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Essays on Medicine

FGM: Female Genital Mutilation
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... that believe enough in something to base their entire life around it, there is nothing you can do or say that will get them to change; it would be like talking to a wall. They will only change when the people themselves that live by these traditions get fed up with all the side-effects caused by the practice of FGM. It is every person and community's right to decide for themselves, without the intervention of outsiders, to decide to do whatever they want to do to their bodies and minds. I know, "these women that are being circumcised, aren't freely deciding on this to be done to them, they don't know any better, they've been brainwashed". I have two response ...

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... brighter. The world needs everyone’s power and contribution. It’s the power and energy of the elderly, and the strength and will of the ill that give the world life. All of us no matter how good we take care of ourselves, exercise, or eat our vegetables, are going to die. We cannot escape this. As our population grows in this country the issue of will continue to be debated. "In 1995 two lawsuits were filed in New York and Washington State by a handful of terminally ill people and doctors claiming that the state laws that made assisting in suicide a criminal offense were unconstitutional.” What most people find troubling is how to define whom is terminally ill ...

Reversing The Aging Process, Should We?
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... lifetimes (Kruger). Mankind is using the discovery of DNA as an opportunity to play G-d by changing the aging process. Man has a natural tendency to play the role of G-d. Man has a an inherent need to affect others, be it through the vises of war, power, manipulation or politics. However man’s natural tendency to play G-d has reached it’s final manifestation. By attempting to slow down the aging process man is using himself as the ultimate canvas, to play the role of the omnipotent. Research into the process of aging began in 1961(Rose, Technology Review:64). Since then a great deal of time, money and effort have been appropriated into discovering the ca ...

Prenatal Diagnosis
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... inserting a thin flexible tube through the woman's vagina and cervix, into the early placenta. A small sample of chorionic villi is removed and taken for laboratory testing. The chorionic villi has the same genetic makeup as the fetus because it is of fetal origin. Chorionic villus sampling will detect up to 99% of chromosome abnormalities. Some follow-up ultrasounds are recommended at 16 weeks of pregnancy. The amount of risk is the same as in amniocentesis. Amniocentesis Amniocentesis is performed at 15-20 weeks of pregnancy. It will detect chromosome abnormalities and other certain genetic disorders. This test can detect up to 95% of neural tube disorders such ...

Creatine Supplements And Athletes
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... Athletes ranging from high school to the Olympics have reported tremendous improvements in anaerobic events and gains of fat-free mass from creatine supplementation. Creatine supplementation works in the real world. With the overwhelming evidence from theory to application, creatine supplementation does improve body composition and athletic performance. Creatine is derived from the amino acids arginine, glycine and methionine. It can be produced in your liver, pancreas and kidneys or can be obtained from a diet rich in meat or fish (2.2 pounds of meat contains approximately 5 grams of creatine). Ingesting creatine increase the amounts of free creatine and ...

The Influence Of Ecstasy On The Youth
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... of class or ethnic background. Raves are non-elitist, and are primarily for the working class. This makes Raves quit different from all other postmodern sub-cultures. The legalization of a Rave has not prevented the illegal taking of the drugs. This means that there are a lot of young people indulging in Rave culture and recreational drug taking every weekend. Rave has provided an environment where drugs like ecstasy are socially acceptable. Rave like other cult is self-stupefying and refuses to question the taking of the drugs affecting its continual and successful existence. “Recreational drug users often see only benefits only from drug use and at thi ...

A Definitive Argument On Euthanasia
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... have their merit, but Rachel’s article is a much more effective argument than McCurdy’s article, due to the fact that he supports his allegations with facts and ethical statements, and his use of ethos, logos, and pathos give his argument strength and ethical merit. One of the biggest debates surrounding active euthanasia is its moral ethics. Doctors feel that “the intentional termination of the life of one human being by another—mercy killing—is contrary to that which the medical professions stands…” (Rachel, 473) and to commit such an act would be sacrilegious. However, as Rachel points out, a strong case can be made against this philosophy. In an example g ...

Human Nutrition
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... depresses metabolism with mental and physically lethargy. Depression is a complex illness with many facets of which mood is only one. Depression is a form of mental illness which a person experiences great sadness and despair in one. Depression can also be considered as self-destructive hatred, blaming oneself for being full of helpfulness. Depression can also be used to describe the blues a person may feel from time to time. Depressive disorders are at the present the highest-ranking problems in America. A variety of medical conditions can cause and lead to depression. A depressive disorder is a "whole body" illness involving your body, mood and thoughts. ...

Muscle Growth
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... to look better, feel better, and perform everyday tasks such as walking to the car, and getting out of bed easier. A person who is in shape will also sleep better then an out of shape person, and feel more revitalized in the morning. Muscles account for approximently 35% of the body weight in women, and about 45% of the body weight in men. With over 600 muscles covering the human skeleton muscles give the body bulk and form. Then human body contains millions of muscle fibres whose coordinated contraction cause the whole muscle to contract. Muscles are the foundation on which our bodies are built. Without muscles our bodies could not perform the simplest tasks ...

No One Can Prepare Themselves For A Sudden Death
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... or recreation. Experts say parents can best help a child though the grieving process by waiting until the child is ready to talk about the loss. Children can often pick of visual clues from they parents. *** Stages of grief .*** Young children may not see death as “real." This is conformed by cartoon characters who “die” and “come back to life” again. Children ages five and under may be filled with questions about what death is, how it happens, and why it happens. These questions are part of a young child's grieving process. The questions of whether a young child should be allowed to attend the funeral and what he should or shouldn't see- has seen much ...

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