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Nicolet Minerals Company And Wisconsin
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... made by any type of mining. This mine would generate nearly forty-four million tons of waste. Half of the waste would be used to fill the empty mine shaft and the other half would be put in a waste “pond”. The pond would be a ninety foot-tall building that covered almost 355 acres, making it the largest toxic waste dump in Wisconsin history. Even if the mine plan were safe, the pond would only hold the waste for 140 years. After that time the lining would dissolve and set twenty-two million tons of toxic waste into the ground (Gedicks). Many local individuals and organizations are becoming extremely angry with the mining companies. They are upset because the ...

The Imperial Woman
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... grew up, Tzu Hsi retired to the Summer Palace. Again, she was called back to be the ruler of China since her nephew had made foolish decision. The people of China called her Old Buddha. According the novel, Yehonala was a beautiful woman with a fierce heart. Since she was a virgin, she was called to be viewed by the Dowager Mother and the Son of Heaven. She could not disobey the command. Yehonala wanted to marry her third cousin, Jung Lu, but the Emperor of China chose her to be one of his concubines. His mother opposed this decision because she noticed Yehonala had a strong spirit. Concubines were not meant to have ambitions, they were meant to be pretty and serve ...

The Theme Of Nature In The Works Of Plato, Bryant, Twain, And Thoreau
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... nature has become one of the most important subjects of American art, especially Literature. Specific examples from American literature including the works Moby Dick, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Walden, and "To a Waterfowl" can show how American authors explore the ideals of human existence through aesthetic representations of nature. William Cullen Bryant, who has been called "the father of American poetry," is one of the earliest artists to capture the essence of nature in America and apply it to the human experience. In his poem "To A Waterfowl" he uses the example of a waterfowl to reach a better understanding of human existence. In the poem, t ...

Quests Not Dreams - A Raisin I
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... would be realized. When the money was discovered to be lost, she thought her dream blew up in smoke. This dream wasn't the quest that she was intended to do though, her quest was to find her "African side" and to connect with it. Beneatha started to fulfill this by talking to Asagai (a man from Africa). She told him, "Mr. Asagai-I want every much to talk with you. About Africa. You see, Mr. Aasagai, I am looking for my identity." Asagai became a link to Africa for Beneatha, a guide to her ancestry/roots. In Act II, Beneatha shows how she has connected with her African roots by doing a ceremonial dance and by cutting her hair so that it would "natural." In Act I ...

The Odyssey
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... is hoping that his father will return a take care of the suitors. Also when he is talking to the disguised Athena he states,” while they continue to bleed my household white. Soon-you wait- they grind me down as well.” (I, 292). Telemachus is now groveling to a stranger that these suitors are trashing his home and soon he will just except their terrible behavior. Telemachus also has doubts as to who his father really is. “My mother always told me I’m his son, it’s true, but I am not so certain.” (I, 249). This is mentioned because Telemachus, and the suitors, feel that if he were really the son of Odysseus then he would have the strength to stop the destruct ...

Hamlet Polonius Family
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... Hamlet’s madness. Being the king’s Lord Chamberlain, it is his duty to obey the king and queen’s wishes and it is this loyalty that eventually proves to be fatal for him. An example of hoe Polonius’ innocent involvement with the royalty results in his death can be found at the beginning of Act III, scene iv, when Hamlet stabs him while he is hiding behind the arras in Gertude’s room. This shows how Polonius, a man unaware of the true nature of the situation he is in, is killed by a member of the royalty during the execution of one of their schemes. This makes Polonius’ death a tragedy. The next me ...

Reader Response Theory And The
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... to literature. Because the reader response movement is built on the foundation that the audience is an essential part of the literary process, phenomenologists tend to show a great deal of respect for the reader. In fact, a major underlying theme of this movement is the idea that the reader should be granted freedom to interpret a literary work in any way he/she likes. Jean-Paul Sartre, in his essay entitled "Why Write?", describes this best when he says "the writer appeals to the reader's freedom to collaborate in the production of his work" (627). Wolfgang Iser echoes this belief in the need for readers' freedom in his essay, "The Reading Process: A Phe ...

Beauty When The Other Dancer I
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... and Alice went to see a doctor. By that time she already had a glob of whitish scar tissue. She also remembered the words of her doctor, "Of one is blind, the other will likely become blind too." It is amazing how childhood may influence the future. Since that time Alice Walker lost her self-confidence, she didn't feel that she is that cute little girl anymore who was able to amaze the audience with her long Easter speeches. Furthermore, she started doing poorly at school, her contact with others ended, she did not stare at anyone anymore because she stopped raising her head up, students in her new school made fun of her. Her relatives kept telling that she did not ...

Theme Of Love In The Odyssey
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... of love for Odysseus. At home in Ithaca, she stays loyal to Odysseus by unraveling his shroud and delaying her marriage to the suitors that are courting her. She always keeps the hope that her love, Odysseus, will return. Odysseus and Penelope’s marriage clearly illustrates the theme of love. There are also many other bonds formed in life that show great love and guidance. One of the most emphasized in the Odyssey is the father - son relationship. These relationships clearly support the issue of love in the Odyssey. The father - son relationship between Odysseus and Telemachos is a little awkward because they both never really got to know each other but they sti ...

Oedipus Rex
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... it did not say, "If you do so-and-so you will kill your father," it simply said "You will kill your father and sleep with your mother." The ancients believed that whatever an Oracle predicts was bound to happen. Oedipus does what he can to evade his destiny, he resolves never to see his supposed parents again. But it is quite certain from the first that his best efforts will fail. Others would argue that because Oedipus was a tyrannical ruler and didn't make the best choices in life, he deserved to suffer. E. R. Dodds states that, "Oedipus' behavior on the stage reveals the man he always was: he was punished for his basically unsound character." It was un ...

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