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Writings Of Confucius, Hammurabi's Code Of Laws, And Egypt's Book Of The Dead
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... he does say "Great Man cherishes excellence; Petty Man, his own comfort. Great Man cherishes the rules and regulations; Petty Man special favors." To me, that mean "Great Man is fair, Petty man is unfair." The second of these three values is responsibility and respect to one's family and elders, and responsibility and respect to others families and elders. This is most evident in Confucius' writings. He is constantly stressing family values and responsibility. One quote that shows this is "Let the sole sorry of your parents be that you might become ill." This stresses personal responsibility and respect to your parents. Hammurabi showed responsibility by saying " ...

20/20 Vision, Not A Vision For Me
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... I could see but it just wasn't my destiny. I always had a vision impairment. It was always a problem my family thought was normal. This all changed towards the end of my fifth grade year in Elementary School. My teacher continuously asked me questions referring to things on the board. I told her that my glasses didn't work, but she thought I was just trying to get out of doing my work. After several days of this she called my grandmother. I got in a lot of trouble for not doing my work. I complained often about my glasses with no recognition from anyone. It wasn't until that summer when my glasses broke that they realized I had been telling the truth. ...

Catcher In The Rye - Boys Will Be Boys
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... experiences can easily be related to and will forever link Holden with every member of society, because everyone was or will be a teen. The first and most obvious characteristic found in most teens, including Holden, would be the desire for independence. Throughout the novel, Holden is not once wishing to have his parents help in any way. He has practically lived his entire life in dorms at prestigious schools, and has learned quite well how to be on his own. "This tendency of teenagers took place even in ancient history, where the freshly developed teen opts to leave the cave and hunt for his own food" (Kegel 54). Every teenager tries, in his or her own way, ...

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... the forest. Your world was the backyard and it was all you needed. With your pink portable tape player, Debbie Gibson sang back up to you and everyone wanted a skirt like the Material Girl and a glove like Michael Jackson's. Today, we are the ones who sing along with Bruce Springstein and The Bangles perfectly and have no idea why. We recite lines with the Ghostbusters and still look to The Goonies for a great adventure. We flip through T.V. stations and stop at The A Team and Knight Rider and Fame and laugh with The Cosby Show and Family Ties and Punky Brewster and what you talkin' 'bout Willis? We hold strong affections for The Muppets and The Gummy Bears and ...

Character Flaws In "Long Days Journey Into Night" And "Death Of A Salesman"
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... adults. Also, neither one of them has a home of their own, just like Tyrone didn�t. Willy Lohman�s ignorant approach to life was that one will succeed if he is well liked, no matter how good or poor his skill. He mocks Bernard, saying there is no need to to study, and proves his disillusioned point further by declaring that Bernard is not well liked. This leads Biff and Happy to believe that one can study all they want, yet will not succeed unless they are well liked. This affects their life because they keep waiting for people to realize that they are well liked, hoping that this will somehow make them millions. They go from job to job and it never happens ...

Father Themes In Robinson Crus
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... from their master, Crusoe made Xury swear more or less an allegiance to him. This Xury agreed to without any questions asked. Through time, it seems that Xury, became more of a close companion to Crusoe than that of a slave. Together, being in slavery and going through some adventures, you could say that Crusoe developed an emotional tie to him, more than that of slave and master. This can clearly be seen when the Portugese Captain offers to buy Xury and take him from Crusoe�s hands. Crusoe felt sorry for this, as he was selling the freedom of his new found companion who was instrumental in gaining his own. These can be viewed as somewhat close emotional tie ...

Ignorance Is Strength
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... in 1984 of a case where "" was a truth was Katherine, Winston's ex-wife. A description of Katherine shows the Party's ideal woman: "She had a bold, aquiline face, a face that one might have called noble until one discovered that there was as nearly as possible nothing behind it. Very early in their married life...that she had without exception the most stupid, vulgar, empty mind he had ever encountered. She had not a thought in her head that was not a slogan, and there was no imbecility, absolutely none, that she was not capable of swallowing if the Party handed it out to her." (Orwell, 58) This was what the Party wanted-a person so brain dead and brain washe ...

Othello Passage
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... the climax of the story. The chosen passage came near the end of this work--just after Othello smothered Desdemona with her pillow. Shakespeare, simply and probably tritely put, was a genius. His artful mastery of meter, diction, imagery, and tone is matchless and captivates interest and thought like no other. Meter in a literary work, just like all other components, can be a key factor in affecting the reader's thoughts and mood. Of course, this being Shakespeare, meter was utilized with a definite purpose. Because this portion of the play is dramatic and suspenseful, an erratic, loose structure is appropriate. The author "changed things up" and "kept the rea ...

The Odyssey: Differences From Today's Society
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... today because his way of being just and solving problems is to kill people. He believes in no sound reasoning and cares about himself and how much of a great fighter he is. " Lady, it's not possible to interpret this dream in any other way. You have learnt from Odysseus himself how he will make the dream true. Clearly, the Suitors are all of them doomed: there is not who will escape his destined death (p.301)." When Odysseus heard of the suitors in his home, he had it set in his mind to kill them all before even trying to reason with them or asking them to leave. Also, he plans to take revenge and kill his servants when he believes that they were disloyal and ...

The Archetypal Hero Journey, J
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... his people and, therefore, spare them misfortune or disastrous situations. Such characters enable the author to aid the reader in perceiving the positive aspects of negative situations and vice versa. Joseph Campbell�s hero journey outline provides an understanding for the paths heroes take pertaining to their specific circumstances. Two characters that follow the hero journey are Job of the wisdom books of the Old Testament and Murder in the Cathedral�s Thomas Becket. Job is a fortunate and distinctively devout man. Satan wants to prove to God Job�s faith will falter if his blessings are obliterated. Satan creates an agonizing event sequence Job must ...

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