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Barney The Hitler Of My Generation
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... a fat purple dinosaur named Barney, and a dragon sidekick named Baby Bop for her two years old son(Tolentino 2). Thus, the Barney phenomenon was born. Conceived as a show that would help little children celebrate childhood and understand the complex business of growing up in a world where sixth graders carry guns to school, Barney & Friends has achieved a cult-like following among toddlers who swear upon their mother's graves that he is God himself. Barney has become a marketing win-fall. With an international fan club of more than six hundred thousand and video sales that outnumber copies of Cannonball Run and Playboy's Lingerie Video combined, Barney is slowly t ...

Pride -- (war Essay) --
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... I ordered everyone into the base and commanded them to set up camp. We would sleep here, in our place of victory. I figured it was safe enough, the fires had burned themselves out hours ago, and the winds were kept out by the remaining sections of the wall. Near one o'clock that morning, I awoke to the sound of machine-gun fire. They struck while we slept in our assumed safety and woke us with gunfire. I was on my feet in an instant reaching for my 9mm pistol and barking out orders. It was then, in the middle of the rubble that I had realized my folly. A huge metal door lay open, the hole in the ground that it had been capping gaped open, ready to either claim ...

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... that last day of Socrates' life. On that last day of his life, Socrates made a quite powerful claim.  He claimed that philosophy was merely practice for getting used to death and dying. At first, the connection between philosophy and death is not clear. However, as we unravel Socrates' argument backing up his claim, the statement makes a lot of sense. In order for Philosophers to examine their world accurately and learn the truth accurately, they must remove them selves of all distractions.  These not only include physical distractions, but they include mental distractions and bodily distractions as well. Philosophers must get used to viewing and examinin ...

"Violence In Schools"
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... possibly occur on what's seems to be a regular basis. Teenagers today have developed a unique way of handling their spare time. Since they have access to tons of reading's and internet material about anything they want to know, it is not that hard to accumulate enough information to destroy a whole city or even a state (or the world). They pick a certain topic of interest, gather up enough information and then go out on their days of "Destruction and Murder". I think most kids are pushed by peer pressure because maybe they are not very liked and picked on a lot and just burst. That is still no excuse to destroy the people who mean so much to someone out there. It's ...

The Causes Of American Revolut
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... are both precipitating and underline causes for the revolution. The precipitating causes are the dramatic change in the circumstances like the end of the Seven-Year War (1754-1763) against the French and Indians. From this day this two groups were not a threat anymore. However, the colonists had to pay for the war England had fought and almost immediately the Parliament started levying taxes over the colonies. The colonists perceived a dramatic treat to their liberties coming from the English monarchy, a perceived for uncheck power. They agreed to pay taxes if they had a representation in the Parliament. The underline cause of the revolution was the increa ...

Leadership, Citizenship, Commu
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... a good citizen means obeying the laws of the community you live in and enforcing them to a certain degree as well. The use of drugs is illegal nation wide and so a leader is not setting the proper example or being a good citizen if he or she participates in the use, sale, or is associated with drugs. A leader should not order or tell his subordinates to do anything in which he can not do or does himself. If a leader explains the hazards of drug use and why not to use or be associated with them he should follow his or her advice. This leads right into how to communicate with ones subordinates on how not to and why not to use drugs. When a presenting some ...

Cultural Diversity
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... about 5 percent of the enrollment, and international student enrollment have also maintained a fair 4 percent. The University of Tennessee at Knoxville should recognize the dynamic interaction of communities and cultures that comprise contemporary America, as well as the world. Reflecting on this interaction, the university should change its curriculum and campus environment because campus climates ultimately influence the effectiveness of a diverse democracy and, therefore builds a mutually respectfully community. There could be reasonable objections to diversifying the campus here at UT, but the major philosophy is to expand our knowledge of other cultures ...

Business In Canada
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... that wealth is insignificant compared to the rewards of knowledge. There is an abudance of positions available to Canadians that cannot be completed by computers (at least, for the time being) and therefore, our standard of living and quality of life will not be depleted. Technology will either be the blessing or curse for society in the future, and depending on the position of our government, will we be able to make sure that our standard of living does not decrease. The deficit poses a severe problem in a country littered will such vast natural resources and a high education level in its populace. The presence of inflation in the cost of goods will not profit priv ...

Natural Fiber - Natural Color
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... short-fibered colored cotton was displaced by longer fibered white cotton. As the white variety grew in popularity, colored cotton nearly isappeared, kept alive only by the hand-spinners. That is, until Sally Fox found a forgotten bag of brown cotton seeds in 1982. Pursuing her lifetime dream and her love for the environment, Sally Fox began to investigate the possibilities of creating commercially viable long-fibered colored cotton. Realizing the potential importance of colored cotton as an alternative to using solvent-based dyes, she was determined to succeed in producing a marketable fashion raw material. The final result was Fox Fiber®, a strong long-fib ...

Download This PaperWords: 1850 - Pages: 7

... therefore taking advantage of the young trainee’s mistake by gaining extra food and a whole handful of spare change. Below is the definition of ‘’ from the Macquarie Encyclopaedic Dictionary: “Honest: 1. Honourable in principles, intentions and actions; upright, as in an honest person 2. Showing uprightness and fairness, as in an honest method 3. Acquired fairly, as in honest money 4. Open; sincere, as in an honest face 5. Genuine or unadulterated, as in honest commodities 6. Truthful; creditable; candid” Therefore, one can, by reading the definition above, assume the definition of ‘honest’ to be fair, truthful, trustworthy, earned fairly. Another examp ...

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