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Essays on English

In The Skin Of The Lion
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... "rabbit fur", "papyrus textured", and "furred". Perhaps the most visual aspect of the moth imagery is that of the motion of the insects, which is used both as a description and a comparison. Moths appearing on the screen one night are described as those that "have seen this one lighted room and traveled towards it. A summer night's inquiry." (9). In the Garden of the Blind, Patrick observes the blind woman's remaining eye "darting", "moving with delight", "and alighting", all easily visualized. Later in the story, Carvaggio watches a woman in the boathouse. "In this light, and with all the small panes of glass around here, she was inside a diamond, mothlike on the ...

Treatment Of Inner Evil - Tell
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... of the narrator's defense proclaiming his sanity which was resounded even after killing the old man (Poe 6). The physical evil as inferred by the narrator, has been blamed upon a single eye belonging to old man. The eye "haunted" the narrator "day and night" which ran his "blood cold" whenever it looked at him (Poe 3). "It was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil Eye," (Poe 4). After the narrator's reinstatement of his aggravation, a new physical terror overcomes him. The beating of the old man's heart heightened the narrator's "fury" that excited him to "uncontrollable terror," (Poe 5). Not only does this old man have an evil eye, but an accursed h ...

The Crucible - Conscience
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... play. "…a minister is the Lord’s man in the parish; a minister is not to be so lightly crossed and contradicted" says Parris in Act One. Here it is established that theologically the minister, in this case, Parris, is supposed to be the ultimate decider of morality in Salem. The Church, in theocratic Massachusetts, defines conscience. Right and wrong is decided by authority, and the authority here is the Church. Law is based on the doctrines of the Church, and Salem is a theocracy. "For good purposes, even high purposes, the people of Salem developed a theocracy, a combine of state and religious power whose function was to keep the community together, and to pr ...

The Lottery: Symbolism
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... splintered showing that we cling to what is familiar rather than change and it also symbolizes the traditions of the community. No one in the little town questions the origin of the black box, but accept it as an intrical part of their lives. The lottery itself is symbolic of the paradox of the human psyche between compassion on one hand and the thirst for violence and cruelty on the other. An example of this is when the children are enjoying a break from school, playing and being children, and suddenly they are being joined by "rational" adults in stoning a mother to death. It appears that tradition has blinded these people in an irrational way, making them unabl ...

Battle Between Sexes Critical
Download This PaperWords: 1938 - Pages: 8

... bashing heads with the male-dominated and liking-it-that-way top brass over the appointment of Secretary of Defense and she decides it is a good time to get what she wants - an integrated fighting force. Blackmailed and certain that no woman would ever succeed, the brass agrees to a test case and Lieutenant O'Neil is sent on her way. Unaware that she is the political pawn of a "feminist" Senator, Jordan O'Neill agrees to become the first woman to train with the elite fighting force. If Jordan succeeds, then she will strike a blow for the idea of women in combat, but no one expects or even really wants her to succeed. Jordan, appearing as masculine as possible, brav ...

The Idea Of Freedom
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... an American is the freedom of religion. Our country was started with that idea as the Pilgrims came here to escape the religious persecution in England. Now, there are over 200 different variations of popular religions from around the world. Where else may an individual may “flip-off” another and then write a contemptible letter to the President without a blink of an eye by officials? In other countries, such actions could cause one's life to be lost by sun-up the next day. This is the rationalization of First Amendment tree-huggers who advocate any bend in the rules which would be otherwise a fair idea. As far as fair ideas go, until several years ago in Russi ...

Bartleby The Scrivener Essay
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... him because in his mind the only crime he has committed is being human. Another problem that haunts Bartleby is loneliness. By deciding not to work, he isolated himself from society just as much as society isolated themselves from Bartleby. Many readers interpret "Bartleby the Scrivener" from a psychological mindset. The short story is very vague as to the mental stability of Bartleby. It is necessary read between the lines to understand how lonely and 'down in the dumps' Bartleby is. Bartleby's aura has a psychological affect on his co-workers in his office as well. Bartleby's co-workers experience both distraction and frustration because of Bartleby's neg ...

Sonnet 130
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... the poet knows that he can not give her these offerings because the gifts that he is willing to give her are merely tokens of exaggerations and are listed to show his beloved that this is how much he wants her. Whereas in Sonnet 130, the poet is earnest and truthful in what he writes about his love. "I love to hear her speak, yet well I know that music hath a far more pleasing sound, yet, I think my love as rare as any she belied with false compare." This shows his honesty in speaking about his object of affection, yet he achieves the same sense of unconditional love that the poet in Marlowe’s poem tries to delineate without using embellishments. T ...

Women In The Odyssey
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... and mother. She is also independant and intelligent. Penelope's character is Homer's model of the ideal woman. She worries when her son Telemachos sails to locate his father and grieves over the absence of her husband. Many times throughout the poem Penelope cries herself to sleep, yearning for information of her husband's welfare. Even after nearly twenty years of absence, Penelope still praises of her husband. At any time Penelope could have married one of the suitors and provided a father figure for her son. This fact demonstrate Penelopes loylaty to her husband. . Standing before the suitors, Penelope announces that whoever among them can string the bow and ...

Book Report - Lies My Teacher
Download This PaperWords: 1424 - Pages: 6

... the harsh realities of our nations past. The United States has tried to maintain a positive image throughout history. Unfortunately, it has many skeletons in its closet that need to come out to heal this great nation on many levels. If the public at large new the real role of racism in our nations infancy and how men tried to pursue their way of thinking as opposed to what is good for the country they would be ashamed at what the United States has stood for in the past. Heroification is a degenerative process that makes people into heroes regardless of any type of character flaw they may possess. It appears that Mr. Loewen’s greatest concern about heroification does ...

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