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Hesiod And The Ascent Of Zeus
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... inside the earth and would not let them "rise to the light" (Theog. 157). But this caused Gaia great pain. She created a sickle from a new form of metal, then went and asked her children for help. Kronos, the "clever devisor" (Theog. 168), was the only child who spoke up. Kronos follows his mother's plan, cuts off Ouranos's genitals and throws them into the sea. The blood landing on Gaia forms the three Erinyes or furies, the giants, and the Melian nymphs. Then "foam" (Theog. 191) rising from the sea out of the genitals, forms Aphrodite, goddess of love. After these events, Ouranos called his children the Titans. Hesiod explains this as being derived from t ...

Inherit The Wind
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... prophesizing blow-hards much like Brady in Inherit the Wind, are as much the bigoted and biased, sacrilegious and amoral attention-seekers as they proclaim the evolutionists to be. However, their chosen doctrine cannot be overlooked, as I myself am deeply devoted to it�s teachings. Brady and others like him fight from the backbone of Faith. I don�t believe in the literal deciphering of the Bible, but that it is a book of ideals that we must trust in it�s veracity. It isn�t meant to be explained! Ironically, the thing that people are the most hungry for, meaning, is the one thing that science hasn�t been able to give them. Enter God, the means t ...

Essay Of Flowers For Algernon
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... Charlie had dreams of how his mother was ashamed of him. His mother always thought her son was normal and would grow up and be somebody. "...He's like a baby. He can't play Monopoly or checkers or anything. I won't play with him anymore..." Charlie's sister also ignored him. To her, Charlie was dumb and could not do anything. Charlie had dreams of his sister yelling at him and making fun of him. He also had memories of the night his parents took him to the Warren Home. He was terrified and his dad would never answer his questions. Charlie remembered his childhood and through his memories, he felt guilty for hurting his family. After the operation, Charlie also suffe ...

Cask Of Amontillado
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... not know. We do know that he intends to go unpunished for this act of reprisal. Montresor then informs us that he is going to continue to smile in Fortunato�s face, while using Fortunato�s pride in his knowledge wine to lure him into the catacombs to taste some of his imaginary amontillado. At this point, the reader knows the conflict will be one of man versus man. It is an external struggle because Fortunato and Montresor are in a life and death fight. However, the conflict is largely internal, because Montresor has a fierce hatred that Fortunato is unaware of. The climax of the story is when Montresor chains Fortunato to the wall and begins to layer the bricks. I ...

Early American Literature By Stephen Crane And Robert E. Lee About War
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... Robert E. Lee. Stephen Crane depicted the attitudes of Americans at that time really well. In his poem "War Is Kind" he shows us how tired Americans were of war. This poem is very strong and emotional because he gives us mental images of how horrible war is. In this piece Crane keeps repeated "war is kind". These three words really show how he and other Americans felt about war. He is not saying that war is good. He is saying this in a sarcastic way. For example, he talks about how peoples loved ones are dying. And then later he says "Do not weep. War is Kind." In this poem he really shows us that Americans were really tired of war. In the "Letter to His ...

Animal Farm 2
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... Again, the power struggles in Animal farm satirize human nature. In the quest for power, time after time, negative leaders use propaganda for their sople benefit/ In animal farm napoleon uses this technique to brainwash the animals into thinking that they need to serve him alone. napoleon does not care if the animals are hurt or if they need rest. He wants for himself anfd himself only. naploeon uses the propaganda technique in an uncaring and very negative way/ An example of this in the novel is when napoleon blatantly runs a rival pig, snowball, off the farm./ napoleon even uses his trained dogs to scare snowball away. from this point on, he would blame snowball ...

Trifles By Susan Glaspell
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... the men are looking the house over for evidence, they grasp a different image than the women. The men viewed the house as inadequately taken care of due to broken jars of preserves or discovering dirty towels. All the men notice is clutter. The men do not look deeper behind the meanings of this disarray. However, the women do. The women understand that the reason that things such as the towels are not clean is because she more than likely was busy doing her many other chores of the household. They also considered how much trouble Mrs. Wright went to fix the preserves. The women reason that the uncaring concern John had for Minnie and the attention he pai ...

All My Sons
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... So Dad called again. By this time he had over a hundred defective. The Army was screaming for stuff and Dad didn�t have anything to ship. So Joe told him... on the phone he told him to weld, cover up any cracks in any way he could, and ship them out.� That is a passage from the play and is a very important scene, where the truth comes out about what the two men did. In a state of panic, the men let defective parts which went into airplanes be shipped to the Army. They were used, causing the death of 21 men. Keller and Deever were brought to trial, where Keller went free and Deever went to prison. At the same time during the war, Joe Keller�s son, Larry was pronou ...

Flowers For Algernon - Review
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... Charlie, is subject to an experiment which increases his intelligence in hopes of knowing more in the soul purpose of impressing people to gain friends. Unfortunately some of his anticipations were not met. The main characters in the novel include Charlie, Alice, Algernon, and Fay, a character who did not make much of an appearance, but in my eyes believed, that she played a very important part in Charlie's involvement in trying to sort out his past and figure out his present and future plans. Charlie is a mentally retarded person who has impressing people and gaining friends as one of his top priorities. He then hears of an experiment which could possibly make ...

Silas Marner 2
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... him. This supposed freind even set him up for an accusation of murder. To top it all off, Silas’s wife to be was also taken by this wolf in sheep’s clothing. This type of betrayal makes a person hate humanity especially in such a close knit community. Silas moved himself to the fringes of civilization. He cared for no one and wanted no to care for him. Both of their attitudes changed when Eppie arrived. Godfrey knew that he could marry Nancy now beacuse his old wife had died. This also showed how shallow he was. Godfrey thought he could throw money at Silas and he would be very compliant to give Eppie back to her ‘rightful’ father. Yet ...

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