Desperation By Stephen King
... of a family and their social placement, so the "purity" of the family must be kept. This "purity" does not accommodate marriages of mixed race. Knowing this, Armand marries an old friend who he had known since he was eight when he moved to Louisiana from France with his father after his mother had died. She was a girl of no distinction, who had no history or reputation of family name like that of Armand, but despite this he fell in love "as if struck by a pistol shot".(317). Others had warned Armand against marrying her, but he did not care for he was so swept away by her beauty. "He was reminded that she was nameless. What did it matter about a name when he co ...
Canterbury Tales Critical Anal
... from a spectrum of social classes. In the Canterbury Tales, this diverse group of characters was individually responsible for narrating two stories while on a pilgrimage that journeyed from Southwark to Canterbury, and two stories while on the return trip from Canterbury to Southwark. Chaucer only finished twenty-two of these narratives before his death in 1400. Still, through the twenty-two stories he did write, he managed to capture the culture and mind set of England's occupants during this transitional period between the medieval and Renaissance era. This marked change in times in which medieval man insisted upon being a member of the spiritual community and ...
... too, and, worst of all, theology with keen endeavor, through and through..." It is obvious that through his studies he has valued deep and critical thinking, however with the help of Mephisto, he would disregard his values and pursue the pleasures of the flesh. 's impending downward spiral reveals the greed that both Mephisto and share. Mephisto's greed is evident in the hope that he will overcome 's morality and thus be victorious in his wager with God; also because he is the devil and that is what he does. For , greed emerges because of his desire to attain physical pleasures and therefore become whole in mind, body and spirit. 's goal to become the �berminche ...
Characterization Of Uncle Henry
... He has a black, rough-
skinned face. Luke's uncle is said to look like a powerful man, but his health
is not good. Henry has aches and pains in his back and shoulders, which his
doctor cannot explain. He is respected by his family and friends, and no one
ever disobeys him. Uncle Henry thinks that everything has to have a specific
purpose. For example, he thinks that his old dog, Dan, is ". . . not much good
even for a watchdog now," and is ". . . no good for hunting either." The
narrator's description of Henry is so well done that one can picture him in
one's mind or even compare him to someone in one's day to day life.
The second main way that Henry ...
On The Road
... recently out of another term in jail and newly married, comes to New York and meets Sal Paradise, a young writer with a sharp group of friends. Dean fascinates Sal, and this friendship begins three years of journeys back and forth across the country.
Sal had heard all about Dean from Chad King, who Dean used to write to from jail, and was intrigued. Dean spoke formally, in long rambling sentences and Sal's first impression of Dean is that he was like a young Gene Autry.
He likes Dean because of his exuberance, eagerness, uneducated intelligence, and what he sees as Dean's Western spirit, which is much different from Sal's other friends, "intellectuals" or criminal ...
The Concept Of Justice In The
... characters does something wrong and receives a harsh punishment. In the Odyssey, justice, when done, always allots a large punishment, never a small one. Aegisthus courted Agamemnon’s wife and then killed him. The justice of the Gods is a swift and powerful one. However, Aegisthus had been warned: “we ourselves had sent Hermes, the keen-eyed Giant-slayer, to warn him neither to kill the man nor to court his wife” (pg. 4). Aegisthus ignored the warning, killing Agamemnon and courting his wife. Orestes, Agamemnon’s son, killed Aegisthus to avenge his father’s death. The gods saw this as swift, fair, and powerful justice: “And now Ae ...
Death Of A Salesman - Willys I
... hasn’t really achieved anything. He got fired by Howard, his sons are both failures and they abandoned him in a restaurant toilet. His relationship with his wife is plagued by his guilt for committing adultery. He has to borrow $50 a week from Charley. He can’t even keep his mind on one thing for a long time. He can’t drive a car. Willy gets so fed up with all of these things that he want’s to commit suicide and eventually, he does. This topic suggests that Willy’s deterioration occurs because the principals he believes in. To a large extent this is true.
After 34 years of Willy’s life, he loses his job. To a normal person unde ...
The Catcher In The Rye The Duc
... in those categories but bear with me.) John Lennon was killed to promote this book. John Hinkley may have been trying to impress Jody Foster, but he was also a big Catcher in the Rye fan. The level of general craziness surrounding this book is so bad that Conspiracy Theory made it the running joke, even tracking Mel Gibson by monitoring purchases of The Catcher in the Rye.
So why is this book so influential? Why do normal people have underlined copies in their personal library? Why is every book about whiney losers sitting around complaining about their lives, (where the major problem is that the damn author can't think of a plot) compared favorably to The Catche ...
Great Expectations
... happy. Herbert, Pip, and Miss Havisham are related to this statement, "wealth is no substitute for happiness."
In this novel, Herbert is portrayed to us as being rather plain and simple. When we first are introduced to Mr. Herbert Pocket in Chapter 16, he is rather down to earth. His living quarters don't consist of anything expensive and luxurious. For example, (pg. 732) Herbert says "this is my little bedroom, rather musty, �the furniture is hired for the occasion." He is just a man managing to get along and be happy with what he has. Mr. Pocket, over time, teaches Pip how to become a gentleman. With both Herbert and Pip living in the same household, things g ...
The Hidden Story In Green And
... is perfect. This warns Gatsby that he should not pursue his dream for getting Daisy back, because his chance has passed and everything is as it should be. This is shown with Nick�s insight, ��His dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. He did not know that it was already behind him� (Pg.189)�
Another symbolization of the color green, which contradicts the first, is the meaning �go.� As in a traffic light signal, most people associate green with the word and action �go.� This can be interpreted as meaning Gatsby should go for his dream without hesitation. It implies that Gatsby and Daisy are meant to be together and nothing should sto ...
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