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Hills Like White Elephants: The Symbolism Of The Setting
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... in hotels, and seeing all the beautiful places in the world. They have no responsibilities or schedules in their life. With an abortion, they could continue their party- and fun-filled, although meaningless existence. The other side of the station is dry and barren of plantlife. The ground looks as if there has been no rain for quite some time. There are hills in the distance that have a whitish color as the sun radiates on them. The woman said, "They look like white elephants."(343) White elephants are known to symbolize unexpected gifts, which is certainly what the baby would be should they choose not to have the abortion. The barrenness of the land re ...

John Donne And Shakespeare
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... of the time. The sonnet is in the form of a love Sonnet. Although it mocks the conventional blazon it does not undermine the beauty of his mistress. Shakespeare tells us that he would love her even if “her breast were dun….” John Donne’s sonnet is quite personal as he is writing about his own beliefs but expressing publicly his views. Shakespeare’s sonnet is written for a wider audience as he is trying to get people to see his point of view. This is that the conventional blazon of the love sonnet is inaccurate and either ridiculous or impossible. The language used for each sonnet is both different and surprising. In Shakespeare’s sonnet the language i ...

Book Critique Of The Logic Of
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... a simple world but which have serious and disastrous consequences for the complex world we live in. The author gives plenty of examples in his book. He bases a lot of examples on his absorbing computer stimulation invention. According to the findings he made, he exposes us to the flaws we have in our ways of thinking. He uses various examples: Why did the Aswan Dam planners who induced the cheap electricity to Egypt not realize that they would at the same time halt the annual floods that for a millennium had kept the Nile fruitful and fertile? Or why did planners of Third World health programs not realize that increased life expectancy requires increased food? ...

Comparison And Contrast Of Mac
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... Through their many similarities and differences, MacBeth and Kurtz prove to be characters filled with evilness, and upon a closer examination, the differing degrees of that evilness are seen. Both MacBeth and Kurtz’s initial actions are dominated by ambition. MacBeth chooses to overthrow King Duncan for the sole purpose of his own political gain. He even admits that he "[has] no spur/ To prick the sides of [his] intent, but only/ Vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself/ And falls on th’other" (Act I, sc. 7). Despite many other good reasons for overthrowing a king, such as for the good of the state or if the king is infringing on the people’s rights, MacBet ...

Hamlets Friendships
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... character. He is asked by the officers to speak to the spirit because he is a most educated scholar and the only one among them qualified to speak in such an intimidating situation. This demonstrates the respect shown to Horatio, although he is a nobleman. Horatio establishes his bravery during the opening scene by questioning the ghost. His actions demand respect. Rosencratz and Guildenstern are introduced to the audience during the second scene of the second act. Hamlet went to school with both Rosencratz and Guildenstern. The first encounter that Hamlet has with Rosencratz and Guildenstern is very significant. Hamlet greets the two by referring to them a ...

The Symbolism Of The Crow
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... a crow to the aquatic world, to bring back water, there the crow discovered a fig tree, whose fruits were not ripe yet, so he waited near the tree to eat ripe figs instead of accomplishing his task he was punished for his disobedience and egotism; Apollo placed him in the constellations, but the hydra prevented him from drinking from the cup ; he is condemned to thirst.(ASCAR American Society for Crows and Raven) In the Bible, the crow is sent by Noah to search earth for signs of life after the flood, But the crow never came back to tell Noah what he found, so he is considered selfish. Saint Goldwin thought that in Paradise, the crows had multicolored wings, but ...

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... men who rule by power so gentle that it passes as a lovable weakness." Thus, the author shows that Biddlebaum is alienated through confusion because he is so "gentle" and "weak". In further descriptions of Biddlebaum, the narrator states that Biddlebaum "did not understand what had happened" when he was disoriented by fear, but felt "that his were to blame" after he was driven from Pennsylvania." Biddlebaum's confusion and isolates him from his environment, to his detriment. Anderson also explores Biddlebaum's fear of his . "For a moment he stood thus rubbing his together and looking up and down the road, and then fear overcoming him, ran back to wal ...

Friedrich Nietzche
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... was it was well suited to his nature. It seemed as if Schopenhauer were addressing me personally. I felt his enthusiasm, and seemed to see him before me. Every line cried aloud for renunciation, denial, and resignation. -Nietzsche Nietzche was conscripted into the military at the age of 23. While he had hoped to avoid the draft, he had no such luck. He was not destined to be in the military however, soon falling from a horse. Nietzsche’s shoulder and chest were injured, possibly torn muscles, and he was released from service having not yet complete training. Curiously, Nietzsche continued to idealize the military and its orderly way of life despite not wanti ...

White Fang
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... stories and novels ultimately refers to the bible and religious history. In most, if not all stories have the relationship between good and evil – heaven and hell. Whether implied or not by Jack London, is full of many interesting biblical symbols. The character Beauty Smith, for instance very simply put symbolizes Satan. This man, this creature so vile as to subdue yet another victim () into his ever-growing underground slavery prison camps. The greed for money and profit is the only need for this "prison camp"; the dog-fighting gambling is their prison cell. A comparison between the bulldog Cherokee and death itself can be made. Once death ha ...

Antigone 7
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... honored because she did not deny her actions of burying her brother when she knew that the law said not to. We ran and took her at once. She was not afraid, Not even when we charged her with what she had done. She denied nothing. Creon. And you, Antigone, You with your head hanging- do you confess this thing? Antigone. I do. I deny nothing. -pg. 502, lines 43-52 She didn't lie to get her out of trouble nor blame her accused actions on someone else. I think that this would show and tell people not to be afraid to say or do what you think is right. Antigone would be a good role model for many people. She wanted to do the right thing for her dead brother. ...

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