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Divine Comedy
Download This PaperWords: 1939 - Pages: 8

... the deadly peril of inordinate earthly pleasure masked by a self-fabricated visage of beauty and goodness, concurrently incorporating themes of unqualified repentance and realization of the true goodness of things divine. The Sirens are familiar literary characters from Greek mythology; they are most recognized as one of the many perils Odysseus encounters in Homer's Odyssey. As Circe explains to Odysseus before he sets out for home, "You will come first of all to the Sirens, who are enchanters / of all mankind and whoever comes their way…/ They sit in their meadow, but the beach before it is piled with boneheaps / of men now rotted away, and the skins shr ...

Honor Killings
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... descriptions and illustrations exactly what death in battle truly entails: the desolation, the devastation, the barbarity, and the terrible suffering. There is no honour whatsoever in military combat here. "Idomeneus stabbed Erymas in the mouth with the pitiless bronze, so that the brazen sperhead smashed its way clean through below the brain in an upward stroke, and the white bones splintered, and the teeth were shaken out with the stroke and both eyes filled up with blood, and gaping he blew a spray of blood through the nostrils and through his mouth, and death in a dark mist closed round about him. (16.345-350)" "Now Dekalion was struck in the arm, at a place ...

Great Expectations
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... In the novel "Great Expectation," Pip is a character who as a child become a wealthy person from a poor background family. As he grew up in a poor childhood, an opportunity came up for him to become rich and surely he took that opportunity from a secret benefactor which was Magwitch, Pip convict. Now being wealthy, Pip thought that it would bring him closer to the girl he loved, Estella. But it didn't. In return, he had more problems personally then before to face and wasn't enjoying his wealthy life. Wealth brought him to the path of broken love and change him because if Pip didn't take the job or opportunity to become rich at the Satis House where he first fell ...

Dress Code
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... under loose pants, hats, shirts and jackets. The cost of maintaining a stylish wardrobe can be expensive. Many families have more important things to spend their money on than the image of school children. The dress code may be a way to keep the costs of school down for those families. In some schools, there has even been fighting or stealing based on expensive sneakers or jewelry. There are many clothes in fashion for boys and girls which are not appropriate for school dress. Good taste and common sense should dictate parental and student choice of school clothes. The school will determine what is not appropriate dress, even if it conforms to current fashion. A ...

Autobiographical Assignment: My Grandfather
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... to work and leave their children at home. After they got married, my grandfather was a career man in the Air Force and my grandmother assumed the life of a military wife with multiple moves (Massachusetts, Hawaii, Wisconsin), and she stayed at home to raise their family. Once again, my grandfather went over seas in the Korean War (in the area of Persian Gulf) and left behind now two children with my grandmother. When he came back from the War, he and his family were stationed in Illinois then relocated to Ohio. In Ohio, my grandfather soon decided to retire. They diagnosed my grandfather with cancer in July 1960, and in November of that year he died at the a ...

The Scarlet Letter - Plant Ima
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... Chillingworth, remains evident throughout the novel. For example, when Chillingworth went to the forest to gather herbs he “dug up roots and plucked off twigs from the forest trees” (111) which symbolizes how Chillingworth was “plucking” the life out of Dimmesdale limb by limb. Also, Hawthorne describes grass as pure and without weeds to kill the grass; however, “when poor Mr. Dimmesdale was thinking of his grave, he questioned with himself whether the grass would ever grow on it, because an accursed thing must there be buried” (131). In addition, weeds symbolize secrecy and the impurity of society. During Chillingworth and Dimmesdale’s covert discussion about “the ...

City Of Ladies
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... readers. Christine was the first woman writer to possess the ability to identify and address the issues of misogyny in the literature of her time, as well as society. This characteristic made her a champion of the feminist movement that was yet to come. Although Christine never addressed the issue of "changing the structures of her society," her ability to identify misogyny during a time when it was a normal aspect of women’s lives, reveals the insight of the young woman. The beginning scene of The Book of the describes Christine looking at a book by Matheolus "When I held it open and saw from its title that it was by Matheolus, I smiled, for thoug ...

Pride And Perseverance
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... of a Slave Girl," and "The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass," each of these slaves overcame their struggle and came out on top. In "To My Old Master" it does seem as if Jourdon Anderson feels as if he owes his master something, but his instinct is not to go back. "I would rather stay here and starve and die if it comes to that than have my girls brought to shame by the violence and wickedness of their young masters (Young 16)." He and his family have made a better life for themselves. Jourdon has moved his family to another area of the country, his children are in school, his wife is involved with church and he has a decent job. In the memoir "In ...

The Allegory Of The Cave By Pl
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... as real are actually just shadows on a wall. Just as the escaped prisoner ascends into the light of the sun, we amass knowledge and ascend into the light of true reality: ideas in the mind. Yet, if someone goes into the light of the sun and beholds true reality and then proceeds to tell the other captives of the truth, they laugh at and ridicule the enlightened one, for the only reality they have ever known is a fuzzy shadow on a wall. They could not possibly comprehend another dimension without beholdin! g it themselves, therefore, they label the enlightened man mad. For instance, the exact thing happened to Charles Darwin. In 1837, Darwin was traveling aboard t ...

When Loss Is A Gain Bean Tree
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... it?”(p.179). She has now conquered over her situation and moves on to a new independent life. Turtle, Taylor’s step daughter, experiences a hurtful, meaningful loss of them all, her mother, but gains a new family. Even though she is a young child with a little mind of her own, she remembers the death of her true mother, “..Passed four cemeteries on the way to the Pottawatomie Presbyterian Church of St. Michael... and each on them Turtle called out, Mama.(215)” She gains maturity by sticking with Taylor learning from each other’s strength. Growing up with a different guardian looking over her, referring her as “Mama”, rea ...

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