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Essays on English

Canterbury Tales, Franklins Ta
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... who takes a comment, made in jest, literally. In order to understand the tale, it is necessary to grasp the nature of the Franklin. The Franklin, as described in the Prologue, is “white as a daisy-petal his beard./ A sanguine man, high-coloured and benign.” (p. 12). Before the tales of the pilgrims are actually told, Chaucer gives the reader a description of each pilgrim in order to understand the tales from the point of view of each pilgrim. Chaucer creates an affable and pious man with his portrait of the Franklin. The Franklin is a very pure man who is wealthy and kind to all. He has a delicate and plentiful taste for food and wine and is very ...

For Whom The Bell Tolls
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... man will come to kill the first man and so on, in a never-ending cycle of stupidity and futility. The setting of this book can be analyzed here; the Spanish Civil War in the 1920-30 time period is the setting for the book, on the battlefields in the Spanish countryside. The whole fascist/communist aspect is brought up since both sides are against one another. Here again, Hemingway doesn’t idealize either side, not referring to their political beliefs but to the fact that each side is very much the same. Both sides consist of sad, depressed fools who have been shipped off to war, content to live in peace and harmony with each other. It is here that Hemingw ...

George Bernard Shaw And His Short Story About The Cremation Of The Narrator's Mother
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... live on. Shaw's diction is effective in conveying his mood and dramatizing the process of cremation. The traditional words of a burial service “ashes to ashes, dust to dust” are not altered for the cremation, the interior chamber “looked cool, clean, and sunny” as by a graveside, and the coffin was presented “feet first” as in a ground burial. In selecting aspects of a traditional burial service, Shaw's mood is revealed as ambivalent toward cremation by imposing recalled fragments of ground burial for contrast. Strangely fascinated, he begins to wonder exactly what happens when one is cremated. This mood of awe is dramatized as he encounters several doors to ob ...

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... In many ways, Iago can compare with Satan. Iago, like Satan, has proved himself to be a master of deception. He lies to everyone taking great care to disguise his own thoughts. For example, in Act 1 scene 2, when he is speaking to about his feelings toward Cassio, he uses very strong language, while at the same time, he lies throughout the whole speech faking loyalty to a fellow soldier and all the while implying that he is reluctantly holding back the full truth: "I had rather have this tongue cut from my mouth. Than it should do offense to Michael Cassio" (I.ii.21-22). This deception impresses and convinces that his officer is a good and loyal sol ...

A Tale Of Two Cities - Foreshadowing
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... At this point in the novel, Lucie Mannette and Mr. Lorry had just arrived in Paris to find Lucie’s father. The author appears to get off of the subject to describe the breaking of the wine cask. This however, is much more significant than it would first appear. Outside of a wine-shop, a wine cask is broken in the street. Many people rush around the puddle on the ground trying to scoop it up and drink as much as they can. Dickens describes the rush to the spilled wine by saying "The people within reach had suspended their business, or their idleness to run to the spot and drink the wine... some men kneeled down, made scoops with their two hands joined and ...

Japanese Aristocrat
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... missionaries not only brought back new ideas of Buddhism, but also new arts and crafts, lifestyles, Confucianism, and a degree of sophistication unknown to Japan before . This must have been a very exciting time to be a . The aristocratic society decided which parts of Chinese culture would be integrated into Japan. The new centralized Japanese government was modeled after China's. Although Japans government was modeled after China's it had some very distinct differences. The Japanese seemed to modify Chinese concepts and make them unique to Japan. They did not only do this with government, but with all things taken from China. Japan was undergoing a gr ...

The Fabliaux
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... and ruses. thus present a lively image of everyday life among the middle and lower classes. Yet that representation only seems real; life did not run that high in actual fourteenth-century towns and villages -- it never does -- and the plots, convincing though they seem, frequently involve incredible degrees of gullibility in the victims and of ingenuity and sexual appetite in the trickster-heroes and -heroines. (The Riverside Chaucer, p. 7.) was, until Chaucer's time, a genre of French literature, in which it flourished in the thirteenth century. One of the minor problems about Chaucer's fabliaux is why he turned to a genre that had, in effect, been dead for ...

Animal Farm
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... and simply undesirable individuals. Pigs are among the filthiest animals to roam the earth. Some would say the same about politicians. I, for one feel that this comparison is very fitting. The second main comparison Orwell makes uses Boxer, the work horse, to represent the Russian working class. Laborious individuals and those who possess great physical strength are often said to be “as strong as a horse.” Boxer is both hardworking and extremely powerful. He was able to do as much work as all the other animals combined. He was also dedicated to his tasks. His motto, “I will work harder,” gave the rest of the farm inspiration to carry on. He worked himself ...

English Shakespeare
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... to convince Camillo of Leontes' wife's unfaithfulness, though privately Camillo still believes Leontes is wrong. Camillo asks Leontes to forgive the queen by and by, but Leontes states he will not. Camillo then approaches Polixenes and warns him he (Camillo) is to kill him for flirting with Hermione. Camillo tells Polixenes he will help his friends and he flee the city, then serve under him, defecting from Leontes' court. At the royal court, Hermione plays with Mamillius when Leontes enters, hearing that Camillo has left with Polixenes. Leontes wrongly determines that Camillo had been working for Polixenes for a long time, then accuses Hermione of being unfaithful ...

Dulce Est Decrum Est
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... experiences of the troops to "[v]ile, incurable sores on innocent tongues."(24) This metaphor emphasizes that the troops will never forget these horrific experiences. As you can see, Owen has used figurative language so effectively that the reader gets drawn into the poem. The images drawn in this poem are so graphic that it could make readers feel sick. For example, in these lines: "If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood/ Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs/ Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud,"(21-23) shows us that so many men were brutally killed during this war. Also, when the gas bomb was dropped, "[s]omeone still yelling out and stumbli ...

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