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Essays on Science

Crude Operatons - Oil And The Environment
Download This PaperWords: 1862 - Pages: 7

... oil rigs and derricks" (Sisskin). Nothing is ever done about the pollution, and until something is done about the oil being put into the sea, our oceans are at risk. So just how much oil is put in the oceans? According to a study conducted by the World Research Institute, "…between 3 and 6 million tons of oil are discharged into the oceans every year" (Gorman 48). To put this in perspective, that is approximately 4 football stadiums filled to the top with oil. That is just every year…and this has been going on for more than a decade. In total, 45 million tons of oil in the past ten years that have been put into the oceans. There are several ways that oil e ...

Toxic Waste
Download This PaperWords: 530 - Pages: 2

... the Bald Eagle population. It caused the birds to lay eggs so thin shelled eggs the eggs were unhatchable. Laws banned the use of DDT and also required the reduction of lead in gas. DDT is still used in developing countries on the malaria-carrying mosquito. Oil spills also have harmful effects, luckily chemicals can neutralize the oil before massive damage occurs. In 1983 the Dow Chemical Company’s factory, a major producer of chemicals, showed contamination from dioxin. Dow undertook a 3 million dollar study of the material. The company announced that Dioxin is less health and life threatening. High-temperatures are used to reduce the toxicity of waste. T ...

El Nino
Download This PaperWords: 2243 - Pages: 9

... people if could be predicted and prepared for in some form. During a cycle there are many biological changes. Due to a depressed thermocline there is less photosynthetic activity resulting in a decrease in the primary life forms that form the beginning of the food chain. The warmer waters that are brought by these changing cycles hold less dissolved oxygen forcing fish to go deeper or venture elsewhere. Due to a lack of data during occurrences it is not fully known if fish populations are depleted solely due to exposure to . A decrease in their growth and reproductive success has been observed by many surveys in coastal waters. The link between climatic ...

Hydroponic Gardening
Download This PaperWords: 4139 - Pages: 16

... varieties of plants can be grown using the hydroponic technique. Some examples are lettuce, herbs and tomatoes, as well as seasonal flowering plant species. The use of hydroponics in gardening as well as large scale crop growth can enable the grower to produce many types of plants out of their normal growing season. Another attraction and use for hydroponic growing methods is that a person can have a garden in small spaces such as an apartment. In addition a good source of natural sunlight is not required because the gardener will provide the plant's light requirements. This form of growing plants is not only an interesting topic of study, but also a viab ...

UFO's: Seeing Is Believing
Download This PaperWords: 685 - Pages: 3

... In actuality they haven't gotten us much further on the mission for proof of other living beings in the universe. But in a universe so incomprehensibly large that we no not even a boundary, I sincerely doubt that the human race is the only form of life. It seems certain scientists have come up with other hypotheses concerning UFO's. While all astronomers yearn for a concrete explanation on UFO's, their beliefs on their origin contrast. Many looking for a more scientific definition disregard UFO's as nothing more than a mere misinterpretation of a plane, weather balloon, or meteor. Some have gone so far as to say that specific witnesses to UFO's have seen nothin ...

Download This PaperWords: 1229 - Pages: 5

... choose careers. Employers use tests as tools to help decide whether or not a person is fitted for a certain job. Psychologists help people with emotional problems to understand the basis of their difficulties. This understanding often brings a solution to the problems. A psychologist's specialty and place of employment determines their working conditions. Clinical, school, and counseling psychologists in private practice have pleasant, comfortable offices and set their own hours. However, they often must offer evening hours to accommodate their clients. Those employed in hospitals, nursing homes, and other health facilities may work evenings and weekends, while ...

Atomic Structure
Download This PaperWords: 827 - Pages: 4

... some similar particles; and bosons, or vector mesons, which include the photons seen as light and which carry the electromagnetic force. Some scientists suggest that leptons and quarks may actually be the same object but in different states. Bosons, too, may be this same object but in still another state. The everyday world is made of molecules. Because molecules are so small, their existence was not easy to establish. Indirect evidence for molecules was strong during the second half of the 19th century, and the first explicit evidence was found when Brownian motion was correctly understood and studied in about 1906 by physicists Albert Einstein and Jean-Baptiste Pe ...

Our Solar System At A Glance
Download This PaperWords: 4469 - Pages: 17

... new device called the telescope at the heavens and made startling discoveries. But the years since 1959 have amounted to a golden age of solar system exploration. Advancements in rocketry after World War II enabled our machines to break the grip of Earth's gravity and travel to the Moon and to other planets. The United States has sent automated spacecraft, then human-crewed expeditions, to explore the Moon. Our automated machines have orbited and landed on Venus and Mars; explored the Sun's environment; observed comets, and made close-range surveys while flying past Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. These travelers brought a quantum le ...

Cellular Metabolism And Fermentation
Download This PaperWords: 948 - Pages: 4

... process yields two pyruvic acid (3-C) molecules, and a net gain of 2 ATP and two NADH per glucose. Anaerobic Pathways Under anaerobic conditions, the absence of oxygen, pyruvic acid can be routed by the organism into one of three pathways: lactic acid fermentation, alcohol fermentation, or cellular (anaerobic) respiration. Humans cannot ferment alcohol in their own bodies, we lack the genetic information to do so. These biochemical pathways, with their myriad reactions catalyzed by reaction-specific enzymes all under genetic control, are extremely complex. We will only skim the surface at this time and in this course. Alcohol fermentation is the formation of ...

Solar Energy
Download This PaperWords: 382 - Pages: 2

... that then condensed water with no salt in it on the glass, which was then collected by running into other troughs. Early 1960’s when we found out how to put satellites and astronauts into orbit a source of power was needed to be found that would have to function over a long period of time with a continuous source of electrical power. If these needs weren’t met future space activities would be limited. was eventually used. Once an unmanned space probe was on its way no one would be there to oil or repair it. Solar cells today are made out of one of the earth’s most common ingredients, silicon. Silicon used in producing solar cells is very carefully prepared. The ...

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