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Mesmerism And The Enlightenmen
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... propsed and, throughout time, was used in politics, religion and even to just fiy vertical movement of non-Aristocratic, intellectual citizens. When Anton Mesmer came to Paris, he brought ideas of "invisible fluid" that flowed throughout our bodies. When the harmony of these fluids was disturbed, that is when people became ill. He believed that through electricity, baths and a trained "mesmeris," diseases, and all other troubles, could be cured. He likened his "animal electricity" or "animal magnatism" to that of gravity, fire, light and electricity, The system of complex theories put forth by Mesmer could be discussed at great lengths and, in time, they w ...

A Book Report On Jack Shaeffer
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... from Joe that the previous hand had been run off by Fletcher, the powerful and unscrupulous rancher vying for land with the homesteaders in the area. The trust Joe places in Shane helps to forge an uncommon bond of friendship between the two men, which inevitably embroils Shane in the escalating conflict. Several subplots lend added depth to the story. The most important involves the growing attraction Marian Starrett and Shane feel for each other, notwithstanding her deep love for Joe and Shane's loyalty toward him. In the end, however, it is Bob's unwavering love and admiration for Shane (and Shane's tender feeling for him) that is the heart of the story, as ...

Great Expectations Charcters G
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... person that the reader can no longer sympathize with. He begins to be caught up in the superficial aspects of life, such as material wealth and social status. The reader begins to scorn Pip's treatment to the man that was once his only friend in life, Joe. Pip does undergo a change of heart towards the end, and he becomes more likable. For the majority of the novel, Miss. Havisham remains constant. Her hatred towards men is easily visible. She manipulates people to her advantage without a thought to their heart and feelings. Her treatment of those around her stays very much the same until before her death, when she shows extreme remorse and pain for her actions. It ...

Huckleberry Finn 6
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... offense to that word doesn’t mean that we should just turn our heads and pretend that the word does not exist. Mark Twain did a very good job when writing this book, in terms of the dialect he used. During the period of time when this book was written, the “n-word” was part of their culture, where as the words “African American” and “black” are used today in our culture. If Mark Twain avoided the many racial slurs used during the late eighteen hundreds, the book would have lost some of the intellectual value which it possesses, not to mention the historical value of the era. Besides, if Mark Twain used alternate words, ...

Cyrano De Bergerac 2
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... Cyrano speaks with Roxane after speaking with Christian and finding out that Roxane has really fallen in love with him and not with Christian. While talking with Roxane, Christian sets out on a mission and dies. Cyrano never gets to tell her that it is really him that she has fallen in love with and it was he who wrote the letters because their conversation was interrupted when Christian is brought back dead. Not telling Roxane that it was him and not proclaiming his love to her then was Cyrano's tragic flaw and he suffered tremendously because of it. In this play Cyrano is also a hero. He is a hero because he helps many people includi ...

The Mortal Sin Of Pride
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... as a weakness of Fortunato and foreshadows the ideal that this deadly sin of pride may very well lead to the means of Forturnato’s own destruction. Fortunato Believes that his “connoisseurship in wine” (153) is far more developed and advance than anyone else in the area, especially Luchesi and Montresor. For example when Montresor offered to take his business to Luchesi because he, Fortunato, appeared to be pre-engaged in the enjoying himself within “the supreme madness of the carnival” (153); however, Fortunato replied with “ ‘Luchesi cannot tell Amontillado from Sherry’ ” (154). The reader may argue ...

Nine Guardians
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... a family, mental strain to the point of insanity and property damage, just as revolts before it. Death is caused by a revolting Indian, attempting to stop a “help letter” from arriving at it’s destination. Ernesto was the messenger and the indian killed him thinking it would send a strong message to Cesar that the Indians meant business and wanted their share of Chactajal. This show of lack of authority expresses their disrespect for Cesar and his family thus putting them lower than the Indians which humiliates the family name. The Indians also put so much strain on Matilde, mentally by way of introducing their dark ritualistic ideology to Francisca that Matilde go ...

A Tale Of Two Cities
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... footsteps" (198). These noises which she heard made her uneasy and she questioned her guests "They are veyr numetrous, and very loud, though, are tthey not?" (197). Lucie had been fearful of the safety of her guests on such a cautious night "I am quite glad you are at home, for these hurries and forebodings by which I haveen surrounded all day long have made me nervous without reason? (197). The fear within Lucie Manette on that tevening foreshadowed the threat of aa revolution. The footsteps are the first example of foreshadowing. Gaspard wrote outside of the winehsop with the spilled wine "blood," which is the second example of foreshadowing. " The fellow ...

Like A Winding Sheet
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... or even get a cup of coffee are frustrating. Walking steadily up and down the aisles pushing a cart day after day watching the women bicker among themselves seemed to make him tense. Johnson complains to his boss that his legs ache from being on them all day and he is not able to get enough rest to make his legs feel better. The hustle and bustle of trying to catch a long subway ride home was almost unbearable. As Johnson’s character develops throughout this short story, some key events push him to his limit and cause him to lose control. First, an incident with his white female boss, his so-called "forelady", in which she called him a "n ...

The Wierd Sisters In Macbeth
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... were. This made them mysterious and it appealed to his superstitious and imaginative nature. Macbeth drew closer. Then the witches called him Thane of Cawdor. This prediction was to gain Macbeth's faith for, soon after, Ross came by and gave him his title of Thane of Cawdor. Then, to set the first part of their plan in motion, they called him king. Macbeth appeared very perturbed at the mention of this because the only way he could be king would be if Duncan died. To think of such blasphemy was punishable by death. So he held his peace. Then, Ross came by and delivered the good news. Now the witches had Macbeth's trust. The important thing to realize is that the ...

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