of Producing Crops Through Use Of Hydroponics
... herbs, vegetables, fruit trees, vines, and ornamental shrubs.
Everything from Aloe Vera to Zucchinis can be grown in this unique system.
There are many advantages to using a hydroponic system for growing
plants. The most obvious being that it is easier to control the plant growing
environment. Some others are restricted supply of suitable water, lack of
suitable soil, high labor cost of traditional cultivation, high cost of
sterilizing soil, and there is a greater reliability and predictability of plant
production. In addition, It's easy!
Depending on what is being grown, most of the time hydroponic plants
require less attention than soil-grown crops. Be ...
Electronics- Logic Probe
... both LEDs light. Note that pin 3 of the 555 IC always goes to the opposite logic level of the input. Therefore, if the input is HIGH, the output of the 555 IC, which is pin 3, goes LOW. This in turn activates and lights the top LED (the HIGH indicator).
Logic probes derive their operating power from the PCB under test. Care should be taken in attaching the clips to safe voltages; you may want to first use a Volt Meter (Digital Multi Meter) to verify the hook up points have good voltages. The four diodes protect the IC from reverse polarity. Capacitor C1 prevents transient voltage from affecting the logic probe when the black lead is not connected. Pin 5 o ...
Effects Of Marijuana
... including the US. There are three different types of Indian
Hemp. They are Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis
Rudderalis. These three plants vary in size and mood altering
effect. The hemp plant has many uses and has been farmed for
centuries. Marijuana can be taken in three ways, by eating, made
into a tea, or smoking (the most popular). Smoking it can be
done three ways, through a pipe, a joint, blunt. A joint is a
rolled piece of paper that is twisted at the ends. A blunt is
normally an emptied cigar wrapper filled with marijuana. In a
blunt you can fit much more marijuana. Though a blunt isn't
always purely marijuana, it ca ...
Diverrsity Of Plants
... Flowers, which are the most obvious characteristic
of angiosperms, guide the activities of insects and other pollinators so that
pollen is dispersed rapidly and precisely from one flower to another of The same
species, thus promoting out crossing. Many angiosperms display other modes of
pollination, including self-pollination.
Evolutionary Origins
Plants derived from an aquatic ancestor, but the evolution of their
conducting tissues, cuticle, stomata, and seeds has made them progressively less
dependent on water. The oldest plant fossils date from the Silurian Period,
some 430 million years ago.
The common ancestor of plants was a green alga. The similarity o ...
The History Of Carbon
... black. Diamond is a poor conductor of heat and
electricity. Until 1955 the only sources of diamond were found in deposits of
volcanic origin. Since then scientists have found ways to make diamond from
graphite and other synthetic materials. Diamonds of true gem quality are not
made in this way (Beggott 3-4).
Graphite is another form of carbon. It occurs as a mineral in nature, but it
can be made artificially from amorphous carbon. One of the main uses for
graphite is for its lubricating qualities. Another is for the "lead" in pencils.
Graphite is used as a heat resistant material and an electricity conductor. It
is also used in nuclear reactors as a lubr ...
Genetic Cloning
... to ever was cloned at the Roslin Institute in Edinburg, Scotland(Staples). It was a sheep by the name of Dolly. Dolly was cloned from an adult sheep; using donor DNA and mammary cells from a female sheep cloned it. The process is very technical and I don’t fully understand it myself. From what I have researched I have come to understand that currently cloning is very “Hit or Miss”(Hawley). From 277 attempts, Dolly was the only successful attempt. The point is however that we now have a man created sheep, what else could be done in the near future.
There are many different goals for . Would you like to clone someone close to you who had died? In the mov ...
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