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Battle Royal 2
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... let ‘em swoller you till they vomit or bust wide open”. In other words, his grandfather was telling him to conform to the white peoples way of life in order to get ahead. I believe that the story had a deeper meaning than the aforementioned one. I believe that if the reader were to take a deeper look into all of the symbolism in the story, one would find that the summation of all the symbolism is equal to not only the struggle of this black boy, but the struggle of blacks at the time in which the story takes place. I think that if one were to analyze the grandfathers dying words, one would find the view of most conformist black Americans. The ...

Analyzing The Creek
Download This PaperWords: 1821 - Pages: 7

... who he met just a week ago, in front of him. He knows that she is totally wrong for him, and that she is trouble in the making, but he cannot help but to think that maybe she is what he wants. Eve is everything that Dawson has never been; the whole concept of right versus wrong excites him to a certain extent, and now he has to make a decision between the two. He allows Eve to manipulate him into thinking and doing things that he normally would never do. When she gives him a copy of the PSAT, he jumps at the chance to bring his friends in on the "jewel." When the test turns up missing, he immediately blames his friends, but allows them to make the decision ...

Falstaff And King Lear
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... and most significant of the many sins that he makes in this play. By abdicating his throne to fuel his ego he is disrupts the great chain of being which states that the King must not challenge the position that God has given him. This undermining of God's authority results in chaos that tears apart Lear's world. (Williams) Leaving him, in the end, with nothing. Following this Lear begins to banish those around him that genuinely care for him as at this stage he cannot see beyond the mask that the evil wear. He banishes Kent, a loyal servant to Lear, and his youngest and previously most loved daughter Cordelia. (Nixon) This results in Lear surrounding himself with pe ...

A Separate Peace - A Journey T
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... He seemed to be studying at almost every free moment he had. On the other hand, Finny was a natural athlete and schoolwork was not his top priority. Their friendship perplexed the boys and the readers as no one could entirely understand what the attraction was. Even though it seemed like a strange and complicated friendship, Finny and Gene developed a strong bond. Unfortunately a strong bond could not withstand Gene's insecurities, as he faltered in Finny's unknown pressures of conforming. Another important theme is conformity. Conformity refers to the choices young people make regarding going along with the crowd and pursuing their own paths. They can either ...

Reaction To Of Mice And Men
Download This PaperWords: 418 - Pages: 2

... felt that if these totaly different people could get along and look out for each other, why can't we get along with people who are different than us. They made me realize that I could learn something from how to treat people who are differnt than me. What I also liked about it was the way they never stopped trying to reach their dream. This made me think that if they could work hard for there dream why can't I. It showed me that it does not matter were you come from or what you do, it is okay to dream and work as hard as you can to reach it. For all it shows for friendship and loyalty it also shows how sometimes you have to do thin ...

In The Skin Of The Lion
Download This PaperWords: 1039 - Pages: 4

... "rabbit fur", "papyrus textured", and "furred". Perhaps the most visual aspect of the moth imagery is that of the motion of the insects, which is used both as a description and a comparison. Moths appearing on the screen one night are described as those that "have seen this one lighted room and traveled towards it. A summer night's inquiry." (9). In the Garden of the Blind, Patrick observes the blind woman's remaining eye "darting", "moving with delight", "and alighting", all easily visualized. Later in the story, Carvaggio watches a woman in the boathouse. "In this light, and with all the small panes of glass around here, she was inside a diamond, mothlike on the ...

King Lear
Download This PaperWords: 1962 - Pages: 8

... responses best by saying, “Smiley is successful because she fills in so many of the gaps left open in the play. She gives us new and different perspectives” (Holstad 1). King Lear is a most unusual play in that it only deals with the present and neglects the past and the future. The reader is not informed about an earlier time period in the play. The play opens up with Lear immediately choosing to, “express our darker purpose” (I, i, 35). There is no mention of any of the three daughters’ childhood. In contrast, Smiley makes a point of adding description to her novel. She constantly describes the three girls’ childhood, their ancestors, and ot ...

The Aeneid
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... also represents the national destiny of Rome. Aeneas looks towards the future, towards Rome’s power over the known world. In the same way that the Promised Land was guaranteed to the Hebrews in the Old Testament, the Trojans’ Promised Land was guaranteed by fate. History is the guarantor. The theme of this work is that of how a nation came to be. Aeneas suffers a great deal. Emerging from this suffering, Aeneas will lead his people and conquer their new homeland. Aeneas has many obstacles that stand in his way. Juno hates the Trojans and wants to do everything in her power to prevent the Trojans from reaching Rome and Italy. Aeneas has inner obstacles as well. ...

The Dying Dreams
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... through the points of view, the imagery, and the life lessons of the two works. All My Sons denounces immorality more directly then Death of a Salesman. Joe Keller’s refusal to stop the shipment of cracked cylinder heads causes the deaths of innocent American soldiers. The grim reality is that he allowed the people who were defending him and fighting next to his sons to die, thus committing the ultimate sin of murder. In All My Sons Joe Keller immensely influences the lives of many outside his family while caring only about his own. By contrast, in Death of a Salesman Willy Lowman commits adultery, a rather minor sin when compared with murder. His influe ...

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... unfold yourself" (Fransisco - 1.1.2). These masks are upon each character, placed there by either society, self-ignorance, or guilt. Ophelia, Polonius' daughter and Hamlet's lover, hid behind a mask, just like Queen Gertrude's. It was, according to the society and the culture of the time, in the best interest of the woman to display a passive behavior for their personal preservation, which served as Gertrude's mask. Gertrude was brought up to believe that when a woman protests her innocence, in any matter, too much then people will begin to think otherwise. Gertrude revealed the idea of her mask, when responding to Hamlet inquiry of her likes to the play, her r ...

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