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Independence And Failure In Ma
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... side. The three together are very strong, but to stand they all must be united. The longer a marriage is held the longer the bottom stretches, and the more dependent each person becomes on the other. If one side tries to stand on its own then the second will fall on the first as it tries to stand. This metaphor also excellently exemplifies the catastrophe that occurs in Macbeth as both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth try to separate. Macbeth is a eighteenth century play written by William Shakespeare. Using these two metaphors, the breakdown in the relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth and between the king and the thanes and how they perfectly parallel each other ...

Does Romeo Behave Rashly While
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... Juliet is not sure if she wants to marry Paris but she will consider it while she gets to know him. In other parts of the play Juliet is quite rash and acts thoughtlessly and very quickly. One example of this is when she wakes up in the tomb and finds out the Romeo is dead. She refuses to listen to Friar Lawrence's pleas, to leave the tomb and come with him to a nunnery. Instead she tells him "Go, get thee hence, for I will not away." She tries to poison herself but there is none left. When she hears the watch coming she grabs Romeo's dagger and fatally stabs herself. Juliet is so upset she doesn't think and tries to poison herself instead of listening to the Friar, ...

Why We Are So Jaded
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... for the other. It is automatic to groan, or start laughing when too much gushy emotion is thrown at you through film or literature. This response stems from overexposure to such highs and our cynical view that nothing is ever perfect, and never will be. Such idealisms are ridiculed - for in our society such an optimistic view is going to be met with sarcasm, because the 'businessman's ethic' is predeminant. All this optimistic, picture perfect emotionally driven 'art' willn ot bring about success, or money, or power, things that are so superficially valued, so naturally that or thoses who exemplify it are going to be ridiculed. may be because of the value place ...

Arsenic And Old Lace
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... as they see nothing wrong with what they do, and make no attempt to hide it. Yet, the humor of the movie is when their nephew, Mortimer, finds the bodies, and is quite flustered to discover how his aunts treat it with such nonchalance. Humor is also found in the misunderstanding between Mortimer and his Brewster family. Throughout the entire movie, Mortimer finds himself ashamed of his Brewster name. He discovers that his aunts keep twelve bodies in the basement. Mortimer also receives a visit from his lunatic brother John, who, like his aunts, murders people. While Mortimer discovers more about his insane family, he still must deal with his brother Theodo ...

Analysis Of Abe Kobos The Red
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... researching his life and political stance might help to support or negate such an assumption. “The Red Cocoon” begins with a man walking down a street discussing with himself the problem of not having a house to go home to. The narrator, who is also the main character, jumps abruptly from topic to topic throughout the story, but this reoccuring theme of the lack of a house seems to be a central idea. As the narrator comtemplates, he wonders if he has just forgotten his house and proceeds to knock on the door of a random house to find out if this is what has happened. After he has explained his plight to the woman who answers the door, he begins a ...

An Example Of Good Writing: Zinsser's "Simplicity"
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... When Zinsser is proving this point in his essay he uses the example of the president of a major university writing a very unclear letter to state a problem the school was experiencing. Zinsser translates the letter to read the actual message that everyone can understand. The way Zinsser writes the essay it is easy to understand. He uses everyday words not dictionary words. No one wants to read an essay that every other word they have to stop and go look it up because they do not know the meaning. This causes the reader to become frustrated and they also tend to loose interest. There are too many other options presented to people today that already stray t ...

Count Of Monte Cristo
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... Perhaps the most important was jealousy. Fernand had a jealous temperament. In Chapter Three, Fernand asked Mercedes to marry him with these words, "Listen Mercedes, it's almost Easter again-- a good time for a wedding. Give me an answer!" Fernand burned with rage when Mercedes answered his plea with, "I love you like a brother, but never ask anything more of me because my heart belongs to someone else." This someone else just happened to be Edmond Dantes, the new captain of the Pharoan. From that point on, Fernand was very envious of Dantes. Fernand had done every thing in his power to capture Mercedes' heart and yet the one who held it was Edmond Dantes. This mad ...

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... truth in this world. Life is a play and everyone plays a part. "What foundations do we construct our realities and truths? We are what we make of the world through what we see in our eyes" (Saini 1). In other words, we believe what we see because we see it. "Blade Runner also predicts the likely of our future" (Timberman 3). Blade Runner offers a futuristic look of how Earth will be infested with drugs, sex, and violence. After every assignment, will Rick Deckard have empathy on androids and lose his touch in "retiring" them. In the novel, Rick Deckard differentiated an android with a human through an empathy test, also known as the Voight Kampff Test. The i ...

Hard Times 3
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... system when Mr.Gradgrind had presented Louisa with Mr.Bounderby’s proposal of marriage. Upon Louisa’s response, Mr.Gradgrind had inquired whether or not she might have had another proposal which he was unaware of: “You have never entertained in secret any other proposal”(79). This led to Louisa revealing how her fathers school of facts had not permitted her to explore with her own emotions : “Father...what other proposal can have been made to me? Whom have I seen? Where have I been? What are my hearts experiences” (79). Louisa continues on explaining that he should have known better than to ask such a question, considering she h ...

The Great Gatsby 2
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... norm, while the other characters such as Daisy, Tom, and Gatsby each represent another type of desire. This can be noticed throughout the whole novel. Daisy, who wants a man with money, charm, wit, good looks, Tom who wants cars money women, horses, boats, and Gatsby who wants Daisy, but who is willing to sacrifice anything for her. Furthermore, because Nick is the narrator one can consider the descriptions of different characters as filtered. Nick has a different perception of each character and therefor it is important to stress the different views on the different characters. The descriptions by Nick of the others are based on how they present themselves to pub ...

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