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Ben & Jerrys 2
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... and can careless about social issues, unless it in the long run will help make more money. Ben & Jerry's seem sincere to want to make a noticeable difference in the world. The Ben & Jerry's foundation, established in 1985, receives 7.5 percent of the company's yearly pretax profits, which is donated to charities. Ben & Jerry's has two bottom lines: one is profit and, the other is "how much the company contributed to the quality of life." The Peace Pop and Ice Cream bar on a stick was packaged with a message saying, "One Percent for Peace" and, donated one percent of the profits for peace efforts. They also used their ice cream shops for voter registration sign ...

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... It is important to understand these theories and their implications to accurately comment on reinforcement theories of motivation. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, there are five classes: (1) physiological, (2) safety, (3) social, (4) esteem, and (5) self-actualization. Each lower level need must be satisfied before an individual experiences higher level needs. Also, Maslow hypothesized that as physiological, safety, social, and esteem needs were satisfied, they ceased to motivate, while the self-actualization needs actually motivate an individual more as they are satisfied (Schwab, 1978: 57). Herzberg used this theory as a base to build his motivation-h ...

Tropical Africa: Food Production And The Inquiry Model
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... However, there is much less rainfall towards the outer edges of the rain belt. Periodic and unpredictable droughts are a characteristic feature of these border zones. There are three climatic zones in Tropical Africa: 1. a region of persistent rain at and near the Equator, 2. a region on each side of this of summer rain and winter drought, and 3. a region at the northern and southern edges afflicted by drought. All the climates listed in the previous paragraph are modified in the eastern parts of Tropical Africa by the mountains and monsoons. The soils of Tropical Africa pose another problem. They are ...

Interlingua Is Doomed
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... brake saying, no, it must be a new constructed language everyone learns from scratch, because if we use an already existing natural language, all its native speakers would form an elite. The fact that the Interlingua enthusiasts normally excel in the very constructed language they advocate does not seem to strike them as unfair at all. Not that the people of this planet have ever managed to fully agree on anything, but let us just suppose that the world was to reform and decide to teach its citizens an all new language. The nations that would learn it the quickest would of course be the industrialized countries with the resources for good public education, inciden ...

Sleep Deprivation
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... our knowledge that optimal sleep is 9 hours, we are asking that 16-year-olds go to bed at 9 p.m. Rare is the teenager of the 1990’s who will keep such a schedule. B. Sleep deprivation results in reduced academic achievement. Ronald Dahl (Prof., Psychiatry, U. Pittsburgh Medical Center Jan 99 356 “The most obvious and direct effect of inadequate sleep is a feeling of sleepiness. Sleepiness is most problematic during periods of low stimulation, such as the classroom, when reading or driving, or when doing repetitive activities. Highly stimulating activities – particularly those involving physical activity or emotional arousal – c ...

I And Ii Thessalonians
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... text and style of II Thessalonians can be compared to it. If things such as vocabulary and style differ between the two, it shows that Paul may not have written II Thessalonians. An example of this is noticeable in II Thessalonians 1:3 and 2:13. The verses have the phrase, "we must always give thanks to God for you, brothers and sisters…" (NRSV) which cannot be found in any other works by Paul and they seem to be uncharacteristic of him. The phrase, "shaken in mind", is in 2:2 (NRSV) and is another example of something that is not in any other part of Paul's writings. The style of II Thessalonians seems different than Paul’s usual means or writin ...

The Running Of The Bulls
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... Fermin" which reaches down from the heaven to the rescue of a runner who gets into trouble. This celestial "hand" somehow diverts the beast's attention and saves the threatened runner. Here, the runners who are bunched up in a disordered pack, chant a homily to the saint to entreat his protection just before the bulls are let loose from the pen. "Of San Fermin we ask, as our protector, to bless us and safely guide us in this run." Before the race begins, chaos is formed. People are up and about as early as 6:30, trying to find that perfect seat for the viewing of the bull run. The race starts at exactly 8:00 am every morning during the annual festivals tha ...

Instructional Design
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... the more you know your audience, both customer and learners, the more successful the program will be. There are several need assessment models to follow, but I will use ˇ§The Zemke-Kramlinger Model of the Major Human and Organizational Factors that Affect People Performance in an Organizationˇ¨. Their model asks hard questions in three different categories: Performer Skills „h What Abilities „h What Skill Level „h Job Knowledge „h Objective „h Needs Company Support „h Objective „h Expectations „h Reward „h Punishment „h Feedback „h Support Corporate Culture „h History „h Mission „h Goals „h Strategy „h Tactics „h Plans Without this ...

Evolution Of Women’s Underwear
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... corset there were some things kept hidden. It is said that breast piercing was a quick little trend in the 1890s. Piercing was done to improve the bust line by making it curve more. “By the end of the nineteenth century skirts still trailed on the ground at times, corsets were still too tight, but there were no more freak fashions and the Edwardian fashionable woman was not the model for others to seek to follow…” (Ewing, 137). As years went on underwear changed. Between the years 1990-1910, underwear had a face-lift. Cotton underwear was now a thing of the past, and silk and other products took over. Now the corsets and slips weren’t only used for looks on t ...

Without Men
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... become domestic housewives who stay at home to cook, clean, care for the children, and serve their husbands. However, they are given more choices and opportunities, and are becoming more independent. From the time of the women's movement, women have proven to society that they are just as capable and qualify for the same roles that men perform. Since they have been given more educational opportunities, they have also proven that they are just as competent by accomplishing the same educational level as men. They also proved that they are capable of performing the same kinds of work that men have traditionally done. They have forced society to modify job titles ...

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