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Essays on English

Langston Hughes
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... to Mexico and his mother was often away, Hughes was brought up in Lawrence, Kansas, by his grandmother Mary Langston. Her second husband (Hughes's grandfather) was a fierce abolitionist. She helped Hughes to see the cause of social justice. As a lonely child Hughes turned to reading and writing, publishing his first poems while in high school in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1921 he entered Columbia University, but left after an unhappy year. Even as he worked as a delivery man, a messmate on ships to Africa and Europe, a busboy, and a dishwasher, his poetry appeared regularly in such magazines as The Crisis (NAACP) and Opportunity (National Urban League).1 As a poet, Hugh ...

Love Lessons
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... of solitude. No matter how hard you try, you can’t keep yourself company for long. Before I met my first love, Michael, I was a wallflower. No one noticed me, or took the time to care about me. I coped with this by not taking the initiative to talk with people. I was introverted to an extreme. Michael helped me come out of my shell and yet, he did not push me. I was able to develop a part of me I had never gotten to explore before. I find it easier to say hello to a person on the street now, or tell a friend how I am really feeling, or share a joke with someone. In opening up, the loneliness as faded and it has been replaced by happiness. For most of my c ...

Alienation Paper Hemmingway
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... description for the characters. In most books, a mental image can be formed of the characters, but in Hemingway’s novels, the physical portion of the image is hard to form. Both of the books also seemed to lack closure and resolution at the end. The endings left the reader to believe that none of the events that occurred during the story had any effect on the characters. In both books, the characters went on living as they always had. Even with all the similarities in the two novels, there was plenty of room left for differences. The setting was one noticeable difference. In The Sun Also Rises, the setting changed a lot. It moved from country to country, and fro ...

The Rime Of The Ancient Marine
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... invoked by symbolist objects are commonly seen in r and Goblin Market. “At length did cross and Albatross, Thorough the fog it came; As if it had been a Christian soul, We hailed it in God’s name.” Lines 63-66 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner The significance of sighting the Albatross represents the first living creature the crew has seen, while stranded in the barren South Pole. When the Mariner shoots the bird, he is faced with judgements passed by his crewmates and natural obstacles that occur for minor periods, punishments passed by god are done mentally through the inability to pray and the death of his crewmates. “I looked ...

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... uses narration and description to catch the readers attention, making us feel the grandfather's state of emotions. Hence, in the beginning of the story, we first meet his granddaughter Lisa through his eyes that "travelled homewards along the road until his granddaughter swinging on the gate underneath a frangipani tree. Her hair fell down her back in a wave of sunlight ; and her long bare legs repeated the angles of the frangipani stems, bare, shinning brown stems among patterns of pale blossoms." We follow the movement of his eyes that see her as a shinning light that illuminates his life to which he is addicted. Moreover, Lessing's detailed descriptio ...

A Seprate Peace
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... Finny for being too perfect. Unfortunately for Finny, Gene succeeded. Finny's seeming perfection, his strong beliefs, and his ability to forgive trace his development throughout the novel. Finny's seeming perfection was the basis for Gene's resentment towards him. Gene thought that everything Finny did was perfect, which just upset Gene all the more. Finny was so perfect that he didn't care what others thought, like when Finny wore a pink shirt as an emblem after the bombing of central Europe. " '...Pink! It makes you look like a fairy!' 'Does it?' He used this preoccupied tone when he was thinking of something more interesting than what you had said." One time Fin ...

Book Review The Republican Exp
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... to the Republic that tried to succeed from February to June 1848 and then survive from June 1848 to January 1849, and were above all due to the ideal Republic defined and desired between 1949 and 1851 by the only true republicans of all the time, those who were in opposition. The textbook as compared to the book chosen was alike in many aspects. Not only did the two books contain a lot of information but also the book compared very similarly with the classroom notes. Many of the ideas that were briefly discussed in class were given in much more detail in the book. The book information really did not differ in the views that were depicted in the textbook. Bot ...

A Story From America
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... she manages to pronounce before she throws some papers on my desk. “Do you remember, when we were investigating Mrs Alpher’s apartment ?”. “Yes, what is it ?” I say, trying to find out what’s on her mind. “You see, until now we haven’t found anyone that possibly could have gone into Mrs Alpher’s apartment, without anyone noticing him or her”. “You’ve got a point there”, I responded, what was on her mind ? That blue dress certainly showed her fine curves, actually I coundn’t get her of my mind most of the time. “Well, her apartment lies on the corner of Main Street and ...

The Dark Half
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... evidence that a supernatural thing was happening to Thad, Pangborn did not believe him, because that is what a real person would do. They would be skeptical until they witnessed something themselves. Finally, he began to believe, but not until about three-quarters of the way through. Even then, he wasn't sure. Other similar things happened too. George Stark, the "villain" of the story, was Thad's penname come to life. Stephen King made that seem possible with his explanation that Thad had a brain tumor when he was a child. It was not, however, a normal brain tumor. The doctor removed an eye, some teeth, some fingernails, and parts of a nose. These piece ...

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... criticizes the fundamentalist Puritan characters, particularly Dimmesdale, by showing their hypocrisy and displaying the failures of Puritans and their form of a national morality. The treatment of the outcast Hester reveals Hawthorne’s desire to form a national morality founded on individual accountability and Transcendentalist beliefs. Before disclosing his notions and beliefs on national morality, Hawthorne begins his story, The Scarlet Letter, with a discussion of the Puritan state of Salem set in the 1600's. It is often problematic to discern Hawthorne’s views about Puritanism due to his ambiguity. He reveres the Puritan conviction and their ability to c ...

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