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The Picture Of Dorian Gray
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... of the novel is proven by Dorian's self-destruction as he transfers his own soul into the portrait. Three essential factors to the success of Dorian's Faustian contract is the influence of Lord Henry, Dorian's own attitudes and behaviors, and Basil's enthusiasm which gives symbolism to the painting. Despite being a pure and inexperienced man at first, Dorian's decadent actions during the story are prompted by the theories of Lord Henry Wotton. Lord Henry's attempt to influence Dorian is responsible for many of the wrong choices Dorian makes. Initially unadulterated by society, Dorian's views change when Lord Henry tells him that he is presently at the peak ...

The Scarlet Letter
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... seen as criminal today. As for punishment, a sentence to wear a scarlet "A" upon her chest, it would hardly be considered a burden or extreme sentence in present day. Or Hester can be seen as rebelling against a society where she was forced into a loveless marriage and hence she would be the "good guy," or girl, as the case may be. Also the townspeople, the magistrates, and Chillingworth, Hester's true husband, can be seen in both lights. Either they can be perceived as just upholding the law -she committed a crime, they enforce the law. On the other hand are they going to extreme measures such as wanting to take Pearl, Hest ...

Blanche Ingram: Villain?
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... Leal that with his family had not other choice but to make a raft and search for freedom, David, Miguel (David's father) and Luis (helped making the raft) were the only ones supposed to get on the raft, but while aborting the raft 'El Toro' (Luis' friend) with the help of Luis got on the raft as well, he was rude, he never had a smile of approbation, David and his dad had to keep up with his bad jokes, and bombastic comments, he also made inveigh comments to the Leals. David and Miguel were disappointed because he was not supposed to be on the raft, since he did not have the prerogative to be on it and they only had food and water for three persons. They were al ...

Oedipus Rex As The Tragic Hero
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... causes the good fortune of the hero to go in the other direction. In the story of Oedipus, the circumstances seemed to have made his attempt to evade the bad luck all in vain. His mistaken judgement was deciding to take someone's life, even though it might be deserved, "Being enraged, strike him who jostled me… he rolls down headlong; and I slay them all!"(29). Another mistake might have been his decision to marry Jocasta. Had he never married, he could have avoided his misery, "And how can I help dreading my mother's bed?"(35). But where would the story be then? "Declared that I should one day marry my own mother and with my own hands shed my father's blo ...

Oedipus Vs. Everyman 1
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... first scene, quarrels with Death about going on the long journey. He pleads for even a few more days before making him take this voyage. Both characters argue “Not me…it can’t be!…” Both also look for a person or reason to displace their burden in order to avoid facing their strife. The second stage according to Kubler Ross is Anger. Oedipus becomes fierce and defiant upon Jocasta’s telling him that he should stop searching for the truth and he doesn’t need to know the answers. This is a stage that appears to mix a bit of denial with anger for Oedipus, but the distinctions, do exist. Everyman becomes angry when Death tell ...

Romeo And Juliet - Who Is To Blame For The Deaths In The Pla
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... Friar Laurence about his marriage to Juliet, the Friar hesitates because their love emerges too sudden and too unadvised that it may end just as quick: These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which, as they kiss, consume (II, VI, l. 9-11). The Friar, in particular, questions Romeo’s temperament towards love. The love of Romeo to Rosaline shows that Romeo is fickle, superficial and immature towards love: Is Rosaline, that thou didst love so dear, So soon forsaken? Young men’s love then lies Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes (II, III, l. 70-72). Despite these misgivings, Friar Laurence chooses to marry ...

All Quiet On The Western Front
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... depend on each other so that they can make it through the war. The young soldiers play cards, smoke together and joke around together to pass time when they are not fighting. Their reactions towards dying friends show their love for one another. “Suddenly little Kropp throws his cigarette away, stamps on it savagely, and looking around him with a broken and distracted face, stammers “Damned sh*t, the damned sh*t!”” (page 18). Even after their good friend Kemmerich passes away, the circle of friends is able to pull together and get through it all. They have a deep love for each other. Some soldiers like Paul and Katczinsky even feel a father/son relationship with ...

Huckleberry Finn 5
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... He dislikes civilized ways because they are personally restrictive and hard. He is generally ignorant of book-learning, but he has a sharpness for understanding many issues. He is imaginative and clever, and has a sharp eye for detail, though he doesn't always understand everything he sees, or its significance. Huck is essentially a realist, he knows only what he sees and experiences. He doesn't have a great deal of faith in things he reads or hears. He must experiment to find out what is true and what isn't. In general then, Huck's attitude seems to be that if you let other people alone, they won't come around disturbing your peace and quiet. There doesn't s ...

"Shame": Ignorance Of Reality
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... proud of his money-making schemes, but he didn't realize the work he was doing was very degrading. Another example of Gregory's ignorance is his attitude towards the teacher. When he explained about his seat in the class, it gave me the impression that he was very proud of it. Gregory then talks about how he thought that the teacher loved him. It's a shame that he didn't realize everyone felt sorry for him. It was Gregory's ignorance that caused him to feel humility, but it was his teacher that made him realize it. As far as Gregory was concerned, the day of collection for the needy was his time to shine. In front of the whole class, including the g ...

To Work Or Not To Work?
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... my time in a more efficiently. This aspect of work is very important while attending college. Time can not be wasted and my work responsibilities motivate me to get more accomplished. Time management is key to make sure that all of the different aspects of college are taken care of. I have to study, do papers, and socialize. Socializing may not seem like an important aspect of school, but I think that it is valuable to meet different people and to become involved in school activities. While at work last semester, I met a lot of new people and learned how to work with others. At Rent Grow, I use communication skills while answering phones and speaking to ou ...

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