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Essays on Technology

The Millennium Bug
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... dd/mm/yy. This only allows 2 digits for the year. January 1, 2000 would be stored as 01/01/00. But the computer will interpret this as January 1, 1900- not 2000" (de Jager 1). The '19' is "hard-coded" into computer hardware and software. Since there are only 2 physical spaces for the year in this date format, after '99', the only logical choice is to reset the number to '00'. The year 2000 problem is unlike any other problem in modern history for several reasons. William Adams points out some of the most important ones. "Time is running out- the Year 2000 is inevitable! The problem will occur simultaneously worldwide, time zones withstanding. It affects all ...

What Is ISDN?
Download This PaperWords: 5167 - Pages: 19

... which then can represent words, numbers, programs, etc. The analog signals are just varying voltages sent across the wires over time. Digital signals are represented and transmitted by pulses with a limited number of discrete voltage levels. [Hopkins] The modem was certainly a big breakthrough in computer technology. It allowed computers to communicate with each other by converting their digital communications into an analog format to travel through the public phone network. However, there is a limit to the amount of information that a common analog telephone line can hold. Currently, it is about 28.8 kbit/s. [Hopkins] ISDN allows multiple digital channels to be o ...

Computer Viruses
Download This PaperWords: 1615 - Pages: 6

... well as replicating, a virus may carry a Damage routine. There is also a set of programs that are related to viruses by virtue of their intentions, appearances, or users likely reactions. For example: ¨ Droppers ¨ Failed viruses ¨ Packagers ¨ Trojans ¨ Jokes ¨ Test files THE DAMAGE ROUTINE Damage is defined as something that you would prefer not to have happened. It is measured by the amount of time it takes to reverse the damage. Trivial damage happens when all you have to do is get rid of the virus. There may be some audio or visual effect; often there is no effect at all. Minor damage occurs when you have to replace some or all of your executable files fro ...

Should This Business Update To Windows 2000 From Windows 98
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... is not to evaluate the software but to counsel caution before you undertake a major operating systems update. Even though Microsoft did a good job testing thousands of business applications, there are always rough spots in a transition. In fact, Microsoft has dedicated several Web pages to upgrade issues. Once if you then decide to update, do it when you can devote time to the changeover. If you have multiple machines, make the change in stages running the old operating system during the transition. First of all, the first thing is to determine that Windows 2000 is compatible with your machines. According to Windows 2000ˇ¦s description, ˇ§you need, at minimu ...

William Gibson And The Internet
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... Cyberpunk was originated in Science Fiction Literature, writers such as William Gibson tell stories of future worlds, cultures and the Internet. it is William Gibson and the cyberpunks who have carried out some of the most important mappings of our present moment and its future trends during the past decade. The present, in these mappings, is thus viewed from the persceptive of a future that is visible from within the experiences and trends of the current moment, from this perpscetive, cyberpunk can be read as a sort of social theory. Chapter 1 Internet history The Internet is a network of computer networks, the most important of which was called ARPAN ...

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... bank transaction, a mailing address, a letter, a book, a mailing list, a bank statement, or a computer program. The devices used can be computers, terminals (devices that transmit and receive information), and peripheral equipment such as printers (see Computer; Office Systems). The transmission line used can be a normal or a specially purchased telephone line called a leased, or private, line (see Telephone). It can also take the form of a microwave or a communications-satellite linkage, or some combination of any of these various systems. Hardware and Software Each telecommunications device uses hardware, which connects a device to the transmission line; and so ...

The Origins Of The Computer
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... masonry buildings as were the habitations, tall apartment houses covering whole city blocks. This architectural revolution brought about by the Romans required two innovations: the invention of a new building method called concrete vaulting and the organization of labor and capital on a large scale so that huge projects could be executed quickly after the plans of a single master architect. Roman concrete was a fluid mixture of lime and small stones poured into the hollow centers of walls faced with brick or stone and over curved wooden molds, or forms, to span spaces as vaults. The Mediterranean is an active volcanic region, and a spongy, light, tightly adherin ...

Internet Access: Flat Fee Vs. Pay-Per-Use
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... by others. In "pay-per-use" environments, people tend to follow more traditional paths of discovery, and seldom explore totally unexpected avenues. "Pay-per-use" environments discourage browsing. Imagine how a person's reading habits would change if they had to pay for each article they looked at in a magazine or newspaper. Yet many of the most interesting things we learn about or find come from following unknown routes, bumping into things we weren't looking for. (Indeed, Thomas Kuhn makes the claim that, even in the hard sciences, real breakthroughs and interesting discoveries only come from following these unconventional routes [Kuhn, Thomas, The Str ...

Smart Car Technology
Download This PaperWords: 1119 - Pages: 5

... and you can point out your destination by searching through a lot of menus until you find it, or simply by typing the name of the street. when the place you want to go are registered you push the make destination button, and the computer programmes a route, the second after the route appears on the screen, while a voice explains it to you through the loudspeaker. c: The TravTek guides the driver through the traffic. The computer always knows where you are, and the navigation system makes it impossible to get lost in the traffic, unless you really want to, and deliberately make the wrong turns. It also guides you past traffic jams and problems who might crop up ar ...

How Technology Effects Modern America
Download This PaperWords: 1224 - Pages: 5

... tops the list. Carnegie Mellon University reports, "recruitment of it's software engineering students is up this year by over 20%." All engineering jobs are paying well, proving that highly skilled labor is what employers want! "There is clear evidence that the supply of workers in the [unskilled labor] categories already exceeds the demand for their services," says L. Mishel, Research Director of Welfare Reform Network. In view of these facts, I wonder if these trends are good or bad for society. "The danger of the information age is that while in the short run it may be cheaper to replace workers with technology, in the long run it is potentially self-destruc ...

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