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Essays on Medicine

Faith Healing
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... origins of . The first spiritual healer in the Christian faith was Jesus Christ the son of God. Jesus spent 2/3’s of his time healing the sick. In Matthew 20:29-34, we see Jesus cure two blind men. The bible says "Two blind men were sitting by the side of the road and heard Jesus going by they shouted, 'lord have mercy on us'…Jesus felt sorry for the blind men and touched their eyes. At once they could see"(Lucado). Jesus healed to prove that he was the son of God. He healed to show people true miracles, healed to show people that God was real. By showing people concrete evidence of God’s existence and power, Jesus was able to gain many followers. Since t ...

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... Everyone will eventually die, so why doesn't every one just kill themselves now? It is because there are things they want to do and see, there is life they still have yet to experience. The same thing is true for a terminably ill person, they could do alot in that six months. They write an autobiography or a novel, do a lot of reading or traveling, who knows? It has been said that trials and pain make us stronger. Even if someone is in pain, that pain could make them mentally stronger than if they give up and take the easy way out. Life is pain, everyone goes through pain in their lives, but most stick it out to the end, not giving up taking the easy way out. ...

Dietary Supplements
Download This PaperWords: 463 - Pages: 2

... supplement debate and its implications for marketers, consumers, and policy makers. Supplements are not required by the FDA to have premarket approval or safety testing, as are necessary for new drugs and food additives. For example, prior to release, a new drug must obtain FDA drug approval through an extensive process that involves preclinical testing on animals, three phases of investigational new drug testing, a new drug application review, and postmarketing surveillance research. Conversely, product testing is not required for any supplement with ingredients that have been present in the food supply prior to October 15, 1994, or that have a history of use or o ...

Christian Science
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... use of the healing powers of God through the scriptures. “Science and Health with Key to Scriptures” states that, as there is a natural law that governs the universe, there is also a spiritual law that was established by God that is witnessed through Jesus Christ's healing of the sick. Christian Science healing comes through scientific prayer, or spiritual communion with God. Prayer is used to recognize “a patient's direct access to God's love through the consistent operation of God's law of health and wholeness on his behalf. It knows God, or divine Mind, as the only healer. It brings the transforming action of Christ, the idea of divine Love, to the patient's cons ...

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... isolating and growing bacteria. Scientists tried developing drugs that could kill microbes, but they proved to be either dangerous or ineffective. In 1928 there was a discovery by Alexander Fleming. He detected that a substance he called "penicillin" destroyed bacteria. Then in the late 1930's, two British scientists invented a method of extracting penicillin from the mold. This was the start of developing new drugs to treat diseases and bacteria. Over the years, numerous thousands of antibiotic material have been found in nature as well as produced chemically but, there are few that are safe and useful. However the ones that are safe and effective have saved ma ...

The Flu
Download This PaperWords: 1887 - Pages: 7

... on December 14, 1998. We used our questionnaires, the Internet, and the Matanuska-Susitna College Library to gather data on the public's knowledge of the flu and the flu shot. We then tabulated that information to show the publics' knowledge of the flu and the flu shot. Using our Internet research and the data we gathered from our questionnaire, we learned some of the myths people generally believe about the flu and the flu shot. During the course of our research we learned ways to educate the public to eliminate those beliefs. We have gathered seven resources with information pertaining to the flu and the flu shot. Two articles came from journals of ...

Different Life Crises Have Different Impacts
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... the elderly population faces, notably the loss of a spouse or companion, retirement, and contending with a terminal illness. Through examining the latter crises and their potential to influence the health of an elderly individual, I expect to learn of means by which the elderly may give way to in order not to become overwhelmed with the changes. . In many cases, however, it may be possible to anticipate crises and prepare for them. It may also be useful to recognize the impact of crises that have occurred so that one can take account of them appropriately. Holmes and Rahe with the Social Readjustment Scale have done some very interesting work in this area. This ...

If Saccharin Is Safe, Why Does It Require A Warning Label?
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... after working with some chemicals in the lab. Through taste tests back at his laboratory he found the source of the sweetness was saccharin. A process for synthesizing saccharin was soon created, and commercial production of saccharin began in 1900 (Beck). Saccharin is an accepted replacement for cane sugar, and is now the most widely used sweetener in the world. This fact is alarming because although the mild carcinogenic has been deemed safe for human consumption, several studies have linked the chemical to bladder cancer. If the chemical were truly safe, it would not require a warning label on products that contain it. Despite the fact that the United States ...

The Human Heart
Download This PaperWords: 526 - Pages: 2

... processes. It also helps to maintain a consistent body temperature, circulate hormones, and flight infections. The brain cells are very dependent on a constant supply of oxygen. If the circulation to the brain is stopped, death ensues shortly. Since heart attacks are the number-one cause of death in the United States, the heart gets a great deal of attention. The heart's wall has three parts, Muscle tissue, or myocardium, is the middle layer. The inner layer, or endocardium, that lines the inside of the heart muscle consists of a thin layer of endothelial tissue overlying a thin layer of vascularized connective tissue. The outside of the heart, the epicardi ...

Legalization Of Marijuana For Medicinal Purposes
Download This PaperWords: 1084 - Pages: 4

... today. Marijuana is a natural drug that is a product of the hemp plant. The leaves and flowering top of this plant are usually dried and then smoked or eaten. It causes a state of relaxation and does not produce hyperactivity or impair vision like other drugs, such as, cocaine or methanfedamines. Marijuana as opposed to cocaine and methanfedamines is not addictive. Cocaine and methanfedamines are however legal for specific medical uses. When marijuana is mentioned in emergency room episodes, it is only in conjunction with other drugs. This is because marijuana can not induce overdoses like other, more harmful drugs. Harvard psychiatrist Lester Grinspoon desc ...

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