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Essays on World History

Civil War 7
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... Republicans each had their own plans. Lincoln started thinking about reconstruction as early as 1863. He wanted for 10 percent of the voters in each southern state to take an oath of loyalty to the United States. After this the state could form its own government. The government had to abolish slavery. After this was done the government could elect congressmen and participate in national politics. His plan was known to be lenient; many had opposed it. Unfortunately President Lincoln did not live to carry out all of his plans. A Democrat was elected into office and took over. The new president was Andrew Johnson. His plan was as much mild as Lincoln ...

Explanation Of How Both Long-t
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... task, and he promised to abolish it right away. The treaty of Versailles was the most important of the Long-term causes because it gave Hitler the opportunity to share the same ideas as the Germans about the treaty of Versailles. So he took advantage in the middle of a politically destabilised Germany. Short-term causes like the Munich Putsch helped his popularity, which was essential to his rise to power. Source 3: During the Munich Putsch Hitler said, “The Bavarian Ministry is removed. I propose that a Bavarian government be formed consisting of a Regent and Prime Minister invested with dictatorial powers... The government of the November criminals and the Reich ...

Christianity And Buddhism
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... Karma is the law of moral causation. It is action and reaction in the ethical realm. It is natural law that every action produces a certain effect. So if one performs wholesome actions such as donating money to charitable organizations, one will experience happiness. On the other hand, if one perform unwholesome actions, such ass killing a living being, one will experience suffering. This is the law of cause and effect at work. In this way, the effect of one's past karma determine the nature of one's present situation in life. The Buddha said, "According to the seed that is sown, So is the fruit you reap The door of good of will gather good result The door o ...

Into The Abyss Marquis De Sade
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... social, over individual welfare, and presented it as a solution left open by this vacuum. This concept eventually evolved to a redefinition of morality in general. Prior, morality and social laws were frigid and prone to the dictums of the Church. Now, they were accountable to general society, and not the individual's demands. Voltaire writes, " Virtue and vice, moral good and evil, is then in any country what is useful or harmful to society…Virtue is the habit of doing those things which please men, and vice the habit of doing those things which displease men." Consequentially, virtue and vice were not set in stone decrees, but rather arbitrary notions assign ...

Egyptian Mummies
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... Palm wine and spices were used to purify the intestines. The chest and stomach areas would be filled with myrrh, cinnamon, and other herbs. The body would be sewn up and immersed in natron for seventy days. After the seventy days the body would be washed and wrapped in linen from head to foot bound by a gum like substance. Upon completion of this procedure the body would now be ready for burial. Egyptians used other methods of embalment. One method attributed to the lower class was to bury the body in the desert sand for a lengthy period of time. The result of this method dried the skin of the body into a leathery shell. Arab historian Abdel el Latif di ...

Ku Klux Klan - The History
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... what has grown to be the largest and most feared "hate group" in the country. The men decided to make a club to help release the stress of the times. The men were all poor and could not afford to make gowns or great costumes for the group, so they decided to use linens. They wore the linens over their backs and put pillowcases on their heads. They also draped the linens over their horses. The Ku Klux Klan was going to ride for the first time. In the beginning, the men wanted to do nothing more than play pranks on people. However, the people were more frightened than they were cheered up. They soon realized what they could do with these fear tactics. The South h ...

Back To Chernobyl
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... care of. The Chernobyl Nuclear power plant used steam as a coolant, where water is a better coolant than steam for it also acts as a moderator, and second, it was found that the reactor’s emergency cooling system was disabled. These lack of actions lead to the catastrophic consequences at the Chernobyl power plant. If I were in the same position before the accident, I would’ve made sure that the minimum amount of control rods were being in used considering the dangers of the reactor and their radiation incase of a meltdown. I would also have made sure all the cooling systems and equipment were working properly. Lastly, I would’ve used water a ...

Kosovo Crisis 2
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... was imminent. The purpose of NATO’s involvement was to resolve the conflict as peacefully as possible. Their involvement, however, seems to be more of a cancer that a cure. Both side of the conflict turn their weapons of destruction not only on each other, but also onto NATO soldiers. Somewhat ironic, to prevent death we must send our brave men in to die. The conflict has been hard on the world, but more so on Kosovo itself. It is predicted that if the war doesn’t stop the two-sides will be fighting over nothing other than pride. The world’s involvement into the conflict seems to have fueled the anger of both sides. There are hundreds of people suck in the m ...

Hitler's Impact On Germany
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... German Workerˇ¦s Party, more well known as the Nazi. After the changes which Hitler has made to his party, the number of members increased to 3000 members by1921. By then, some people in the party wanted to strip Hitler of his high position, but Hitler soon settled all this by letting them realise that they were nothing without him. He later became the rightful Fuhrer of the Nazi Party. Between 1921 and 1923 Germany experienced horrendous financial troubles, creating a suitable environment for anyone to start a revolution. Itˇ¦s the start of the so called "Depressionˇ¨. Germany was forced to pay 33 billion dollars for the damages caused during the first World Wa ...

How Were Women Treated In Juli
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... society these days as well as the role women play in Julius Caesar's time and compare that with how they were really treated in Rome at that point in history. In Julius Caesar, women are portrayed as less than equals. This is shown by how in the entire movie, you never saw a woman fighting with, or against the men. Neither were women shown very often in scenes out in the city. Furthermore, men always presented what women had seen in their dreams and visions. The women that had one of these "revelations" never presented what she had seen by herself. This to me suggests that in the time frame of Julius Caesar, women were still treated as though they should be at ho ...

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