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Essays on English

Ethan Frome
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... home after a church gathering in the winter and put his arms around her. He tried to show off to her by boasting his skill at sledding, and how he could coast down the dangerous hill and miss the big elm tree that was in the path right around a sharp bend. Mattie fell in love with Ethan too, after a picnic on a summer afternoon. One day, Zeena left Starkfield to see a new doctor in Bettsbridge. Her trip would keep her over night so Ethan and Mattie had the night alone together. Zeena asked Ethan to take her down to the Flats to catch the train, but Ethan said that Jotham Powel would have to do it because he had to drive a bunch of lumber over to Mr. Hale’s and ...

Emily Dickinson
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... allegory and symbolism, which is the reason for the complication in her poems because allegory and symbolism contradict each other (Diehl 18, 19). Dickinson did not name most of her poems. She named twenty-four of her poems, of which twenty-one of the poems were sent to friends. She set off other people’s poetry titles with quotation marks, but only capitalized the first word in her titles. Many critics believe she did not title most of her poetry because she was not planning on publishing her work. As Socrates said, “the knowledge of things is not devised from names… no man would like to put himself or the education of his mind in the power o ...

Importance Of Being Earnest
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... ...

A Rose For Emily -- Symbol Of
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... treatment of his daughter, reflects his old-fashioned ways and his inability, or his lack of desire, to move on into the future. Throughout Miss Emily’s childhood, her father believed that “none of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily.” Mr. Grierson did not allow his grown daughter, even at the age of thirty, to make her own decisions. Moreover, he did not feel it was her place to act on her own behalf. Miss Emily willingly accepted her role in the household. The name and the attitudes that Mr. Grierson passed on to his daughter Emily symbolically opposed the change that was going on around them. Even after his death, Miss Emily kept her father’ ...

Isolation And The Individual I
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... of a distinctive identity. The concept of an individual may be summarized in a statement made by Rick Hoyle: “The human self is a self-organizing, interactive system of thoughts, feelings, and motives that characterizes an individual. The self is reflexive and dynamic in nature: responsive yet stable” (Hoyle 2). Therefore, the outsider must be an individual, fully capable of organizing his or her thoughts and emotions and the consequences of each upon the self and the world. Logically proceeding the definition of the individual outside of society is the definition of society; a term that “can be used to designate the specifically relational system of interacti ...

Oedipus Rex
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... murder his father and marry his mother. Shocked, his parents (King Laios and Queen Locaste of Thebes) try to circumvent Hera’s curse by turning the infant over to a loyal servant (The Theban Shepherd) to take to the top Mt. Cithaeron to be killed. After nailing his ankles together and leaving him to die of the elements, the old shepherd relents and hands the child over to a traveling shepherd from Corinth to take back to the childless King and Queen to raise as their own son. For the next twenty years, Laios and Locaste rule in Thebes believing their son to be dead. Unfortunately, Hera sends a drought associated with a sphinx to bedevil Thebes. A desperate Laios tr ...

A Rose Of The South
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... to be together. People began to say "Poor Emily", as she would be seen on "Sunday afternoons driving in the yellowed-wheeled buggy and the matched team of bays from the livery stable"2. The ladies in the town thought that this was a disgrace and called a meeting to have the minister talk to Miss Emily. After this attempt did not work, the minister's wife called Miss Emily's cousins to come visit Miss Emily. When Miss Emily 's cousins arrived, people thought that her cousins had convinced her to get married, since Miss Emily had ordered a "complete out fit of men's clothing, including a nightshirt"3. Mean while Miss Emily had gone to see the druggist for some ...

The Joy Luck Club 4
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... reminisced about her mother and heard new stories about her mother she had never heard before. She hears stories of how it was her mother came to America and what she left behind in China. The book starts off in China with a woman imagining what life in America raising a daughter would be like. Hoping that she would be an American but still have her Chinese heritage. But in the end her daughter turns out to be as Americanized as they come not realizing her Chinese heritage. This makes it so that they don’t communicate very well and makes it so they don’t know very much about each other. This book shows that now days the traditions of the older ge ...

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... where they would be floated downstream to the new lumber mill. At least this was what was supposed to happen. After the first couple loads, there came reports that the logs weren’t reaching their destination. Some of the men started talking about how they were logging on uncharted territory and this was a bad omen. Woody just laughed and said, “Uncharted territory or not, we have a job to do and I’m not going to let some little thing like this ruin my reputation. I’ll go see what the problem is.” And so Woody packed a bag with supplies and sailed off down the river to find the missing logs. It w ...

The Great Gatsby - Jay Gatsby
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... parties showed how he would go out of his way in order to make others happy. Jay would throw extravagant parties just to have people come and enjoy themselves. He would also do his best to make Nick feel welcome in whatever setting they were in. Gatsby was living in New York in order to procure his dream. Jay has wanted to rekindle his relationship with Daisy so he moved close to her and did what ever he had to just to be alone with her. Gatsby spent a good portion of his life pursuing what he considered the ideal life, which consisted of Daisy, money, and happiness. Jay Gatsby was one of the best all around people in the novel. Even though he was a bootl ...

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