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Essays on Book Reports

Emerson's Self-Reliance
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... was basically that you don't have to be accepted to make it through life, because it is not absolutely necessary to sustain life. If you did have to be accepted to sustain life, there would be a lot of dead people in the world. Have you ever heard the saying, "if a tree falls in the woods, would it make a sound?" Well if you have, you will notice a lot of similar things in it and Thoreau's saying, "the sky is less grand when it shuts down over less worth in the population." They are both saying that if something happened and nobody was around would it have the same affect as it would if many people saw it. Thoreau was saying that the sunset is not as be ...

A Tale Of Two Cities: Recalled To Life
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... Charles Darnay. Charles Darnay is on trial for treason in England(Book 2, Ch.2-4). C.J Stryver and Sydney Carton are representing Darnay in this trial. Sydney Carton saves Darnay from death in this trial with his miraculous wits. Through this Darnay is given another chance at life ,and therefore was "recalled to life." The last and most significant instance of someone being "recalled to life" is found in the last chapters of this book. Sydney Carton has recently switched places with his look alike, Darnay, and is awaiting the guillotine. While Sydney awaits his death he thinks, "It is a far, far better thing that I do, then I have ever done, it is a far, far be ...

The Pearl
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... trying to steal the pearl from Kino, Kino had to defend his self by stabbing and killing the attacker. So he has to flee the town because there are trackers comeing after him, his wife, Juana insists on going with him so they flee up to a mountain to get away from the trackers. There were three trackers , two on foot, one on horse with a rifle. Kino decided to attack them while they were sleeping, so when he attacked them Kino first tried to get the man on horse, in the struggle Kino killed the trackers but his son was killed by a bullet. Kino then threw the pearl away. Kino is a determined man , and he does what he thinks is right, like on selling the ...

The Scarlet Letter: Pearl - The Living Symbol
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... hall reechoed, and the hollow armor rang with it - 'truth in what Hester says, and in the feeling which inspires her!'"(110)… "'I must be even so,' resumed the minister.'" " 'This child of its father's guilt and its mother's shame hath come from the hand of God, to work in many ways upon her heart, who pleads so earnestly, and with such bitterness of spirit, the right to keep her. It was meant, doubtless, as the mother herself hath told us, for a retribution too; a torture to be felt at many an unthought-of moment; a pang, a sting, an ever-recurring agony, in the midst of a troubled joy! Hath she not expressed this thought with the garb of the poor child, ...

Arthur, Tragic Hero Or Merely
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... He keeps his dreadful secret from all those under his care in the church for seven years for fear that he will lose their love and they will not forgive him. He is too weak to admit his sins openly and in their entirety. Instead, he allows his parishioners to lift him in their esteem by confessing, in all humility, that he is a sinner: "The minister well knew--subtle but remorseful hypocrite that he was!--the light in which his vague confession would be viewed." (127) They love him all the more for his honest and humble character, and this is Arthur's intent. Even as he plans to run away with Hester four days after their meeting in the forest, he comfort ...

Book Analysis, Uncle Toms Cabi
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... brought with her from Ohio. After some time, she submitted it to the National Era, which published the novel as a serial. When it was published, Uncle Tom’s Cabin reached immediate success. Many publishing companies from around the world published her novel in 20 different languages. Stowe found herself speaking around the world, especially in England. A play blossomed from the novel, which also was successful. Stowe did not stop writing after Uncle Tom’s Cabin, but her other novels never had quite the impact of Uncle Tom’s Cabin . The novel Lady Byron Vindicated almost buried Stowe because many critics believed that Stowe’s purpose of this ...

1984 3
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... society are uneducated, then they are easy to rule because without knowledge, their is no motivation for one to better his or herself.They are content and happy in their own words much like an animal.This belief is what permeates the story of 1984.The Big Brother an druling classes of the "inner and outer" pary are vastly outnumbered by the common person or proletariats, "proles" are uneducated and overly trusting in the government.THey have no desire to improve themseves, thus they stay firmly under the first of big brother. In 1984 Winston Smith was the main character. He was a rebel who secretly was against the big brother and its dictatorial ways.His mistake ...

Alice Walker’s Everyday Use: Family Characters
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... around the house. Neither Mama nor Maggie are educated," I never had an education myself. After the second grade the school was closed. Maggie reads to me. She stumbles along good-naturedly " (73). However by helping her mother she uses the hand made items in her life, experiences the life of her ancestors, and learns the history of both. Contrasting with mama and Maggie, Dee seeks her heritage without understanding the heritage itself. Unlike Mama who is rough and man-like, and Maggie who is shy and scared, Dee is confident, " determined to stare down any disaster in her efforts" (73) she is beautiful and dresses eloquently. Also she has a higher education havin ...

Summary Of Nathaniel Hawthornes "The Scarlet Letter"
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... was forced to stand on the public scaffold where all the villagers could see her. As the story opens, Hester is leaving the prison to take her position on the scaffold. She wears the scarlet letter and carries with dignity her three-month-old daughter Pearl. As Hester endures this public disgrace, Roger Chillingworth, an old man new to the village, asks members of the crowd about her and learns as much of her story as is commonly known. When he asks the identity of the child's father, he discovers Hester has refused to divulge this information. From the balcony overlooking the scaffold, the young Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale also asks for this information and el ...

Matthew Arnolds Dover Beach An
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... died of a heart attack, in Liverpool, in 1888. Matthew Arnold lived during the Victorian period. For much of this century the term Victorian, which literally describes things and events in the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901), conveyed connotations of "prudish," "repressed," and "old fashioned." Although such associations have some basis in fact, they do not adequately indicate the nature of this complex, paradoxical age that was a second English Renaissance. In science and technology, the Victorians invented the modern idea of invention -- the notion that one can create solutions to problems, that man can create new means of bettering himself and his environment ...

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