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Cyrano De Bergerac
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... with Christian and finding out that Roxane has really fallen in love with him and not with Christian. While talking with Roxane, Christian sets out on a mission and dies. Cyrano never gets to tell her that it is really him that she has fallen in love with and it was he who wrote the letters because their conversation was interrupted when Christian is brought back dead. Not telling Roxane that it was him and not proclaiming his love to her then was Cyrano's tragic flaw and he suffered tremendously because of it. In this play Cyrano is also a hero. He is a hero because he helps many people including the baker and Christian. He helps the baker fight one hu ...

The Transformation Of Nora2
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... talk. It really isn\'t her fault she is the way she is; it is mostly Torvald\'s for spoiling her. Nora relies on Torvald for everything, from movements to thoughts, much like a puppet that is dependent on its puppet master for all of its actions. Her carefree spirit and somewhat childish manners are shown throughout the play with statements from Torvald such as, \"Is that my little lark twittering out there?\" (1). \"Is it my little squirrel bustling about?\" (2). A lark is a happy, carefree bird, and if you are to squirrel away something, you are hiding or storing it, kind of like what Nora is doing with her bag of macaroons. It seems childish t ...

The Color Purple
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... the top or even get a chance to self-discover themselves. Self-discovery is important because it is intended to increase an individual's self-awareness, and help them to identify their own beliefs, skills, potentials, and talents. But when an individual is forced or destined to grow up in an atmosphere in which there doesn't exist a stable and firm family or environment, it will generally be hard for the individual to self-discover himself and succeeded in life. These kinds of individuals that grow up under these circumstances mainly suffer from depressions, sadness, and most importantly from low self-esteem. They suffer from low self-esteem because t ...

King Lear
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... and Lear whose nature is transformed by the realization of his folly and his descent into madness. The play begins with Lear, an old king ready for retirement, preparing to divide the kingdom among his three daughters. Lear has his daughters compete for their inheritance by judging who can proclaim their love for him in the grandest possible fashion. Cordelia finds that she is unable to show her love with mere words: "Cordelia. [Aside] What shall Cordelia speak? Love, and be silent." Act I, scene i, lines 63-64. Cordelia's nature is such that she is unable to engage in even so forgivable a deception as to satisfy an old king's vanity and pride, as we see agai ...

Analysis -compare And Contrast
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... But the cold hard fact is that we humans have this innate sense of optimism, which blocks our thinking for reality, because without it we would have no reason for living. In the case of the woman in the story "The necklace" the object being the necklace which she eventually loses and tries to replace. Instead of hiding the truth and facing the music, which was harder, to take than when she lied. The old adage which says," What a tangled web weave when we first start to deceive." We humans can't handle the truth. We think we know what is the truth. What that really is just bullshit. It's arrogance-playing tricks on our minds making us think we are in control of ...

Doll House
Download This PaperWords: 349 - Pages: 2

... from him. In Fact, Nora is child controlled by Torvald. That is obvious when Torvald reteaches her the tarantella. At that time,Nora pretends that she needs Torvald to teach her every move in order to relearn the dance.Torval ,reffering to Nora,says"But Nora dear,you look so exhausted.Have you practiced too hard?"(Act II,1596). She replies to him "No,I haven't practiced at all yet"(Act II,1596).Nora does that beacuse she does not want Torvald to find out about the money she borrowed from Krogstad. Another example that proves Toval's treating Nora as a child is that he does not trust her with money.He thinks that she will weaste the money on some child ...

Lord Byron's "Darkness": The Faithful But Fated Dog
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... first by claiming that it "was not all a dream". With these words an atmosphere of foreboding is created and heightened all the more by its contrast with the initial feeling. From this point forward, darkness and fear reign supreme. Such words as "wander", "rayless", and "pathless" are used to describe the stars and create a sense of despair and hopelessness. The word "extinguished" is used multiple times in describing both the sun and later for the loss of fire. Men first give "selfish prayer" and later cast their eyes downward with "curses". Both of these words portray the close ties to a religious setting or event. The most obvious of the religious ties ...

A Separate Peace 6
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... superiors; completely different then that of Finny’s personality. “Over your head? Pink! It makes you look like a fairy!” (909). Considering such, he envies Finny, because Finny can ‘get away with murder’ if he wanted to, and can stay out of trouble doing so. “Phineas could get away with anything. I couldn’t help envying him…a little” (909). Knowles shows how much jealousy Gene had over Finny’ s ability to stay out of trouble, no matter what he did. “This time he wasn’t going to get away with it.” (909). He would rather be in accordance to the rules and be on his best behavior ...

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... inexperienced with the chaotic game others called love. She seen her “friends”, one after another end up with broken hearts, but they eventually healed. She didn’t take their light-headed attitude when it came to love. She felt it was a privilege to gain the confidence of another, but she couldn’t risk falling in love. Nothing last forever and more pain in her life was not what she needed. She was afraid to try love, because she knew in the end there wouldn’t be anyone to pick up the broken pieces of her heart. Yet, she couldn’t help but fall in love. Her mind was racing and her heart was pounding. All her life she thought it would never happen. Until one da ...

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... means magical or mythical yet is represented by the character Iago. Iago is cunning, untrustworthy, selfish, and plotting. He uses these traits to his advantage by slowly planning his own triumph while watching the demise of others. It is this that is Iago's motivation. The ultimate defeat of good by the wrath of evil. Not only is it in his own nature of evil that he suceeds but also in the weaknesses of the other characters. Iago uses the weaknesses of Othello, specifically jealousy and his devotion to things as they seem, ...

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