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Essays on Technology

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... . . . . . . . . 63 Phreak/hack groups . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 APPENDIX A. COMPUTER UNDERGROUND PSEUDONYMS . . . 76 APPENDIX B. NEW USER QUESTIONNAIRE FROM A PHREAK/HACK BBS . 77 Introduction The proliferation of home computers has been accompanied by a corresponding social problem involving the activities of so-called "computer hackers." "Hackers" are computer aficionados who "break in" to corporate and government computer systems using their home computer and a telephone modem. The prevalen ...

Download This PaperWords: 3143 - Pages: 12

... they can figure out the decryption algorithm and obtain the key. This is why the key is never to be sent with the message, and has to be kept secret at all cost. If the key is compromised, the sender and the encrypted data is no longer safe. The sender and the receiver then usually agree on a new key to prevent any further damage. In ancient Greece, around 550 Bc, messages were sent encoded to generals and could only be decoded using special staff keys. The key actually consisted of a physical object, which was applied on the message to get the decrypted version of it. In 50 Bc., one of the most simple cryptographic algorithms ever used was the one called the Caes ...

Accounting Information Systems In A Changing Environment
Download This PaperWords: 2146 - Pages: 8

... today, it is very difficult for businesses to keep their information systems as up to date as possible in order to achieve or maintain a competitive advantage. However, as this report will show, the move from a manual to a computerised accounting information system is a necessity if one is to be successful. The purpose of this report is to enable Mr Johnson, the Managing Director of Halycon Limited to make an informed decision about whether to move to a computerised accounting system. We shall discuss the changing business environment and it’s impact on accounting information systems; computerised accounting systems and their cost; and the advantages of a computer ...

Netscape’s Gecko: The Next-Generation Layout Engine
Download This PaperWords: 560 - Pages: 3

... engine, which was aimed at being the smallest yet the fastest layout engine today. The Gecko emphasizes standards, speed, size and source. It is expected to potentially be the fastest, smallest most standards compliant HTML layout engine available. Gecko features an intrinsic support for HTML 4.0, CSS1 and partially for CSS2, Resource Description framework, and even a full Document Object Model level-1 implementation. Gecko also supports both HTML and XML documents. Gecko has been developed entirely under the Open source model at Developers are free advantage of the Gecko source code. The Open Source approach is used to encourage developers and anyone e ...

Internal Combustion Engines
Download This PaperWords: 1397 - Pages: 6

... lawn mowers, and home generators. Based on the means of ignition, two types of internal-combustion reciprocating engines can be distinguished: spark-ignition engines and compression-ignition engines. In the former, a spark ignites a combustible mixture of air and fuel; in the latter, high compression raises the temperature of the air in the chamber and ignites the injected fuel without a spark. The diesel engine is a compression-ignition engine. This article emphasizes the spark-ignition engine. The invention and early development of internal-combustion engines are usually credited to three Germans. Nikolaus Otto patented and built (1876) the first such e ...

Questions Of Ethics In Computer Systems And Their Future
Download This PaperWords: 2876 - Pages: 11

... system in history. What I believe the attempt here is to regulate through censorship. Since it is almost impossible to censor the phone networks without actually eaves dropping on your phone, they have decided to regulate and censor your written word. The danger in this is what you write as an opinion may be construed by that government regulator as a violation of some regulatory act. The flip side to this is if you did this through another medium such as the phone system nothing would ever come it. The bigger question here is how much government do people want in there lives? The Internet was brought into the picture for the public as the next great technology of t ...

The Future Of Computer Crime In America
Download This PaperWords: 916 - Pages: 4

... and use these information sources. Often times today this information is of a very sensitive and private nature on anything from IRS Tax returns, to Top Secret NASA payload launch information. Piled on top of that many times the individuals accessing these information sources are doing so by illegal means and are often motivated by deviant and illegal means. It is said that at any given time the average American has his name on an active file in over 550 computer information databases of which nearly 90% are online, and of the 550 databases the number comes no where close to how many time your personal information is listed in some database in an unactive fil ...

The Computer Market And Retailers: A Saturated Market
Download This PaperWords: 145 - Pages: 1

... Lechmere, Circut City, Staples, and Office Max - all within minutes in one another. Yet, computer retailers insist that there has been a need for more stores - specifically their own - citing a nearly constant updating of equipment and a growing emphasis on service. They also believe revenue potential remains because computers are constanly changing and more people are becoming curious about the Internet. Still, many worry the market potential might be waning. Analysts believe the market is very close to being saturated, if not already there. there are only so many computers a person will buy, and only so many stores will a customer visit. ...

Hackers And Security. What Are The Effects Of Data Encryption And Firewalls?
Download This PaperWords: 1288 - Pages: 5

... exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary (Rootshell). Over the last few years, computer security has received a great deal of more attention than it has in the past. Computerized break-ins and criminal activity, have become fairly common occurrences in both commercial and academic circles. Hackers are becoming more common, and quickly learning new techniques and methods, which no longer leave computer systems as 'safehouses'. The question of "what kind of person is a Hacker?" cannot be answered simply. Hackers vary in race, style and prefer ...

Computing Machinery And Intelligence
Download This PaperWords: 515 - Pages: 2

... Turing explains that the “idea behind digital computers…these machines are intended to carry out any operation which could be done by a human computer”(p.436). In effect, these machines are supposed to imitate the things a human being can do. For example, a computer learns how to receive, analyze and store information. These abilities are based on those of a human, the computer only generates information, without the authority to change the process in which it functions. The computer is only following instructions that “make it possible for a sequence of operations to be repeated over and over again until some condition is fulfilled, but in doing so ...

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