Lord Of The Flies 3
... for chief, Ralph said,
“ ‘Who wants me?’ Every hand outside the choir except Piggy’s was raised immediately. Then Piggy, too, raised his hand grudgingly into the air. Ralph counted ‘I’m chief then’ ” (Golding 23).
Ralph is chosen as leader because in the story Lord of the Flies, he symbolizes every good quality necessary to return home. The qualities are leadership, kindness, benevolence, and most of all, friendship.
The second youth is known to the other boys as Piggy. Piggy is not like the other boys, in the fact that his sense of fun and adventure was replaced with that of worrisome and caution. He is a p ...
Comparison Of 1984 And Animal Farm
... This perceived reality is the truth
to the Party members.
The true reality in 1984 is shown only to the reader and some
Inner Party members. O'Brien knows the real truth of things as shown by
his torturing of Winston. He tells Winston that if the Party tells the
people that 2+2=5, then it does. He also instructs Winston that if the
Party informs its members that 2+2=3 or 4 or all at the same time, then it
is so. Although this true reality is available to Inner Party members,
they too do not have the freedom of thought or individuality... they are
only just aware of its existence. Only the outside reader is able to think
and understand the true na ...
Great Expectations: Pip
... his expectations
of what is to come in his future. Another change in his life is that he is
treated better by others. Mr. Trabb, the tailor, takes exception to Pip after
he hears that he has come into a fortune. He measures Pip very quickly, and
gets angry at his son for not showing the same respect of Pip¹s wealth. Then,
when he next sees Pumblechook, he repeatedly asks Pip if he may shake his hand,
as if it is some great honor. Before the news, he hardly treated Pip any
differently than any other common boy. Pip also looks to the way his new
acquaintances are treated, most notably Mr. Jaggers. He is treated with a great
deal of respect by everyone, and ev ...
Macbeth Imagery
... blinds out all of the horrible things that occur in the night. Only in darkness can such evil deeds be done. Secondly, the darkness shows one of Lady Macbeth’s weaknesses: her fear of dark. In the play, phrases of fear escape from lips even in her sleep. She believes darkness to be the place of torment.
Within the whole play, the sun seems to shine only twice. The first is in the passage when Duncan sees the swallows flirting round the castle of death. The second time, at the end, when the avenging army gathers to rid the earth of its shame. Therefore, the reader can conclude that Shakespeare uses darkness to establish the evil parts of the play. On the other ...
Passionate Storms
... storm was fast approaching. Once she noticed that it was getting darker she quickly set about closing doors and windows. Calixta remembered hanging Bobinot’s Sunday coat on the front gallery and as she was retrieving it Alcee rode up seeking shelter from the storm. “May I come and wait on your gallery till the storm is over, Calixta?” he asked. Although Alcee wished to remain on the gallery, Calixta insisted that he come inside and stay until the storm passed. Although it was dark outside, inside Alcee admired the fact that “she was a revelation in that dim, mysterious chamber; as white as the couch she lay upon.” Calixta realized that “her firm, ela ...
Anne Frank Remembered: Review
... the Nazi Girls' Club:
" 'How can I join such a club?' I icily asked. 'Look at what the
Germans are doing to the Jews in Germany.' ...Let her take a good
look at me and see with her own eyes that some 'Aryan' woman was
not to be swept in by the Nazis." (Gies, p. 41, 1987).
The main source of background to the author's viewpoint is her own
story. In order to further discuss her main points and views, a summary of
her story must be given.
The book began with a brief history of the childhood of Miep Gies.
She was born in Vienna, Austria in 1909, where she lived with her parents
until the age eleven year. She was then sent to Ams ...
No One Writes To The Colonel By Gabriel Garcia Marquez
... law is evident in the every day life of the Colonel and the
people of his town. The first example of the nature of their lives is shown
through the funeral. A poor musician has died of natural causes; the first
in a long period of time. The government in attempt to avoid a
demonstration and possibly a riot, reroutes his funeral procession to avoid
the police barracks. Since the musician is a first to have died of natural
causes, we can assume that martial law has resulted in the untimely death
of many people. Another example is the death of the Colonel's son, Agustin,
Whom after his death has become the embodiment of the underground. It is
rightly so, being t ...
A Separate Peace: Brinker Hadley
... fleece debating society, being a class leader, and
being "the hub of the class." As the story progresses, he loses all
interest in Devon minutia, and he turns his attention to the war. This
attitude represents very well the attitude of most of Devon's students and
Finally, Brinker is used by the author to personify the general
happenings at devon school. He is an icon for the rest of the class. He is
"the hub of the class", and "the standard boy's school article." Brinker
gives a name to "the rest of them.
Brinker Hadley is important to the story: he brings out Gene's
misdeeds, he symbolizes Devons change from peace to war, and he embodies
the rest ...
In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn And The Poem Cafe: Natural Laws Over Man Laws
... his father is ok but according to society is not. Whether or not to help an enslaved man get his freedom, which is definitely not accepted by society. And whether to live with his father, where according to society he should be, or to get away and live on his own, which is not accepted in society.
The author uses literary elements to convey the message of natural laws over man laws. He uses characterization to show the different kinds of morals people had. Huck lived with the Miss Watson, he did not live with his parents because his father was an alcoholic and we do not know where his mother is. His father was in and out of town. Nobody really knew where h ...
The Fall Of The House Of Usher: Poe's Writing Technique
... very effectively in House of Usher. Finding an identical
pattern in each the house and the family, he makes the events in the book
being read correspond to those going on in the house. The entire opening
scene is steeped in blackness and melancholy.(Neilson, 197, Buranelli, 62)
Another of Poe's writing techniques is anima. Anima is giving a
character qualities of having an animal spirit. Madeline Usher is the
anima figure in the story Poe's use of symbolism in his gothic stories is
a guiding thread to his literary art. That he is not persistently a
symbolist is one of his strengths, for it means that he only turns to
symbolism when it has a distinct rol ...
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