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Essays on Social Issues

Do We Need Protection In Our Schools?
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... They are using and dealing drugs in school. We would have a computer pick out certain kids for drug testing every couple of weeks. Special drug dogs would be brought in to sniff out the drugs as well. Drug testing is essential and we need to crack down on these "crack heads." We have to face the fact that teenagers do have sex. We can not stop them from having sex but we can help them from making a big mistake. Condoms would be sold in our schools. Maybe they won’t be sold in public but they will be available in our schools. The selling of condoms in school will provide a way to protect themselves. Another form of protection for our schools is actual police officer ...

Sexual Harrassment: We Need To Take Action
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... workers' transgressions unless the company actively strives to prevent offenses and responds effectively when they occur (Sexual Harassment, Deutschman, page 92)." As a result, corporations are getting tough about the subject. They hold seminars for employees, establish 24-hour hotlines and provide security for victims, and initiate and establish inquiries. Companies should create and publicize a forceful policy against sexual harassment. Companies must act before a problem occurs. The EEOC encourages employers to "take all steps necessary to prevent sexual harassment from occurring, such as affirmatively raising the subject, expressing strong disapproval, deve ...

Personal Freedoms
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... have three or more wives living in one household and in some parts of the world you are only allowed to bear one child. Most other cultures would find these practices outrageous and a violation of their freedom. However, there are still certain universal freedoms, like the right to voice your own opnion, to wear clothes of your choice and freedom to get a good education. Some of these things are so important that there is laws to enforce them. Like school for instance, you are legally required to attend regular classes until the age of sixteen. There are some freedoms that we are entitled to but that are violated by others. Take your right to safely walk down the ...

Freedom For The Slave: Who Decides & Why?
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... given in Webster’s College Dictionary states the following: 1. the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical 2. exemption from external physical control. 3. the power to determine action without restraint. 4. political or national independence. 5. personal liberty: slaves who bought their freedom. 6. exemption; immunity: freedom from fear. 7. the absence or release from ties or obligations. 8. ease or facility of movement or action. 9. frankness of manner or speech. 10. a liberty taken. 11. civil liberty as opposed to subjection to an arbitrary or despotic government. 12. the right to enjoy all the privileges or special righ ...

Teenage Girls And Eating Disorders
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... do not understand how unsafe these disorders are. One of these disorders is known as Bulimia the "binge and purge" disorder. In this disorder the girl eats whatever she wants and as much as she wants. Later she feels guilty or ashamed and she worries she has eaten too much. She then resorts to making herself purge all she has eaten. She does this until she has lost all of the food and feels relieved. This becomes habit forming and the teenage girl learns to binge and purge at every meal or snack. Anorexia is another popular quick fix for the teenage girl to lose weight. Anorexia is a disorder in which the girl just does not eat. The girl will start off with ...

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... that once horridly thought of crime. In the opinion of some, rape is no longer just a physical act of violence that accompanies uninvited sex. Rape, as defined by some, can occur even when the two parties involved agree verbally or otherwise to have sex. This to me, seems absurd. In the most basic terms, and with the simplest definitions, no means no, and okay, yeah, yes and please, all mean yes. The term "NO" is not very complicated, and is probably the word that was repeated to us the most as children, so we should all get that one right. But still, how can yes mean no? Apparently through a term known as "verbal coersion," which allows a large grey area to ...

Distribution Of Condoms Is Unnecessary
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... then teens are obviously already having sex, regardless of the availability of condoms. Carrying them in schools will only decrease the rate of teenage pregnancy. It will give teens the opportunity to have safe sex, rather than sex with no condoms. “If people are going to have sex anyways, at least distribution of condoms would make it safe.”(Jason Arnold) Although it is true that teenagers are already engaging in sexual activities, they can still have safe sex without distributing condoms in schools. They can get the condoms for themselves, and the schools wouldn’t be giving the impression that sex is o.k. as long as you use a condom. 2.5 million teens are in ...

Is Monogamy The Best Form Of Marriage?
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... Religious leaders and moralists believe only one spouse for life is the highest form of marriage. Some of the most "primitive" peoples are strictly monogamous in their ideals, while some "highly advanced" cultures have moved away from the strict life-long monogamy. Sociologists, Ford and Beech, have found that only twenty-nine of the one-hundred and eighty-five contemporary cultures studied, less than sixteen percent restrict men and women to a single partner for life. However, less than one-third of the twenty-nine monogamous cultures completely disapprove of both premarital and extramarital relations (Francouer 72). For centuries, marriage was a dynastic ...

The Subject Of Equality And Justification Of Social Hierarchy
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... was wrong. The delegates of the women’s rights convention at Seneca Falls in 1848 interpreted that Jefferson applied that “all men and women are created equal.” The subject of equality has been under debate since the settling of the colonies and continues today. How can this country be a superior world power but still try to live by the belief that “all men are created equal.” Although some people truly felt that this nation must have a social hierarchy in order to stay competitive with foreign powers, in the nineteenth century many people began to express their concern that minorities and women weren’t allow to participate in the American Dream. Was it really pos ...

Traffic Jams And The World's Patience
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... thin. I am traveling by myself and aiming to get home for a big football game that is less than an hour away. I would greatly appreciate to be able to see the kick-off of the game but it doesn't look promising. I get frustrated easily and so I definitely don't have any patience. Today I am running behind, so mine is worn thin. But putting my needs aside, I tried to judge others and see what kind of patience they have in store for themselves. I happen to glance over at a cowboy and his father in the truck next to me. I glance over as they watch the lane to their left move. They seem to wish that it is the trailer they are pulling that is moving instead of th ...

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