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Essays on Book Reports

Huckleberry Finn: Lack Of Education
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... novel is the character called Pap. He is Huck Finn�s father, and the town drunk. Pap is an ignorant man and a negligent father. Huck narrorates what it was like to live with his abusive dad. �By and by Pap got too handy with his hick�ry, and I couldn�t stand it no longer. It was all over welts. He got to going away so much too, and locking me in. Once he locked me in and was gone three days (p.35).� Pap has no idea that he does anything wrong, even though he is such a horrible father to his son. By showing how uneducated Pap is, and what suffering it causes Huck, Twain argues his point. A speech that Pap gives early in the novel is one of the most affec ...

Joy Luck Club
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... In China, women are expected to stay at home and are not permitted to be in a work force that is held exclusively for men. The women of America receive fair wages and have earned the right to work with men. In China, women are assigned the role of housewives and must stay at home to clean the house and raise the children. Women in America receive educations that will prepare them for the high paying jobs of a professional. The women in China are known for taking orders from their husbands. Another feature that is found to be different in China from America is the different roles women take in the home. The author explains that a Chinese woman is expecte ...

Lord Of The Flies: Our Society Suppresses The Evil That Is Presented In All Of Us
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... over when he was no longer bound down to a civil environment. After being unable to bear killing a pig due to the horrific blood, he became eager to gain respect, almost redeem himself, by becoming a hunter. He was remarkably enthusiastic about hunting. He painted his face and got spears. He eventually cared no more for being rescued, because all he wanted to do was kill pigs. The number of hunters kept on growing and he began to get other kids to hunt with him. They soon had a routine (the dance) and whenever they did thad they had to kill, because they got so pumped up when they did it. Jack then began killing as if it were a luxury. They became savage ...

Girl, Interrupted
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... let off her family the difficulties of having to live for two years with this "borderline personality." As diagnosed by the clinician's bible, the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders," this condition could be the human condition, for it consists of "uncertainty about several life issues, such as self-image, sexual orientation, long-term goals or career choice, types of friends or lovers to have" - what one of Caisson's therapists called "people whose lifestyles bother them." Certainly, Caisson suggests , such uncertainty is the normal state of teen-agers. Especially the smart ones, such as Caisson herself, who, like clever prisoners, lear ...

The Good Earth: Wang Lung's Character
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... dispair through natural disasters, but the earth remained his sole source of innerpeace. Wang Lung was sometimes caring and sometimes insensitive, but he always followed tradition. Wang Lung was a caring and compassionate man with a strong sense of family and adaptation to simple life. For example, Wang Lung showed extreme respect and appreciation for his wife in a time when women were considered to be no more then slaves. In the early chapters of the novel when Wang Lung was poor, he gave O-lan four silver pieces so she may return to the House of Hwang in grand style. He also offered to pay five thousand silver pieces for her recovery after he discovered she ...

A Critical Approach To "Barn Burning" (By William Faulkner)
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... in North America during the late 1800's. Being a sharecropper, Ab and his family had to share half or two-thirds of the harvest with the landowner and out of their share pay for the necessities of life. As a result of this status, Ab and his family know from the start what the future will hold -- hard work for their landlord and mere survival for them. No hope for advancement prevails throughout the story. Sarty, his brother and the twin sisters have no access to education, as they must spend their time working in the fields or at home performing familial duties. Nutrition is lacking "He could smell the coffee from the room where they would presently eat the ...

Ordinary People: Significance Of The Title
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... brother's death. He lost his brother in a boating accident and he blames himself for his death. He believes that he could have prevented the accident by coming in from the sea when the waters began to get rough. However, there was nothing that Conrad could have done to prevent the boat from capsizing. His attempt to commit suicide is one of the things that makes him unordinary from normal teenagers. In the real world, many teenagers attempt suicide. But, this is not ordinary. It is unusual for a teenager to attempt or commit suicide. Society does not look at this sort of behavior as ordinary. If a teenager does attempt suicide, they are usually seeki ...

Romance And Gender Positions I
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... the biggest upset to the traditional structure is the possibility that Olivia may be in love with a woman. Shakespeare allows his audience to excuse this by having Olivia be unaware that Cesario is actually female. Yet, Olivia's attraction seems to stem exactly from the more feminine characteristics like Cesario's "beautiful scorn" and "angry lip" (136-137). Olivia's words allow an audience, particularly a modern one, to perhaps read her as suspecting or even knowing that Cesario is female, yet choosing to love him/her anyway. Olivia's description of Cesario's beauty, both here and upon their first encounter, praises typically feminine qualities, but curiou ...

The Color Purple: Nettie
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... like the Africans themselves" (143), but also gender discrimination. Before meeting Samuel and Corrine, Nettie was under the impression that all colored people [men] wanted to keep women from learning. Upon meeting Samuel, Nettie realized that "they are not all mean like Pa and Albert, or beaten down like Ma was." (138-139) The only man Nettie had ever had contact with were Pa and Albert; so she perceived that all men treated their wives and the women in the family like possessions to be sold to the highest bidder. For the first time in her life, Nettie met a man who, not only wanted her to learn, but also had the benefit of "a wonderful marriage" (139) base ...

The Flamboyant Hester Prynne
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... career illustrates the success of an especially responsive author in gathering together disparate female types and recombining them artistically so that they become crucial elements of the rhetorical and artistic construct of his fiction (Reynolds 179). Hawthorne used ironies of fallen women and female criminals to achieve the perfect combination of different types of heroines. His heroines are equipped to expel wrongs against their sex bringing about an awareness of both the rights and wrongs of women. Hester is a compound of many popular stereotypes rich in the thoughts of the time ...portrayed as a fallen woman whose honest sinfulness is found preferable to ...

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